indiechickuk Member


  • I can bring my own lunch, but I would likely bring in the same foods as are available in the canteen, so would rather not pay for something that's provided to me for free- that just seems a bit of a waste of money to be doing every day. It's a self serve canteen and they have things like a salad bar (with plain,…
  • And sorry if I sounded like I think I'm somehow a medical marvel and the normal rules don't apply- I don't at all- I just can't work out *which* rules I'm dealing with!
  • Thanks all for the suggestions, really appreciated! am still a bit unsure as to my next step, as I've had a 'do nothing', an 'eat less' and an 'eat more'! I guess I just have to keep trying things until something works! This pretty much is what I'm already doing- I have a good, digital scale and weigh everything at home.…
  • Hi- I'm currently at around 1500 cals, and get my protein through lots of 0% Greek yogurt (breakfast and then at least once later in the day as a snack), cottage cheese with lunch, a snack pack of grilled chicken and some almonds as a snack, and some sort of meat or fish at dinner. I usually end up at around 120-140 grams…
  • I usually log as circuit training- ideally what you want to do is use a heart rate monitor as that'll give you more accurate numbers, but you can always just take your heart rate several times through the workout then find a calculator online to get a sense of how many cals you're burning (there are lots of websites where…
  • I start month 2 (the even harder stuff!) tomorrow- am absolutely terrified! I did the 3rd fit test today though, and even little improvements are a massive incentive to keep going- along with a couple of other improvements I managed one extra suicide jump, and I find those near impossible! Keep going with it, think how…
  • this is true, but as she's calculated TDEE based on sedentary, and is actually exercising daily, 1850 is still about the right level. The correct approach would be to calculate TDEE based on moderate activity, then -20%, but the numbers are pretty much the same.
  • yep - looks like you're doing it right, just stick with it and be patient!
  • Thanks so much for the replies- they've really helped. Gonna take measurements tonight and keep reminding myself this is a long term improvement process not a temporary activity... And marshmallows may not be sexy, but they're sweet and fun and good to squeeze so it's not the worst thing in the world!
  • I've done all the measuring and the maths and the numbers still seem pretty much right, so I guess next step is to take the plunge and aim for reset! Wish me luck!
  • Thanks for replying! I just used the Scooby calculator, and went for moderate as my activity level, with a 15% cut. I haven't yet done measurements, so that might be the next step, to try and get a bodyfat% No - I've not yet made it to TDEE - willing to give it a go though! Is it necessary to go above your Cut level before…