teachfl2 Member


  • I've been on and off for awhile now, but trying to stay with it. I know it has been awhile but are you still having IBS issues or is the FODMAPS helping?
  • This has been an ongoing struggle for myself, as well as many here. The whole "what do I eat" problem can get to be so overwhelming at times and really cause major self-esteem issues due to the bloating effects. I've found that over the years my list of things I can and cannot eat changes often. I use to not be able to eat…
  • So since I last posted on this thread I have actually found a probiotic that has made my bloating go down more than anything else I have tried. I have been feeling more nausous while eating, though, so not sure if it is a side effect. I went to CVS one day and saw their version of a probiotic, which was much cheaper than…
  • There are a couple of things you can try to calm your stomach. If you aren't feeling the meds are working maybe try an OTC product such as probiotics or digestive enzymes. I have noticed a vast improvement in the bloating since starting a probiotic, although gas still is a problem. Eliminating foods that cause you pain…
  • Coral_b- here is what I found on aboutibs.org: People with IBS have abdominal discomfort or pain associated with their bowel habit. They may have symptoms that overlap with functional constipation. People with functional constipation may not have the abdominal pain of IBS. Or they may have less pain than with IBS. They…
  • If you are looking for religious undertones read anything by Joyce Meyer. She is one of those authors who will tell it to you straight and truly wake you up! If you are looking for help with relationships/love/loving yourself try anything by Iyanla Vanzant including "In the Meantime- Finding Yourself and the Love You…
  • Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn....crazy good book! I am almost done with it. This is the first book of hers that I have read and I am eager to read more!
  • Bumping this- saw someone on the Introduce Yourself thread was asking about it!
  • I am currently reading several books: - Joyce Meyer "Beauty from Ashes - Joyce Meyer "The Confident Woman Devotional - The 365 Most Important Bible Passages for Women (Daily Devotional) - Joel Osteen "It's Your Time" - Lisa See "Shanghai Girls"
  • I love reading all of the responses! It's always great to get some new recommendations. Mine are: - Eat, Pray, Love - Hunger Games Trilogy - Anything by Iyanla Vanzant - Who Moved My Cheese - Any books by Joel Osteen
    in Top 5 Comment by teachfl2 May 2013
  • I have yet to find a probiotic that works. Maybe I don't take them for long enough to see results. :/
  • Wheat is my biggest problem as well. I try to eat gluten free but it really is difficult, especially when a loaf of gluten free bread is $5.00! Very expensive to eat gluten free, but since it makes me feel better in the end I just buy it and cut back on the rest of my groceries.
  • I actually deactivated my FB account in May of 2012 and have not had any regrets. I find MFP to be more of a positive place for me. :)
  • 32 with no kids- Anyone can feel free to add me- I am on everyday and am very supportive, but looking for the same support in return! :bigsmile:
  • Found my twin!!! August 1st here too! :)
  • I'm 5'2 and looking to lose around 25 pounds...feel free to add me! I am always looking for support!
  • Yes I am...needing the extra cash since I won't be adjuncting at the college this summer or fall. Our last day of school is this Friday, June 8th. The first day of summer school is June 12, with training on the 11th. I think it is only six weeks Mon-Thur until noon so not too bad. I will be teaching third grade students…
  • My brother and nephew are there! I'm so jealous!
  • I don't have Just Dance 3, but I have 1 and 2 and I have to say, in my opinion the Zumba 2 game is way different from the Just Dance. I like the Just Dance games but I do not sweat. It takes too much time to go from one song to the other and I just don't feel it working for me. I have done Zumba four times this week since…
  • Can't wait either! I live in sunny Florida so it feels like summer here all the time! We didn't even have much of a winter this year. My goal is to feel confident in my bathing suit at the beach or pool this summer!
  • Just started last Sunday and absolutely LOVING it and already seeing results! I feel more toned and clothes are fitting better! I am so excited to stick with it and not give up. I sweat so much while working out but it feels so good!
  • I have done it three times this past week, each for an hour, and I swear I already feel it working. Maybe it is just me, but my clothes fit better, I feel lighter around the stomach area, and two different people this week have told me that I look like I have lost weight! I am definitely sticking to this workout for awhile!
  • Join our IBS Support Group! Tons of great info on there and a place to talk about problems!
    in IBS Comment by teachfl2 March 2012
  • Hi there! I notice that when I am finished exercising I often get very bloated. Not sure why. I think that exercising can definitely have an impact on IBS, whether in a positive way or a negative way. Sometimes exercising does help to release some build up in our bodies, so it can also help with constipation. I bet if you…
  • Hi there! I have a wheat allergy and recently eliminated wheat from my diet (I just do gluten free). It is really hard though. There are alot of great gluten free products, but there are some that are just nasty. Also I have noticed that gluten free foods are really expensive. But if it is going to make you feel better…
  • AMEN! Unless we want to lose our jobs, we can't discipline kids in any way. You can tell kids that come from a well-rounded home where they were brought up to be respectful. Unfortunately our society has changed so much. It is not just kids, either. It blows my mind how adults just don't have the common courtesy to say…
  • Hey fellow Floridians! I am located in South Florida, fairly close to West Palm Beach. Feel free to add me and good luck with being healthy!!
  • I met Nicholas Sparks at a book signing here in Florida a couple of years ago! Love his books!
  • bumping again ;)