

  • 1. 27 2. I used to be an hourglass but after this last pregnancy I'm a banana 3. I've already lost 4 lb and it looks like it's mostly going from my belly. (YAY!) I miss being skinny but I can deal with being overweight as long as I have some curves. It's just this spare tire around my middle that was my breaking point.…
  • My husband bought the P90X for him and his friends to do. I tried it but it is just too intense for me while I'm breastfeeding but I do like the yoga DVD from the P90X program so I do 30 minutes of that a day. Maybe once I've lost more weight I'll be able to do the rest of the program with him too. He loves the P90X…
  • I love a good old peanut butter sandwich with low-fat Jiff peanut butter and whole wheat bread.
  • You can make your own out of T-shirts and tank-tops. Just take the sleeves off of t-shirts, turn them inside out and sew straight across the bottom of the shirt. Turn it right-side out and put your arms through the sleeves for handles.
  • Hi, I'm Mae. I just had my 3rd child 3 months ago. Before my first child I was 135 lb and I went up to 150 after he was born. After my second child was born I was stuck at 170lb and now after my third I was stuck at 212. I just started MFP on Friday and I'm doing yoga and breastfeeding to loose weight. I just wanted to say…