Protein intake - need more - HELP!

alereck Posts: 343 Member
So I've lost 20 lbs, went from a size 10 to a size 5 and I am now entering a new phase. I want to lose the stubborn fat I still have left but mostly I want to build muscle. I've been doing strength training for about 4 months and the results are showing but I have plateau on fat loss and muscle building.

One of the things I am having a hard time with is getting enough protein in my diet. I’ve done research and I believe 40% of my macronutrients should be protein but it’s really hard to reach that percentage. I’ve been eating 1400-1650 calories a day. I drink a protein shake every day I exercise and have thought of doubling up on the scoop but even then I won’t be getting enough.

I like protein but I don’t want to give up the veggies to eat more chicken breast or egg whites :yawn: is there a low calorie way of adding protein to a diet?

Thanks for any advice


  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    i eat
    chicken breast 8-12 oz
    egg whites 3-4
    whole eggs 2
    6 oz greek yogurt
    6oz cottage cheese
    lean meat 8-12 oz
    Whole cans of tuna on salad with crumbled feta
    12 or more ounces of fish

    my scrambled eggs have 4oz of chicken 2 eggs and 2-3 egg whites in them along wtih a plethora of veggies and sometimes cheese.

    occasional protein powder or bar
    I eat a lot of veggies and fruit as well.

    I get around 200g per day..
  • alereck
    alereck Posts: 343 Member
    Thanks for replying.

    Is your calorie intake close to mine? 1500? I do eat protein with every meal but if I start increasing the size of the protein I have to eat less veggies (which I love) in order to stay within the calorie limits.
  • indiechickuk
    indiechickuk Posts: 14 Member
    Hi- I'm currently at around 1500 cals, and get my protein through lots of 0% Greek yogurt (breakfast and then at least once later in the day as a snack), cottage cheese with lunch, a snack pack of grilled chicken and some almonds as a snack, and some sort of meat or fish at dinner. I usually end up at around 120-140 grams of protein by the end of the day.

    I do wonder if my level of consumption of Greek yogurt is propping up the Greek economy...
  • alereck
    alereck Posts: 343 Member
    Hi- I'm currently at around 1500 cals, and get my protein through lots of 0% Greek yogurt (breakfast and then at least once later in the day as a snack), cottage cheese with lunch, a snack pack of grilled chicken and some almonds as a snack, and some sort of meat or fish at dinner. I usually end up at around 120-140 grams of protein by the end of the day.

    I do wonder if my level of consumption of Greek yogurt is propping up the Greek economy...

    :laugh: Thank you for replying.
    I don't like Greek yogurt much and it upsets my stomach. I do eat cottage cheese for my nighttime snack.
    I am getting about the same grams of protein as you are a day but I am supposed to be getting at least 165 g on a day I do not exercise and more on the days that I do. So it's not enough :-(