sarainpdx Member


  • This is a great site. I love it so far! It's easy to use and the community is so supportive! I think a lot of success will happen by using this site as a tool towards any goal. What a good summer it's going to be with this start. :happy: ~Sara
  • Good for you for not picking up the smokes again! It only takes one then you're hooked again, so be careful..just as you already know. :) I like this site way better than FD too. I agree it is easier, especially the search database to log food. If you'd like some support, feel free to add me as a friend! ~Sara
  • Oh, I know what you mean about lumps and bumps everywhere! I had my husband take a before picture of me in a bathing suit. YIKES! I don't know if I'll ever use it to show people, even when the weight is off. haha! Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like some support along the way. ~Sara
  • Good for you for signing up. I found this site referenced in an article on the Livestrong website. Funny how things just find there way to you. I love it. I like how easy the database is to search. It makes tracking your food really easy. I've already had some success the first two weeks in, so will you! I'll send you a…