30 Day Shred - Starting Around June 13th



  • ShannonBas
    ShannonBas Posts: 101 Member
    D3L1 Done! YAY!

    Getting a little easier. My problem areas are the side lunges (I usually have to drop the weight on the second set to keep good form and keep going :tongue: ) and the jump ropes... kill my shins and my thighs start BURNING! But I guess if I'm feeling a burn, then that's when I'm working hard enough. (that's what hubby says anyway.. LOL) I had to stop only twice this time... both times were during the cardio sets... still working on my stamina at this point. I struggle with the second set of girlie push ups, too... I'm still able to get about 5 slow ones in on the second set though. I'm hoping my core will start strengthening up more so I can do the full out push ups. (no hurry though, I'll get there when I get there :heart: ) :flowerforyou:
  • kranstar
    kranstar Posts: 10
    L1D3 done. My legs have been killing me since the first one. Slowly getting better but I'm still so sore all day (and night) long! I can already feel a difference in my body mechanics, though. I'm excited to have some strength! Anybody have some good tips to cope with the muscle aches? I did a lot more stretching after today's session so I'm hoping that will help. Good luck, all!
  • appleskye
    appleskye Posts: 54
    Just done L1D4 after finally buying some weights - it's so much harder haha! What weight do you all use? The only relatively cheap ones I could find where 1.5 kg which I think is about 3.3 pounds.
  • torregro
    torregro Posts: 307
    Just done L1D4 after finally buying some weights - it's so much harder haha! What weight do you all use? The only relatively cheap ones I could find where 1.5 kg which I think is about 3.3 pounds.

    I use 5 pound weights for the anterior raises with the side lunges and have worked up to 8 pound weights for the rest of us. Those side lunges with the anterior raises are beastly still!

    Congrats on finishing day 4!!!!
  • thamre
    thamre Posts: 642 Member
    L1D3 complete. It was easier than I thought it would be. I was pretty stiff yesterday. Doing a 5k tomorrow morning, so will have to do 30DS after the race. :happy:
  • Floricienta
    Floricienta Posts: 209
    How many pounds or inches do you expect/wish you will have lost once you are done with the shred? I would LOVE to be 130 when I'm done, now that's 8.8 lbs from today, a bit ambitious I know. Has anyone in here already completed the whole program? if so, how much did you lose?

    I would like to lose like 18 pounds lol dont know if thats possible. that would bring me down to 210 :) I would love to lose like at least 5 inches all together.

    Who knows we may be able to do it!!! :laugh:
    Are you adding some extra exercise on top of the shred?
  • torregro
    torregro Posts: 307
    Whew.......finished Level 1 day 7 today. I *guess* I'm doing more than I was one day 1, but I'm still glad it's not yet time to move on to Level 2. ;-)

    Sure wish there was a way to forward past the intro nonsense and get started, though. Argh!
  • BeautyFromWithin
    BeautyFromWithin Posts: 290 Member

    L1D5 done. It took even more motivation to pull myself out of bed this morning and I decided not to run this morning either. I might go for a relaxing long walk tonight depending on the weather. It was a little easier than yesterday. The first half is the worse for me. The thought of just turning off the DVD and doing it later runs through my mind at least a dozen times, but I just keep pushing through. The side lunges are becoming easier for me! I only had to take two or three breaths instead of half-assing (pardon me) the entire exercise. I realized I've been doing the girly pushups incorrectly, so I straightened out my form and though I absolutely abhor them, I'm working on fixing them up a bit.

    Has anyone else noticed their weight skyrocketing lately? I've read so many success stories of people losing a bunch of weight while doing the shred...I am wondering if it's muscle that I'm gaining, because I am very strict about my 1200 calorie intake and I exercise and earn back an average of 300 to 400 calories a day. I have been monitoring sodium intake as well as making sure I don't go over the other nutrient goals. I'm just hoping that I'll be done gaining muscle and then will drop some weight. It's really confusing for me.
  • JennDoesKeto
    JennDoesKeto Posts: 244 Member
    im gonna start this tomorrow! my plan is doing the 30ds and walking at least 30 minutes a night will help with the inches/and the excess skin.

    can't wait for jillian to kick my bootay!
  • torregro
    torregro Posts: 307
    Has anyone else noticed their weight skyrocketing lately? I've read so many success stories of people losing a bunch of weight while doing the shred...I am wondering if it's muscle that I'm gaining, because I am very strict about my 1200 calorie intake and I exercise and earn back an average of 300 to 400 calories a day.

    Congrats on completing day 5!
    Sadly, you cannot gain muscle that quickly, especially as a woman. To gain a full pound of muscle in a month would be a major accomplishment. You might, however, be retaining more water, or overestimating your caloric burn.
    Hang in there!
  • Christinichka
    Christinichka Posts: 171 Member
    I was supposed to do day 5 yesterday but my knee felt off so I had to wait it out. It feels normal today so I will be shredding again tonight! Maybe my body just needed a day off?! I am just glad my knee isn't actually hurt I was a little worried. Keep on keeping on!
  • torregro
    torregro Posts: 307
    I was supposed to do day 5 yesterday but my knee felt off so I had to wait it out. It feels normal today so I will be shredding again tonight! Maybe my body just needed a day off?! I am just glad my knee isn't actually hurt I was a little worried. Keep on keeping on!

    Oh no! I thought you said your knee FELL off and I was trying to figure out what the heck happened! LOL
    Glad you're okay and back on it!
  • jamontagne
    jamontagne Posts: 115
    Did L1D5 yesterday at work (it was a quiet day and I was the only one in the office). My back muscles hurt today ...I've never had that happen. I think I could sleep for a week! But ... I had to put another noch on my belt ( literally) so that's a NSV probably from 5 days of shredding!
    Have a wedding tonight so not sure if I'll get D6 in today but I will try!
  • BeautyFromWithin
    BeautyFromWithin Posts: 290 Member
    Has anyone else noticed their weight skyrocketing lately? I've read so many success stories of people losing a bunch of weight while doing the shred...I am wondering if it's muscle that I'm gaining, because I am very strict about my 1200 calorie intake and I exercise and earn back an average of 300 to 400 calories a day.

    Congrats on completing day 5!
    Sadly, you cannot gain muscle that quickly, especially as a woman. To gain a full pound of muscle in a month would be a major accomplishment. You might, however, be retaining more water, or overestimating your caloric burn.
    Hang in there!

    BLAHH! I don't see how I could be retaining more water as I drink over the recommended amount and either sweat it off or pee it out (sorry for the TMI). Like I said too, I've been watching my sodium intake, so I shouldn't be bloated in that sense either. I'm hanging in here and one of my MFP friends just mentioned that some people gain the first few weeks, but then they lose that weight plus more, so I am hoping that is my issue.

    It can't be fat because you have to consume 3500 calories over your limit to gain a pound apparently and that is not my case!
  • torregro
    torregro Posts: 307
    BLAHH! I don't see how I could be retaining more water as I drink over the recommended amount and either sweat it off or pee it out (sorry for the TMI). Like I said too, I've been watching my sodium intake, so I shouldn't be bloated in that sense either. I'm hanging in here and one of my MFP friends just mentioned that some people gain the first few weeks, but then they lose that weight plus more, so I am hoping that is my issue.

    It can't be fat because you have to consume 3500 calories over your limit to gain a pound apparently and that is not my case!

    Okay............so you've used up all of your available options, it must be time to re-think your original premise! LOL
    You only have so many choices...........fat, muscle, or water, and there are thousands of reputable sources out there that will make it clear you CANNOT gain significant muscle as a woman in 5 days doing this type of workout.........or any for that matter.
    Sorry...........I'm enjoying the shred too, but it *is* only 20 minutes worth of exercise. :-(

    Here's a link to a good current forum discussion of muscle gain: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/234432-if-you-think-you-gained-muscle-read-this?hl=gaining+muscle&page=6
  • ilovecreg120809
    ilovecreg120809 Posts: 516 Member
    How many pounds or inches do you expect/wish you will have lost once you are done with the shred? I would LOVE to be 130 when I'm done, now that's 8.8 lbs from today, a bit ambitious I know. Has anyone in here already completed the whole program? if so, how much did you lose?

    I would like to lose like 18 pounds lol dont know if thats possible. that would bring me down to 210 :) I would love to lose like at least 5 inches all together.

    Who knows we may be able to do it!!! :laugh:
    Are you adding some extra exercise on top of the shred?

    Yes, I'm also doing Ea Sports Active 2 at least 4 days a week. i also do wii fit sometimes and wi sports. but mostly shred and ea sports
  • MegRuthie
    MegRuthie Posts: 147 Member
    L1D5 compleeeeeeeete. Lots of sweating going on, but I've learned to really enjoy the fact that I'm sweating a lot.

    I'm going on vacation from July 2nd - July 10th. I'm headed up to Nebraska to visit my mama and some friends of mine. I'm taking my DVD, weights, and scale! I refuse to miss a day! I'm even going to do it in the hotel the morning before I take off on the 2nd half of the trip. By the time I get back from that, we'll only have a few days left!!
  • bcl003
    bcl003 Posts: 331 Member
    Ok so I definitly could not do my Day 4 yesterday, I bbq'ed my a** in the tanning bed and am paying for it!! Under my arms and along my sides I am still really really red and I did it yesterday and even used aloe spray, but oh well... Tonight for sure I am doing Day 4 and I think I will double up and do it twice on Saturday or Sunday to gain back that day (I do them so late at night, if I do one in the morning I think I will be ok). Good job to all who are keeping up the awesome work!!
  • Floricienta
    Floricienta Posts: 209
    Has anyone else noticed their weight skyrocketing lately? I've read so many success stories of people losing a bunch of weight while doing the shred...I am wondering if it's muscle that I'm gaining, because I am very strict about my 1200 calorie intake and I exercise and earn back an average of 300 to 400 calories a day.

    Congrats on completing day 5!
    Sadly, you cannot gain muscle that quickly, especially as a woman. To gain a full pound of muscle in a month would be a major accomplishment. You might, however, be retaining more water, or overestimating your caloric burn.
    Hang in there!

    BLAHH! I don't see how I could be retaining more water as I drink over the recommended amount and either sweat it off or pee it out (sorry for the TMI). Like I said too, I've been watching my sodium intake, so I shouldn't be bloated in that sense either. I'm hanging in here and one of my MFP friends just mentioned that some people gain the first few weeks, but then they lose that weight plus more, so I am hoping that is my issue.

    It can't be fat because you have to consume 3500 calories over your limit to gain a pound apparently and that is not my case!

    Hang in there girl, you're doing things right so eventually you will see results. I know, I'm a bit impatient and get easily discouraged but you WILL lose weight if you're burning more calories than what you eat.
  • Floricienta
    Floricienta Posts: 209
    Day 5 completed! woot woot. I was feeling tired during the workout but I pushed myself through it anyway!!! :noway: