switched from loseit.com

well im tryin to stay under 800cal to lose the wt faster...wanna b like 110 by the end of december and im 144 now ...wish me luck :)


  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    800 calories a day is not enough. You will lose weight much more efficiently if you don't drive your body into starvation mode.
  • GuptRX
    GuptRX Posts: 7
    absolute minimum is 1200, otherwise your body actually stores more fat and burns off muscle mass first.
  • 800 calories a day is not enough. You will lose weight much more efficiently if you don't drive your body into starvation mode.

    I AGREE!

    800 is not enough! You'll go into starvation mode and your body will hold onto the fat.
  • tray81
    tray81 Posts: 1
    You need to eat at least 1200 a day MIN in order for your body just to function normally. Your body will actually store all your fat if you eat less then 1200 a day.
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    Agree with all....1200 is the number of calories to stick with for a good weight loss.
  • KA29
    KA29 Posts: 54
    I agree with everyone else. 800 calories will put your body into starvation mode, store fat and mess up your metabolism. There is no quick way to lose weight in a healthy manner. Those quick ways to lose a significant amount of weight isn't worth the long term negative affects they may have on your body. Just be patient, work hard, and have discipline and you will see great results.
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    Along with what everyone else says - starvation mode, losing muscle instead of fat, etc... - you'll feel horrible at the end of December if you do this. 1200 healthy calories with exercise can help you lose the weight and stay energized.
  • sunnyrunner23
    sunnyrunner23 Posts: 182 Member
    It won't work,seriously! I tried weight watchers and they had me that low and I gained weight! I started here at 1200 and lst 13 lbs!!! And I didn't have that much to lose!!!
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    800 is counterproductive!! I couldn't even lose weight doing 1200!!! I need to eat 1500-1600 calories a day in order to lose!
  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member
    Rather than addressing the calorie per day part of this. I'll take a different tact.

    First, welcome to MFP. It is a very large community of nice helpful people from all over the planet with similar goals. If you have questions, feel free to ask them. As you have found out already, we tend to have an opinion and will share it when the question comes up. Some of us are abrasive while others are a velvet glove. We all mean well and will change roles from time to time.

    You basically are saying you want to lose 34 pounds in 11 weeks, which means a loss of more than 3 pounds a week. Someone who is significantly obese can pull that off with sensible modifications to their lifestyle. I know, because I did a year ago. I also had more than 140 pounds to lose at that time, and wasn't doing jack to take care of myself.

    If that doesn't describe you, then it is in your best mental interest to come up with more modest goals that you can live with on a day to day basis and that actually reflect a lifestyle, not a diet. Otherwise you will live and die by the scale on a weekly, if not daily basis.

    The MFP default settings max out a 2 lbs loss per week for a reason. This is not a sprint but a lifestyle change. Most of us did not mysteriously affix 34 extra pounds of lard to our @$$ in 11 weeks, nor set a hard goal to sprint it off that quickly.

    20 lbs is a more reasonable goal. If you want to make a run at 34 lbs during the holiday season, then have at it. It can be done. We will help you in what ways we can.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    That is some awesome advice Tre!!!
  • Cara2Me
    Cara2Me Posts: 60
    Oh my goodness, 800 calories is not enough. You're body is going to go into starvation/survival mode and you won't lose anything. Therefore, it is counterproductive. Please rethink this.
    LAWIII Posts: 50
    well im tryin to stay under 800cal to lose the wt faster...wanna b like 110 by the end of december and im 144 now ...wish me luck :)

    Perhaps instead of looking at your goal in terms of weight loss, look at it in terms of body shape or clothing size. If 10 years ago you were to say I am going to reshape my entire body in 90 days, everyone would say oh steroids. Now without any thought they say oh yeah P90X. I did it too. What is "possible" or "healthy' changes.

    Maybe the shape or size you want is obtainable in the time you have left, but to try to lose weight by eating 800 calories a day is counter productive.

    In the spirit of intellectual honesty (whatever that is), the only way this might work is if you were talking about net caloric intake. For example you eat 2000 calories, but exercise off 1200. This might work for a quick loss, but even long term I doubt its viability.

    Good luck to you.
  • Gary1977
    Gary1977 Posts: 804 Member
    Rather than addressing the calorie per day part of this. I'll take a different tact.

    First, welcome to MFP. It is a very large community of nice helpful people from all over the planet with similar goals. If you have questions, feel free to ask them. As you have found out already, we tend to have an opinion and will share it when the question comes up. Some of us are abrasive while others are a velvet glove. We all mean well and will change roles from time to time.

    You basically are saying you want to lose 34 pounds in 11 weeks, which means a loss of more than 3 pounds a week. Someone who is significantly obese can pull that off with sensible modifications to their lifestyle. I know, because I did a year ago. I also had more than 140 pounds to lose at that time, and wasn't doing jack to take care of myself.

    If that doesn't describe you, then it is in your best mental interest to come up with more modest goals that you can live with on a day to day basis and that actually reflect a lifestyle, not a diet. Otherwise you will live and die by the scale on a weekly, if not daily basis.

    The MFP default settings max out a 2 lbs loss per week for a reason. This is not a sprint but a lifestyle change. Most of us did not mysteriously affix 34 extra pounds of lard to our @$$ in 11 weeks, nor set a hard goal to sprint it off that quickly.

    20 lbs is a more reasonable goal. If you want to make a run at 34 lbs during the holiday season, then have at it. It can be done. We will help you in what ways we can.

    Couldn't have said it better myself. Well spoken my friend!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    You've gotten some great advice already.

    I'm just going to give you an anecdote.

    A few years ago, when I was about your age, I wanted to shed a few pounds. I wasn't overweight, but over my ideal. I'd been naturally slender all my life until I got a desk job and continued to eat like I had a more physically demanding job. :wink:

    So I tried cutting calories. I used a website, don't remember which one, to track my intake. It didn't have the community aspect of this one, or if it did, I didn't use it that way. First mistake. Second mistake, I didn't eat enough. I ate what you're aiming for: about 800 calories a day. Breakfast was a granola bar. Lunch was a microwave Lean Cuisine. Dinner on weekdays was another microwave dinner. On weekends, I ate more, since I was eating with my husband. He worked night shift at the time. And I'd toss in a few small snacks, like a piece of fruit or another granola bar.

    My weight loss was slow. Painfully slow. I was miserable. Hungry. Tired. And I though the only way to lose weight was to cut my calories even fewer. And I refused to do that. I knew eating any less than I was would lead me down a path of disordered eating, if I wasn't there already. And I knew that even eating whatever the hell I damn well pleased, I could maintain a healthy, just slightly larger than my ideal, weight. So when it came down to starving to be a little smaller, or being happy and being a little bigger, I chose food.

    Fast forward a few years, when I lost my job, lost both parents, and lost my mind... I suffered with depression and anxiety and gained weight. I didn't realize how much because I refused to get on a scale. I told myself my weight didn't matter, and really... it didn't. I was still close to a healthy weight for my age and height. But I wasn't a healthy person, and I made up my mind to become one.

    At first, I didn't give a rat's tushie about losing weight. I convinced myself from my last ill-fated attempt at dieting that I couldn't. So I just wanted to get fit. Fit enough to run a 5k. I found the Couch to 5k running plan online, and from there, found this site. I really only signed up because I wanted the ticker. But I stuck around, and realized one amazing thing:

    When I was trying to lose weight, I wasn't eating ENOUGH!

    This time around, I watched my calories, but I didn't starve myself or feel deprived, and the weight loss has been effortless! I did best eating around 1400 + most of my exercise calories, so easily TWICE what I was eating years ago when I was frustrated at my lack of progress. At 800 calories, I lost at most a half pound ever two weeks. At 1400NET, I lost a pound a week, easy, and continued to lose at that rate until I got close enough to my original goal to increase my calories to only lose a half pound a week.

    This is the ONLY time a weight loss attempt has worked for me. This is the ONLY time I've ever met and surpassed my goal. This is the ONLY time I've ever had to say, "You know what? I better start eating more!"

    It took me about 7 months to lose my first 30 pounds, and I've been fluctuating between maintaining and flirting with the idea of maybe losing a few more since then. But those seven months went fast, and I felt INCREDIBLE the entire time.

    Also, of the 33 pounds I've lost, an estimated 28 pounds of that has been from fat. This time around, I was leaner at 140 pounds than I was previously at 130 pounds. And at 127 pounds, I'm fitting into clothes I wore in high school, more than 20 years ago, at 110 pounds.

    Eat more, eat quality, and keep your lean muscle mass while ditching extra body fat. Your naked body will thank you for it. :wink: