Newbie from Edinburgh

Hamibh Posts: 14 Member
Howdy, peoples
I've been using MFP for a month and feel I ought to say hello. So far I've lost 11lbs and it's been much, much easier than I thought it would be.

For anyone looking to start from scratch (and I mean from scratch; my activity level before MFP was "comatose") I can vouch for 3 things:

1. MFP, obviously. It's amazing how having a cold hard number demanding that you justify everything you stick in your mouth makes you much less inclined to have that doughnut (or 3). I also love it when I have a really lean day and then MFP actually tells me to eat more! Hit me with that mint ice cream.

2. NHS Couch to 5K podcast. The NHS is the UK National Health Service that runs hospitals as well as various health initiatives. There are several podcasts and apps based around the 5K plan; theirs just happens to be the first one I found. Even if the thought of a jog terrifies you, try it. It starts with jogs of around 60 seconds alternated with walking, building you up 3 times a week to running 5K in 9 weeks. Even if jogging terrifies you, give it a go.

3. EA Sports Active 2. The 9 week programme basically holds your hand. The beauty of this is that you don't need to be keeping track of reps or times. The man on the TV says jump, you jump. Make sure you get a better resistance band though since the included one doesn't take much punishment. I went for a reebok heavy resistance tube and it gives me a run for my money.

On the back of that, does anyone want to start a new EA Sports 2 PS3 fitness group? I've just started Phase 2 of the 9 week progranmme, but I'd love to join anyone whatever stage they're at to give me a little motivating boost! Give me a shout if you want in and we'll set one up.

Jamie (Hamibh)


  • sunshine__angel
    sunshine__angel Posts: 366 Member
    Hello, glad to hear you like the site! I'm not sure I am ready for the exercise regime but I wanted to say hello and welcome, and if you would like anymore friends for motivation and support, feel free to add me!

    PS - My mom was born in Edinburgh so your post caught my attention!
  • dendeeners
    dendeeners Posts: 18 Member
    Welcome! I'm fairly new to MFP as well so please feel free to add me for motivation and support.
  • Hamibh
    Hamibh Posts: 14 Member
    I've taken you both up on your offer!