

  • I know the feeling too :( What I have tried doing is, Tuna when its on special I will grab a few cans in different flavours - If you get catalouges, look through them most the time one place is cheaper than the other, then the following week the other will have that same special (well thats how it goes for me). Dips - when…
  • Hi I am Jenna, Im a Victorian in Aussie Land of course :) 21 yrs old, 79kg and 5'1 I started Pole last year, at first I could not hold myself up or even climb! I was so close to giving up. But i stuck with it. When all the other girls dropped out of my class, I got the teacher to myself - and passed my first level with ½ a…
  • Could you swim? The water will take your weight and mainly use your arms? I know a lot of friends who were told to swim after knee reconstructions and other knee problems....
  • I have been doing it for 13 weeks now, at first I could barely hold myself up - but i stuck at it and guess what 13 weeks later I am turning myself upside down and just holding my body weight with just my legs upside down, and just my arms in different hand positons. Not only is it strenght and a bit of cardio the…
  • I have re-evaluared and it is coming up 1320/day using MFP calculations, well see how it works. Ill also try weight myself on my wii board rather than the bathroom scales.
  • Water intake is good 8 glasses per day, during our summer days was sometimes 2.5-3 L ( our office gets warm) And eat back at least some of the calories i burn on the pole??
  • I have it set at lightly active, and am waniting to get down to early 60kgs - 63kgs to make Pole easier on my body. I have just started waitressing and its maybe 6hrs per week, but for them 6 hours I am on my feet never sitting and walking 60% of the time. Would my muscles still be holding water as they heal, if I am 12…
  • Been logging my food diary for the last 2 weeks sucessfully.
  • Naughty Side - Sunnycowgirls, Country Girl - Luke Bryan, Honky Tonk Badadonk - Trace Atkins Coutnry to the bone :) and I love it
  • I am a 5'1 but have no pics as yet, I find it so hard to find picturews on the internet of girls similar to me (even celebs) currently I am fluctuating between 78-80kgs, (171-176 lbs) Jessica Simpson is the closest i have been able to find a picture of her with similar weight, and she looks 100 x smaller
  • I'm not sure what to tell you, but what I am doing is Pole Fitness for 2hrs - sometimes 3hrs, a week and incedental walking with work (i have to do mail and banking) I need motivation to do more! But with this I have noticed a great amount of change in my body, but not on the scales :cry: