

  • Lets give the metric system a chance too! hahaha Starting Weight – 93kg (Sunday 1st April) Goal Weight Loss – 3.7kg Week 1 –xxx kg and xx % lost (Monday 9th April) Week 2 - xxx kg and xx % lost (Monday 16th April) Week 3 - xxx kg and xx % lost (Monday 23rd April) Week 4 - xxx kg and xx % lost (Monday 30th April) Total Lost…
  • What ever you do, do not spread a big meal "over days" as this is not how your body works. Your body will digest the food and if doesn't need the energy then it will store it, it wont hold off and see what happens over the next few days. All you can do about the 2 banquets now really is just take them on the chin, don't…
  • try taking it up a notch and give the 100 workout a go 100 Jumping Jacks 90 Crunches 80 Squats 70 Leg Lifts 60 Jumping Jacks 50 Crunches 40 Squats 30 Leg Lifts 20 Jumping Jacks 10 mins of running OOOH THE PAIN!!
  • WOOOOOOO!!! You go girl! hahahahaha Aren't these sort of moments the best??!!!
  • Welcome!! Is your gym called Anytime Fitness?
  • absolute minimum is 1200, otherwise your body actually stores more fat and burns off muscle mass first.
  • another great (if not better than wii fit) wii game that utilizes the wii board is the EA Active more workouts, or something along those lines. Also does anyone know the weight or BMI reading we need before if drops down into the overweight area? or is it different for everyone? Cheers
    in Wi-Fit Comment by GuptRX September 2011
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