Cheap foods? :U

I feel like losing weight is so expensive. :/ And literally all I eat is carbs- pasta, rice, bagels, ramen. Is there anything I can buy that's affordable but not super fattening? >_>


  • msracefan
    msracefan Posts: 55 Member
    I agree with you! And I don't like to cook so it's so easy to just grab a frozen meal or something prepackaged that's easy to fix. I try to buy stuff on sale and use coupons where I can...very little bit helps!
  • njmp
    njmp Posts: 277 Member
    I feel like losing weight is so expensive. :/ And literally all I eat is carbs- pasta, rice, bagels, ramen. Is there anything I can buy that's affordable but not super fattening? >_> are you wanting things that AREN'T carbs??? Or are you saying that's all you like to eat...cause I don't think you will get too many people who will tell ya eating only carbs is a good idea...
  • cgilchrist3
    cgilchrist3 Posts: 25 Member
    I've been eating alot of tuna for lunch. No mayo or anything, but I do sprinkle some parmesan cheese on top and it really adds some nice flavor and not alot of calories.
  • missikay1970
    missikay1970 Posts: 588 Member
    fruits and veggies are cheap here right now, but i think that's local. i avoid potatoes, rice & corn b/c of the high calorie content. i enjoy protein shakes, and even though the jar is expensive up-front, you get alot for your money and end up coming out cheap. I like amplify from GNC and muscle milk.
  • 1996gtstang
    1996gtstang Posts: 279 Member
    produce when its on sale,eggs,cans of soup on sale(usually high sodium)
  • I know the feeling too :(

    What I have tried doing is, Tuna when its on special I will grab a few cans in different flavours - If you get catalouges, look through them most the time one place is cheaper than the other, then the following week the other will have that same special (well thats how it goes for me).

    Dips - when 2 for 1 comes up buy a couple just check use buy dates, Meat can be bought from the deli rather than prepackaged and Roast Chickens or even half chickens are sold cheaper arounf 5- 6pm.

    Im not sure how much this will help but its just a few ideas i have came across.
  • If you can shop at a local farmers market...that usually helps with produce costs. Frozen veggies are inexpensive. I had to become a coupon queen to help with the cost and even that isn't easy as there are not a lot of coupons for "diet" foods. I understand that you eat carbs because they are inexpensive...switch to whole wheat...the pastas are actually very good these days. Brown rice too. Adding the fiber helps and the cost is still not too bad. Watch for coupons for things like Boca Burgers and other meatless products as well as for low sugar foods. Good luck and don't let cost get you down...with a little work it will all "pay" off...sorry for the pun, couldn't resist!!!
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    You can try eggs and meats when its on sale. Some of the cheaper cuts are also good when prepared well. Fruits and veg aren't always too bad if you try to buy seasonal.
  • I think she meant that carbs are the cheapest items out there!
  • FireTigerSoul
    FireTigerSoul Posts: 268 Member
    I buy bulk frozen veggies. Fresh veggies are more expensive...and they go bad faster than I can eat them. :( Frozen broccoli goes on sale a lot, and one of my cheap meals consists of a cup of rice and a plateful of broccoli seasoned with lemon pepper.
  • nancyko
    nancyko Posts: 34 Member
    Can't beat a bag of frozen chicken breast!! You can do so many different things with them.
  • Have you tried the GNU bars ?
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,350 Member
    Slow food is often cheap, but it takes time. Beans, lentils, cheap cuts of meat, whole chickens, eggs. Frozen or in-season fruit or vegetables is also a good deal.
  • RachelNichole85
    RachelNichole85 Posts: 39 Member
    Pretzel sticks, tuna, eggs, canned fruits/veggies (green beans, pineapple, pears, peaches), soups, club crackers (whole wheat). I'm a carb lover too, so it is hard. I just started this diet and I feel like I'm starving :(.

    Good luck to all!
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    Make a batch of something chili, taco meat chicken, beef, turkey, veggie lasanga etc something that freezes well. Break down in serving size and place in freezer bags. If you make two or three things on one of you days off and freeze some you will have a freezer full of yummo stuff before you know it and will not need to buy those frozen meals. Buy a whole chicken cook it in the crockpot on top of tin foil balls make a few different meats out of it. Stuffed baked chicken breast you can put whatever you like inside. Yogurt with granola and fruit. Leftovers freeze some. Tuna fish, chicken salad, make your own soup so you can control the sodium. Make smoothies, protien shakes.
  • treehopper1987
    treehopper1987 Posts: 505 Member
    I have pondered this myself. I guess there's a reason I gained weight through college. It seems that the cheapest foods are those that are not the healthiest for you. :angry: So, I try to buy frozen or canned veggies when they are on sale, (and try to get the low sodium variety) because you can stock up on these for a rainy day and it takes a while for them to go bad. I think you can do the same with fruit but you have to make sure canned is not in syrup. I prefer fresh fruit so I'll cough up the extra cash for it. I try to supplement the frozen/canned produce with fresh when I can. Also, buy meats when they are on sale and throw them in the freezer until you're ready to use them.
  • treehopper1987
    treehopper1987 Posts: 505 Member
    Make a batch of something chili, taco meat chicken, beef, turkey, veggie lasanga etc something that freezes well. Break down in serving size and place in freezer bags. If you make two or three things on one of you days off and freeze some you will have a freezer full of yummo stuff before you know it and will not need to buy those frozen meals. Buy a whole chicken cook it in the crockpot on top of tin foil balls make a few different meats out of it. Stuffed baked chicken breast you can put whatever you like inside. Yogurt with granola and fruit. Leftovers freeze some. Tuna fish, chicken salad, make your own soup so you can control the sodium. Make smoothies, protien shakes.

    Good advice. I will do this as well and use for portion control, and convenience. I will sometimes write the calories on the container or use tape to write on so I remember how many calories were in it.
  • weight loss shakes from costco
  • Honestly, I spend anywhere between $40 to $50 dollars a week on food and my intake calorie count is ~1500.

    Here is what I get.

    Elliot Lc Wrap - Corrected Xtreme Wellness/High Fiber Low Carb Tortilla Wraps (Food Lion)
    Kraft Fat-Free Singles - American Cheese Slice (Food Lion)
    Gold N Plump Chicken - Boneless/Skinless Breast (Target)
    Bananas (anywhere)
    Apples (Anywhere)
    Oatmeal (wal-mart, the biggest container)
    Mild Salsa (wal-mart)
    Fat Free Milk (Food Lion)
    Tuna (Wal-mart)
    Steak (sometimes) (Target)
    OJ (wal-mart)
    Apple Juice (wal-mart)
    Sliced Ham (which ever one is on sale, but I weigh them out to keep track of the calories) (wal-mart)
    Sliced Chicken Breast (Same story as above) (wal-mart)
    Mushrooms (anywhere)
    Green Peppers (anywhere)
    Onions (Anywhere)

    Thats pretty much it, the first time I went to the store my total was around $70 or so and now I just refill whatever is needed each week. It ends up being around $40 to $50 for food weekly.

    Now sometimes I go for only organic food and it is higher but it all depends.

    As for not having time to prepare and cook food, I went to Target and bought a Small George Foreman Grill (it was around $18?) and it will cook all meat within like 9 minutes max, so it is great in my opinion! I do not season my food because that is just extra calories, just light salt maybe some pepper! bam! once it is hot, I thought on one slice of cheese over the meat and have it melt, the cheese is around 25 calories per slice. Get some veggies on the grill also. That is just me, also once a week I use my slow cooker (You can get them at Wal-Mart for like $25) and I just thought beans, Celery, carrots, onions, greens peppers (all of the veggies in it), some salt and pepper, and let it cook all day for about 7 hours or so and by the time I am home I have fresh food. This is just what I do, it might give you some ideas. The wraps I make are roughly 250 calories a piece and I mean they are full of protein, fiber, meat and veggies.

    Also I am not a big fan of oatmeal but it is extremely healthy so I make some, take half a banana cut it up into it, peal an apple and chop half of it into the oatmeal also and at the end I through in some dried cherries and it is like 350 calories but it is delish!

    Just some ideas!
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    Black beans! Black beans!

    They're amazing, nutritious, fulling, and soo versatile.