dendeeners Member


  • MFP will definitely help you achieve your goal. Don't forget, you also have the MFP community to help you stay motivated. Keep at it and don't give up!
  • My goal is to take in 2220 calories per day and so far I haven't been able to reach it. However my main goal is to take in at least 145 g of protein per day so as long as I reach my protein intake, then I'm good.
  • Thanks! Not sure if I can share a link but all the details are here: - I attended the Turbo Kickboxing classes at 24 hour fitness, ab workouts here and there, and then a semi-strict diet
  • I'm a new runner but have found the RUNKEEPER app to be very useful. Check it out and hopefully it helps. That is all I can contribute for the time being since the most I've done so far is a 5k. :ohwell: Good luck!
  • Welcome and good luck!
    in Hello Comment by dendeeners May 2011
  • I think people focus too much on counting calories. While it does help, what's more important is what you do eat. There's nothing wrong with gaining back the calories so long as it's good calories. For example, gaining 100 calories from baked salmon versus 100 calories fried chicken. Continue eating healthy while…
  • Nothing wrong with eating fast food from time to time. If anything, being too strict with your diet can burn you out. :)
  • Try doing strength endurance exercises. Doing cardio and aerobics is essential but strength endurance exercises will require your body to rebuild muscle. As a result, your body will build metabolism and continue burning calories even when you're not active. Do you have gym membership? I recommend taking classes like Body…
  • Welcome! I'm fairly new to MFP as well so please feel free to add me for motivation and support.
  • The best way to lose calories without spending is to run outside. Couch to 5k is a good app, but I would also recommend RUNKEEPER. Run with friends to motivate you. Otherwise, I agree with Meg. Investing on a workout video is your best bet: A couple of my…
  • I use the RUNKEEPER app to track my runs. It uses the GPS on your phone to track your run location and yes, it tracks your calories burned as well. I posted a picture of the on my blog if you want to check out the user interface: Otherwise, your best bet is a heart…