exercise goal?

If my daily calorie intake is about 1200 then how many calories should i aim to burn each day during exercise? My goal is to lose 2lbs a week


  • Lindz2323
    Lindz2323 Posts: 261 Member
    My goal is 1260 calories per day and I try to workout 5 days per week and burn at least 200-800 calories per day on those days, depending on how much or what kinds of exercises I do. I've been losing about 3 lbs per week right now =) I've lost 11.2 total and still have a ways to go, but I'm gonna do it!! =)
  • her1223
    her1223 Posts: 16 Member
    That sounds great! How much is your starting weight and height? I'm 5'6" and starting at 165. Hoping to lose 2lbs/week!
  • Lindz2323
    Lindz2323 Posts: 261 Member
    I am 5'3" and my starting weight was 219. I'm at 207.8 right now as of 27 days i believe. =) waiting to weigh again for a day or 2. I have an underactive thryoid, which makes it harder for me to lose weight and keep it off but I think I found a way that works for me using MFP so far =) For you since you're already starting at 165, the less you weigh the more you need to workout more to burn more calories. You have to burn 3500 calories to burn 1 lb of course, so go at the rate you're comfortable with as far as working out. I try to burn 500-800 or more calories when I do workout, but on days I don't have as much time, i'm glad if i burn 200. When I workout, I also still stick to my calorie goal and try not to eat the calories I get from working out, back. Between burning all those calories and doing daily activies, and also sleeping a decent nights sleep you'll burn calories from all of that too =) I try to do little things like parking further back in a parking lot when I go to stores so I have to walk a little more. I try walking up and down the stairs in my house off and on througout the day, etc. =)
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I think given your height and starting weight, 2 lbs a week is optimistic. You simply can't lose weight that fast without going under 1200 cals, as your deficit won't be that enormous. I would aim for 1 lb per week, and stick with what MFP sets you. Work out as often as you can.
  • her1223
    her1223 Posts: 16 Member
    Weighed myself today after 5 days of my new workout and diet.
    Lost 2 pounds! Well I know 2lbs is optimistic, but without any exercise my body burns about 1500 calories (I'm pretty active). I have a 2 year old and 5 month old. If I'm only eating 1200 calories Then that's a 300 calorie deficit PLUS a 500 calorie daily exercise plan which puts me at a total of 800 calories burned . Doing the math estimates me at burning 3500 cAlories every 4.5 days;)! Pretty close to my goal!