amymt10 Member


  • I've been doing JMBR and wearing a heart rate monitor. I havent worn it for the cardio dvd yet but for the others I have. I burn on average 220-240. I am 5'6 135lbs. The best way to know is a heart rate monitor. Before I got one I would just log it as circuit training. That is close to what my hrm says.
  • I started the 30 day ab challenge but I am not logging it. It doesnt take that long to do it.
  • I've done both 30DS and Biggest Loser Cardio Max, both are great!! I have also done Ripped in 30, very hard!! I only made it to level 3 on that. Right now I am on week 5 of JM Body Revolution. I am loving it!!!! Body Revolution is a 12 wk program. Well worth the money!! I am a fan of hers, her workouts do work quite well!!!
  • Oh and if there is a new recipe and they refuse to try it or dont like it I dont fix anything else.... once dinner is served that is it. Eat it or go hungry, there will be no snack 1/2 hr after dinner becuase they refused to eat. They are learning to eat what is served. I will allow lite ranch &/or ketchup to dip if they…
  • i totally understand and have the same problem!! My kids are 4 & 7yrs old. Both are VERY picky eaters!!! they never used to be when they were babies/toddlers, but as they've gotten older there isnt much they like. They only like 4 vegetables- corn, broccoli, carrots (raw) and green beans. I get tired of eating those same 4…
  • Yes but that's because I dont want to have heartburn all night!!! Its hard to sleep like that!! So I dont eat later than 7pm.
  • Mine is underactive. I've been taking Synthroid for it for 8yrs. It has made a great difference!! Mine was found by accident too. Once I was told about it it definitely explained how I had been feeling- tired all the time and gained some weight even though I was watching what I ate and exercising. All this was before I had…
  • 1, How long did you plan? 1 YEAR 2. How much did you spend? (sorry if that's personal) Was this more/less than you planned? ABOUT $11,000 (MARYLAND) 3. How many people were invited/ how many showed up? 225 INVITED ABOUT 175 SHOWED UP 4. What did you give out for favors (if you had them)? CHOCCOLATE AND TEA.... TWO…
  • Eucerin cream. I've used it for 2 tattoos. Works soo much better than bactricin. Bactricin made the ink bleed a lil and left stains on my clothing. The Eucerin cream that comes in a tub works great.
  • THIS!!!!! If they are your food stamps dont worry about what she wants.... she needs to worry about what she wants not you. She is obviously not worried about your wants/needs. I have a family member like this, I do get it. Thankfully I dont live w/that person anymore!! Good luck!!! Hopefully you will be able to move soon!!
  • I have always taken my hour!! I get off work at 4, head to the free gym at work til 5 then go to get my kids. They have to be picked up by 5:30. Then we do the family thing the rest of the night :) It makes mommy a better person to unwind after work before picking the kiddies up.
  • THIS!! It just makes my day easier if i plan it ahead of time. It can always be changed :)
  • I would NEVER just leave my son with someone I dont know for a birthday party!!!!! I also would never just show up w/my other son and expect them to feed him as well. I get a babysitter for my child that wasnt invited, and I stay. I dont expect to be feed either. I stay off to side and watch my son.
  • WOW!!! Very interesting!!!!
  • I also tell my kids what the veggie does for them ... carrots help you see better and etc. Sometimes I dont really know what it "does" for you so I make it up and they get a real kick out of it. The other day my 3yr old asked me what squash does, I told him if he ate it he could jump higher. When dinner was over he got up…
  • I have used these recipes, they are very YUMMY!! You cant even tell the veggies are in there. The banana bread w/pureed cauliflower is absolutely delicious!! you dont even taste the cauliflower! I took one day and pureed tons of different veggies, put them in ice cube trays and froze them. Pull out as needed :)
  • My kids are picky about veggies too but if I make a casserole they are more likely to eat it. It changes the taste of the veggie. I do alot of chicken or ground turkey for the meat. Sometimes for broccoli or cauliflower I will make a cheese sauce for them, totally homemade. It only takes a few minutes and they gobble it…
  • i use vanilla greek yogurt, not as tangy as the plain. I also prefer Dannon Okios sweeter than Chobani vanilla.
  • Sorry that happened to you!! But I dont feel alone!! I was diagnosed w/endometriosis after having my tubes done. Flow is now so bad I have to wear tampons & a pad at the same time for the first 2days, cramps are horrendous and I spot all the time.
  • Thanks, I have thought about that. My periods are horrible!!!
  • I had mine done when I had my last csection 3 years ago. My cycle has been completely messed up since!!! I have since been diagnosed w/endometriosis (sp?). I NEVER had any females issues what so ever before having it done. Now I have cramps 3 weeks out of the month, spotting ALL the time, severe bloating during ovulation…
  • I stopped buying the junk. My boys (6yrs & 3yrs) would just want to snack and refuse meals. So i was like fine, no more fruit snacks, goldfish crackers, etc. I buy fruit & veggies for snacks, tons better anyways. My 6yr old still complains he's hungry/starving even after having 2 helpings at dinner, but now I give him an…
  • that is fuuny!!!! My 6yr has asked the very same question.... I told him god put him there becuase mommy & daddy love each other and wanted a baby. Of course then he wants to know how he got out of my belly. That's where I'm glad I had a csection!! I just told him the dr cut him out. So god put him there, dr cut him out!!!…
  • When I do get fast foo (its not that often) I get a kids meal, smaller portion and gives me the taste I'm after. I do like the grilled nuggets that ChickFilA now has very yummy!!! Grilled nugget kids meal w/fries & water, its not too bad. I'll just hit the gym a lil harder & longer :) But I'm also in maintenance at this…
  • Not me!! I'm the mom yelling at her kids... dont go under there, dont touch ANYTHING!!! people must laugh at me!!! lol. oh well, that's life w/a 3yr old & 6 yr old.
  • Butter!!! tastes better and natural. Margarine just doesnt taste right and there sooo much crap in it!!!! Just modaration w/the butter!
  • Oh and I love the fact that JMBR dvd's are only 30 min long, all of them. W/ChaLean they go from 27 min to 45 min. I have 2 small kids anything more 30 min is a problem to get the whole thing done. That's the reason I havent done P90X, I dont have time for those dvd's.
  • I started w/30DS too. I went onto ChaLean Extreme and loved it!!! I'm now doing Jillian Michaels Body Revolution and love it as well, maybe better than ChaLean X. W/ChaLean you do the same several dvd's for 4 wks then move on to a different set the next 4. But w/JMBR you switch your sets of dvds every 2weeks, no boredom!!!…