her1223 Member


  • Actually there are notable health studies that find fenugreek as a substance to help control sugar levels. Doctors recommend patients with diabetes to take fenugreek. It's also packed full of fiber and if your following a low carb diet you are not getting enough fiber. Fiber equals weight loss. If you've ever taken…
  • You could possibly be putting on muscle fat. Also caused by improper eating habits. I hope you get some of this figured out!
  • i'm on day 7. i've lost 3lbs. starting weight 165. and height is 5'6". Are you dieting or eating healthy foods as well?
  • I'm the same way with side lunges and arm raises. The 5pm weights are too much for me on that one so I bought 3 lb weights today. Tomorrow I will be on day 7 and I'm excited and nervous to start level 2! I've lost 3lbs in 5 days so I'm super excited about that. My starting weight is 165. Currently 162. My goal is to be 150…
  • Weighed myself today after 5 days of my new workout and diet. Lost 2 pounds! Well I know 2lbs is optimistic, but without any exercise my body burns about 1500 calories (I'm pretty active). I have a 2 year old and 5 month old. If I'm only eating 1200 calories Then that's a 300 calorie deficit PLUS a 500 calorie daily…
  • That sounds great! How much is your starting weight and height? I'm 5'6" and starting at 165. Hoping to lose 2lbs/week!
  • thank you for the encouragement! If I'm eating 1200 calories/day, what should my calorie goal be with exercise? How many calories should i aim to lose each day?
  • if you dont mind me asking...what is your daily calorie intake? I'm wondering because i definitely dont want to gain any lbs with this program
  • i havent weighed myself yet since i'm only on day 5 but i do feel some improvement. I'm also going to the gym each day to burn some extra calories along side with her video. I weigh 165 and am trying to get back to my normal weight of 135. I had my 2nd baby almost 6 months ago, and just started working out so i have 30lbs…
  • i like it! i'm on week 1 (day 5), and i'm consistently sore, but not too sore. I am wondering though if 20 minutes is enough? i havent seen what the videos are like for week 2,3,&4. My cable on demand is free for week 1 so i'm deciding if i want to buy the other weeks
  • Hey I'm new too! just joined! I am currently breastfeeding my almost 6 month old baby girl. I have been following a 1200 calorie intake a day for almost a week. I havent seen any drop in my milk supply. Although in the beginning i had huge problems with over-supply. I'm not sure if i will ever have a problem with the…