

  • I originally started my juice fast to heal from a health issue as well. I decided to start with 10 days. I am on Day 8 and I feel fantastic, but I am nervous about how I'll feel when I stop. I don't want to stop short if there is important healing going on inside my body! I'm very torn.
  • Thanks for checking in! I am on Day 8 today. I was okay for the first few days. No real detox symptoms other than being tired and cold. I was already eating a pretty clean diet though. Days 6-7 were HARD. I was exhausted and craving food like crazy. I almost gave up, but I figured that this was my body telling me that…
  • I am doing the Color Run in Columbus on July 20! I started training at the beginning of the year using the C25K program, although I will probably have to do the program again before July! Fell off the wagon a bit at the end. :)
    in 5K Races Comment by katied37 April 2013
  • Hi from Columbus!
  • I'm on Day 5 of a 10-day juice fast. So far, I am down 7.5 pounds. I'm sure the weight loss will slow during the next half of the fast, but I'm thrilled. I was already eating pretty clean before the fast, but that scale would not budge, no matter what I did! I really hope that the weight doesn't return the second I…
  • I am on Day 5 of 10 right now! I am feeling great. Energy is definitely up. My skin is glowing and any acne on my face, back, and chest is really starting to clear up. My nose has been running constantly and I've been FREEZING for 5 days straight, but I will take those as good signs. :) Here's my weight loss results thus…
  • If you are going to do a real juice fast like the one in Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead, you'll need a juicer. While smoothies are GREAT, they still contain all of the fiber, which means your digestive system is still working hard. In order to give your digestive system a rest and get the amazing healing benefits of juice…
  • That's amazing!!!!! How is it going so far? You must be in the zone at the point. At some point, I'd love to try a longer juice fast, either 30 or 60 days, as I have a great deal of healing to do. However, I'm starting small with 10 days or so. :) Would love to hear about your progress thus far. Keep us posted!
  • I guess what I will probably need support with is keeping the weight loss going after the juice fast is complete. I don't expect to reach my goal on juice fasting alone, but I'm worried that the weight will come right back the second I return to solid food. Anyone have any experience with this or words of wisdom?
  • Hi, everyone! I am on Day 5 of a juice fast. This is my first juice fast and I would love to make it to 10 days. The reason I started this juice fast is because I have suffered from Ulcerative Colitis (UC) for the past three years or so. Six months ago, I started eating a plant-based whole foods diet almost 100% of the…
  • I saw it! While some of the "reenactments" were a little cheesy, I did like the film as a whole. I think that turning plant-based eating into a lifestyle is the way to go. I am constantly saying to myself, "I can have that, I just don't want it," instead of always thinking that I "cannot" eat something that I want. You…
  • The only thing I'm having trouble resisting is sugar! It's the cookies that get me. I have tried satisfying that mid-afternoon sugar craving with something healthy like black bean brownies, Medjool dates, or an apple, but I don't think that's really helping to fight my sweet tooth. I'm still giving into the craving. I need…
  • I eat a mostly vegan diet, but I'm not perfect. I have seafood once or twice a month and will occasionally have a taste of cheese or chocolate. I prefer to use the term plant-based lifestyle, rather than vegan. I've found grocery shopping and planning ahead to be such an important part of this lifestyle change. That being…
  • I am mostly vegan! I eat seafood once or twice a month, and will occasionally have a taste of cheese or chocolate, but my meals are generally vegan. Feel free to check out my food diary for meal ideas. I also have a tumblr blog where I post photos and links to vegan recipes. The link is http://katieeatsclean.tumblr.com. If…
  • Oops, I just realized I answered this twice. Sorry, all! :)
  • I usually eat oatmeal on the weekends and days when I have more time in the morning. That being said, you can absolutely cook up a whole bunch on the weekend and refrigerate it! I think that's a great idea.
  • I loved Eat to Live. I would definitely recommend it to anyone interested in a plant-based lifestyle. I watched the Forks Over Knives documentary, which is also great! rayyesnk, I also eat seafood every once in a while. Probably once or twice a month. ECPadgett, I also hate the word "diet." If I call this a diet, it feels…
  • You definitely could. I usually eat oatmeal on the weekends (or snow days like today!) when I have more time to make breakfast. During the week, when I'm pressed for time, I'll usually make a smoothie. But you could absolutely make a whole batch of oats on the weekend and refrigerate them for busy mornings!
  • I think that steel cut (or Irish) oats are less processed than regular or rolled oats. I like the taste and texture better. Steel cut oats are a little more dense and taste "toastier" to me somehow. I think it's a matter of preference! My only gripe about steel cut oats is that they take much longer to cook - 10-20 minutes…
  • I use chia seeds all the time! I include a tablespoon of chia seeds in a green smoothie every morning. My favorite smoothie is spinach, almond milk, banana, natural peanut butter, and chia seeds. Sometimes I'll change up my breakfast and have steel cut oats with a tablespoon of chia seeds sprinkled on top and some sliced…