

  • Maybe "Cleaning, heavy effort"
  • I don't have an answer for you... but that is a fab question! I've been trying to figure it out myself!
  • Little noses, little fevers, bottle brush (don't remember if that's on there) baby hangers, those pretty smelling diaper bags for when you have to toss a dirty diaper in public or someones house. I know I got TONS of stuff for a newborn and once my son got a little older I didn't have stuff for the "infant" stage like:…
  • If the pill is still actually there... I guess I would suggest drinking a lot of water today to try to lubricate the throat and loosen the pill up a bit to get it to move. Trying to clear your throat might help also, but try not to constantly do it as it might irritate your throat more and just cause you more discomfort.…
  • Something that I am addicted to lately... a bagle sandwich. If you are watching carbs/cals you can get those thin bagels or whatever they are called (my mom had them when we visited them over Christmas - we don't have them here in Germany at our commissary so I don't remember for sure what they are called) How I make it...…
  • I would so love to if we still lived in the area... born and raised in Farmington but my husband and I are currently stationed in Germany. That would be a pretty expensive BBQ for me :laugh: (my parents still live in the area so maybe on visits!)
  • 1st - My husband and I are stationed in Germany... we have been here 3 years. It's quite a shock at first, but try to relax and enjoy your time! And of course... welcome to Europe! 2nd - I recently saw on Dr. Oz that pumpkin seeds have some natural thing in them that helps you sleep... He had a drink to try and they said…
  • When I was a 36DD I had the same problem. I never fixed it though... never found one that worked for me. I was always the one stuck wearing 2 sports bras! UGH Maybe you could try that until you find your perfect match?