crdav13 Member


  • I like the Kashi pita crisps. I looked for crackers for the same reason as you, to eat with tuna. After looking at the labels in the grocery store these had the best stats. With my tuna I eat the original 7 grain and for 11 crisps its 120 calories with 5 grams of fiber and 3 grams of protein but I also like the zesty ones…
    in Crackers Comment by crdav13 April 2012
  • CW - 138 CW - 125-130 I need to take my measurements, my problem is that I carry my weight in my middle :( Anyone else like that?
  • I'm small framed and would like to be between 125-130.
  • I went to a nutritionist and she has me eating at least 90-100 grams of protein (my exerscise varies but includes cardio, yoga, and weights). Some things I have done to up my protein - 2 servings of Kashi cereal and 1 cup of milk (had this for breakfast and that alone is 27 grams), edamame, string cheese, greek yogurt,…
  • Quinoa, shrimp, and veggies...yum! Another option is quinoa, shrimp, avocado and spinach that way you don't have to worry about heating it up. Packets of tuna salad with Kashi pita crisps, whole wheat pasta with ground turkey and veggies....these are things I've been bringing in to the office for lunch. I also keep think…
  • So I'm 5'7, 140 lbs with a goal weight of somewhere between 125-130. I went to a nutritionist and this was some of her advice - protein at least 90-100 grams, fiber at least 25 grams, and fat - no more then 40. I was eating peanut butter and english muffins for breakfast and she actually said peanut butter is ok, but not…
  • This is totally me and I finally went to see a nutritionist over the weekend because I was so sick of working out and not seeing results! I'm only on day 1 of my plan but the things she told me make sense so I'll give it a try. She didn't really change my calories but did have me change my nutrients - lower the grams of…
  • Hello There! I am 5' 7", medium sized frame, 30yo and I started at about 150/155 and got down to 125. At that weight, a lot of people said it looked way too thin and I agreed after staying that weight for a month or so. I got back up to 130 and now I am just toning. :). See what works for you and where you feel healthiest.…
  • I'm 5'7 and currently at 140. I would like to get down to 125-130 but I seem to be stuck between 137-141! :( For those who are around the same weight/goal - what do you have your calorie goal set to and how often do you workout?
  • Honestly, a lot of it depends on where you shop as well. I'm 5'7 ,137 right now, with a small frame and sadly no hips or booty. In certain stores I can actually fit into a size 0 or other stores I'm a 6 or an 8. It really depends on the fit of the clothing as well as the store. Although if you do want to feel good…
  • Thanks everyone for the suggestions, I've been pursing the menu on and off all day and it seems like everything has the word "rich" in the description which to me = cream! I'll take another look...or just eat half and hit the gym before dinner! :)
  • I'm 5'7 - highest weight I can remember was 146, currently 137, trying to get to 125-129.
  • Think Thin - I've tried all the flavors and White Chocolate is my favorite!
  • From Chicago and my suggestion would be to head east a couple blocks up to the lake and run on the path south. It's a little less congested and can run up to Soldier Field/Field Museum. If you head north it tends to get a little more crowded but you will run past Navy Pier and the beaches which is also pretty.
  • I naturally eat SUPER SLOW, I'm always the last one done eating. It's never been on purpose but I guess it has helped me. I always put my silverware down between bites and have to drink water after each bite. I feel like food is stuck in my chest if I don't. Those habits make it so I am always the last one done eating by…
  • I really like the old navy workout clothes! They were having a sale this weekend and just picked up a bunch of new stuff. For some reason, it fits me pretty well. I also love lulu but will only get myself that stuff as a reward when I've reached goals...$70 for shirts I sweat in...eek!
  • I'm glad I'm not the only one! I gained 5 lbs from 12/6 till now...I had lost 1.5lbs of it but managed to put it back on over the weekend....really doing everything to get rid of that 5 lbs I gained but it doesn't seem to be working! :(
  • I'm 5'7. I started of 2011 at 146 and was able to lose 6 lbs relatively easy. Throughout the year I have been between 135-140. I ended the year at 140 (damn all those holiday dinners and goodies) and am now trying to work down to 135...which according to MFP I was at on 12/6! My overall goal weight is somewhere between…
  • I'm 5'7, small framed and my doctor said she thought 130 would be a good weight for my height and frame.
  • I agree. I've barely started with this and I've already moved my goal down once. As for being a size 4, since you're about my height I'd say it's unhealthy. That's the lowest I've ever been and I know it wasn't good. (I have big hips though so it might make a difference idk.) I'm currently a 10ish and working on 8 now. My…
  • I was sore the first couple days and expect to be sore the first couple days I move on to each level. I don't have a heart rate monitor but do really feel myself working. I'm ok with being sore, I feel like that means what I'm doing is working :) My question was more related to the fact that I am technically not taking any…
  • I have the same daily morning routine...wake up, use the restroom, put in my contacts, brush my teeth, turn on the shower and weigh myself while I brush my teeth and wait for the water to get warm. This just helps me keep myself in check. I'm 5'7, 138.8 as of this morning and a size 2. I'm trying to lose some lbs and…
  • I totally hear you on this! I am freakishly tall for an asian (i'm 5'7)! I know I am by no means my height I'm currently at 138 (but trying to get down to 125-130) and still fitting into a size 2/4 but its hard not to feel like a giant next to someone who is 5'1 and 95lbs! My family is the same way,…
  • I'm 5'7 and just got back from my physical where I weighed in at 142. I have a small frame (and no butt, boobs, or hips no matter what I do or if i gain weight) and my doctor said 130 would be a good weight for my frame/height.
  • I'm 5'7 and small framed. I literally just got back from my dr appointment for my yearly physical and weighed 142. My doctor suggested 130 would be a good weight for my height and frame size.
  • I'm on day one juicing. However, I'm not doing the juicing myself, I purchased a three day cleanse from a juice bar. It's 2 green juices, 2 red juices, 1 lemonade, and 1 cashew milk. So far its taken me an hour and a half to drink the green juice. I drink a lot of water while I'm eating, but don't usually drink through out…
  • I am totally my mother's daughter and carry my weight in my middle. For me I found that running flattens my belly more then the elliptical or bike. I also do the bar method as well.
    in Belly Fat Comment by crdav13 August 2011