

  • I love the elliptical I use at my fitness center. All my cardio is either from walking, stairs (real ones), or the elliptical. I have arthritis and the elliptical has never given me issues. It's a godsend! Strength training is also key, as you probably know. Muscle burns more than fat!
  • I have no advice for you... but I totally have the same problems!
    in Dumping Comment by kranstar July 2011
  • "Starvation mode" has more to do with *when* you eat than *how much* you eat. If you skipped breakfast, rarely ate lunch, and consumed a 1500 dinner, you'd be putting your body into starvation mode. If you eat a nutritious breakfast, lunch, and dinner and consume 1200 calories a day, you won't put your body into starvation…
  • Haha! Good perspective.
  • Here's a good list to start. Just watch out for the saturated fat (that's the kind that raises bad cholesterol), which is found in a lot of protein-rich foods like meat and dairy. Cheese has a lot of saturated fat. To be safe, go with non- or low-fat dairy.…
  • If you're getting more activity now than you were before, you could be building muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat. So, it's normal to see the scale go up a few pounds at first when you start a new exercise program. The good news is that muscle burns more calories than fat... so if you keep it up, the pounds will start…
  • For sure! Can't wait, either!
  • L1D3 done. My legs have been killing me since the first one. Slowly getting better but I'm still so sore all day (and night) long! I can already feel a difference in my body mechanics, though. I'm excited to have some strength! Anybody have some good tips to cope with the muscle aches? I did a lot more stretching after…
  • 5'3'' with 10 lbs to lose! I'm 31 and my metabolism has hit a wall... nothing in my closet fit and I kind of had a mini breakdown. Been using MFP for a few weeks now and have lost two lbs. Started 30 day shred and I'm on day 3 (it's supposed to get easier now, right?). FRIEND ME!