I know the real me is under here somewhere!

I quit smoking almost 5 years ago and have been steadily putting on weight ever since. Switching from an active, mostly outdoor construction job to a desk job only exacerbated the problem. Anyway, here I am...on my journey back to my "real self". I have actually thought about starting to smoke again, just long enough to lose the weight, but if you've ever smoked, you know it is NOT that easy to quit...and I'm not sure I'd succeed again. And quite honestly, I don't want a "quick fix", I want a PERMANENT fix! So I will continue to educate myself and I will keep trying and I WILL succeed!

Good luck to us all!

PS - LOVE the website! I was using FD but found this one to be much easier to use!


  • jwerman
    jwerman Posts: 176
    Welcome! Best wishes!
  • nomsquared
    nomsquared Posts: 35 Member
    I know exactly what you mean by the "real you" being hidden underneath all of that excess!

    Wish you the best of luck on your journey :)
  • sarainpdx
    sarainpdx Posts: 5 Member
    Good for you for not picking up the smokes again! It only takes one then you're hooked again, so be careful..just as you already know. :) I like this site way better than FD too. I agree it is easier, especially the search database to log food. If you'd like some support, feel free to add me as a friend! ~Sara
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    There is a thread going on right now for those of us quitting and working on our weight at the same time. It can definitely be done!! Welcome :)
  • DeluxeDiva2B
    DeluxeDiva2B Posts: 19 Member
    I sure wish I would have had the foresight to get into a healthy eating/exercise program BEFORE I quit smoking - no wit's just that much more challenging!
  • DeluxeDiva2B
    DeluxeDiva2B Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks everyone for the encouraging words! Let do this together!!