Can we discuss public restroom etiquitte???



  • cheerforsteelers
    cheerforsteelers Posts: 686 Member
    Oh I have two more:

    I don't like it when my friend insists on going to the bathroom with me (not literally in the stall...more like women and going in groups thing). Then if she doesn't have to go she just stands there in front of my stall. It's a little weird for me and I always prefer to go by myself without company. The second thing is that this same friend doesn't wash her hands after using the bathroom. Grosses me out and I've mentioned it to her, but she said she doesn't think it's a big deal. Uhhhhh ew. Wash your hands ladies. EVERY TIME!
  • curvykim78
    curvykim78 Posts: 799 Member
    I hate it when they are on their phone talking....HELLO Hang up for 2 minutes, really!>! Ugh...So I flush once for me, and a few extras so the person on the other end of their phone knows what they are REALLY doing. :)

    Uggggh! That is my biggest pet peeve ever! I do the same thing you do! LOL

    FABULOUS>>>>>Great minds think alike!
    RAQUELINATOVAR Posts: 221 Member
  • Marcillene
    Marcillene Posts: 484 Member
    Is texting okay?

    Like when your next to someone and all you hear is..... click click click click click click click click.

    Just curious...
  • Fatal1ty2k5
    Fatal1ty2k5 Posts: 333 Member
    What I want to know is what kind of woman can’t put their bloody tampon in the toilet or the trash?

  • runbyme
    runbyme Posts: 522 Member

    This article makes me laugh so hard I cry. Why yes, I do have a very juvenile sense of humor.



    OMGoodness! Note to not read funny stuff like this while eating! I think I just blew a berry out my nose! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • EnergyYesPlease
    This is a good topic:

    1. No one knows how to flush so it's there waiting for you!
    2. Boogers on the walls, piss on the rim, and garbage on the floor instead of in the trash
    3. Those who can't seem to find the energy to wash their hands afterwards and they look you right in the eyes and walk out, GROSS!
    4. Seeing kids crawling on the floor whether its under the stall or just on the floor period, that's the most disgusting thing parents!!!
    5. When some women take up all sinks and counter space to touch up makeup and get in the way of those actually trying to use the facility.
  • Marcillene
    Marcillene Posts: 484 Member


    It takes alot.. But I literally Laughed out loud at this short clip!
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    Can you spare a square?
  • BigBodyBobby
    I like to walk up to the urinal..pull my pants completely down around my ankles and try to start a conversation with the person next to me. The reactions are priceless!
  • amymt10
    amymt10 Posts: 271 Member
    Or when your in a stall, and you hear the feet pacing in front of your door. HHHEEELLLOOO!!!! I WAS HERE FIRST!


    Or when peoples kids that are like 5 or 6 try to climb underneath your stall AND THE MOM SAYS NOTHING!

    Not me!! I'm the mom yelling at her kids... dont go under there, dont touch ANYTHING!!! people must laugh at me!!! lol. oh well, that's life w/a 3yr old & 6 yr old.
  • alpha1029
    alpha1029 Posts: 139
    It takes a lot to gross me out, but in my old office there was a woman who was apparently fond of wiping her boogers on the wall while she did her business. The first time I noticed, I started gagging and had to use a different floor's bathroom. We mentioned it to the cleaning people and they cleaned it up. The next day there was even more. There is freakin' toilet paper right there, nasty lady. Eventually the cleaning people said they weren't cleaning it up anymore because it got so gross. I still almost gag thinking about it.
  • IokiOcto
    IokiOcto Posts: 123 Member
    This string is great, all of my bathroom pet peeves have been listed. There should be laws against these sort of things!!!
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    I hate it when they are on their phone talking....HELLO Hang up for 2 minutes, really!>! Ugh...So I flush once for me, and a few extras so the person on the other end of their phone knows what they are REALLY doing. :)

    Seriously. I"m always thinking, "you can't just call them back when you get finished in there" Especially when they're in the stall, the phone rings and they ANSWER. Like really? You weren't even mid-conversation and you felt like you just had to answer the phone?

    I'm a teacher and I run into this type of thing a lot in the girls restroom at school. The kids go into the restroom all the time to talk on the phone during class. Since I'm in the restroom and feel like I don't want to be yelling at kids while I'm sorta off-duty per say, I just go in and turn on every hand dryer I can. The hand dryers are quite noisy :smile: . The kids get the idea, hang up, and leave :bigsmile: . Works every time :laugh:
  • cmwhited6204
    cmwhited6204 Posts: 210 Member
    When you walk into a batheroom with five stalls.

    Stall 1: (Ugh someone didnt flush! GROSS)
    Walk to Stall 2: (WTH people really!?!?!?) again someone didnt flush
    Stalls 3,4 and 5 are even worse!'

    Either ONE person has a phobia of flushing and **** in 5 different toilets, or there are 5 REALLY disgusting humans in the same restaraunt!

    It drives me crazy as well about flushing then I started to think that it might be kids who go in alone and cannot figure out where that little button is to flush.
  • purplegoboom
    purplegoboom Posts: 400 Member
    How about people who pee ALL OVER THE SEAT and then just leave it like that - were they born in a barn or something?? If you sprinkle when you tinkle please be neat and wipe the seat!!!


    I hate women who hover over the seat and end up peeing all over it, then they don't wipe it off after their done. I've walked into public restrooms before and EVERY stall was like this. Seriously? If you're that concerned about butt germs build a bridge!

    If you sat your *kitten* down in the FIRST place, there WOUDNT be any pee on the seat!!! Worse case scenario- you place your thighs on the same plastic as someone elses thighs. I've not heard yet of someone contracted some horrible disease from someone's THIGHS! You are more likely to catch something grabbing the door handle to leave with your now clean hands . . . .

    * post is not direct reply to quoted post. It is directed to those who #1 hover and pee on the seat, #2 don't wipe off their pee from the seat.

    Like I said, if women are really afraid of butt germs they don't have to hover, just build a bridge with toliet paper, or many restrooms are stocked with those paper toliet seat covers.

    Or, hell, I always have planted my bare *kitten* on the seat (with the exception if there is something gross on the seat) and I've never caught anything. I think it comes from that old myth you can catch an STD from sitting on a public toliet seat.
  • MikeyD1280
    MikeyD1280 Posts: 5,257
    Or when your in a stall, and you hear the feet pacing in front of your door. HHHEEELLLOOO!!!! I WAS HERE FIRST!


    Or when peoples kids that are like 5 or 6 try to climb underneath your stall AND THE MOM SAYS NOTHING!

    :noway: for real?

    HAHAHAA:laugh: :laugh: :sad: :laugh: :laugh:
    I'm so sorry, but if a little kid popped his head under my stall, I would be in the right position because that would def scare the #2 out of me.
  • smiley245
    smiley245 Posts: 420 Member
    When you and 3 others are drying/washing your hands. Woman 1 is done before you, tosses her towel ON THE FLOOR. Woman #2 leaves hers on the counter, and woman #3 CLEARLY missed the trashcan, SAW IT, and walked away.

    How hard is bending over? Unless you have a painful medical condition not ALLOWING YOU to bend over, or are in a wheel chair, PICK IT UP!
    This drives me nuts too! Yes we have a cleaning staff that comes around daily to clean bathrooms.....This DOES NOT give you the excuse to be a pig! especially when we have 2 garbage bins at either end of the room.....
  • WhiteCloud9
    WhiteCloud9 Posts: 113 Member
    You know being in the military a lot of this bathroom etiquette has kinda slipped. We have full conversations on the poopers, urinals or even the showers. Doesn't really matter much anymore

    So true! But there are still some really gross people in the military, too.
  • iroze
    iroze Posts: 78 Member
    I had a Health teacher in high school who (and I remember this so, so vividly) used to tell us about conserving water and how she would only flush her toilet at the end of the day regardless of the number of times she had to use the bathroom. I also remember her mentioning she has taught this to her sons and husband as well.
    Funny, I don't remember high school much but this stuck with me.