

  • For me skinny fat was when I weighed about 107lbs but was technically obese because my body fat percentage was at or above 30%. At that time - I did plenty of cardio and ate nearly no protein so my body had consumed it's own muscle for protein. Building muscle is essential - it's the only thing that's ever lead to…
  • I think it was just popped right back up on the scale a few days later. I know 1200 is low for many...but I'm extremely small boned and petite. I wouldn't under-eat - I'm way too health conscious.
  • Thanks everyone....a few days later (and behaving again) when I weighed in again it was right back to maybe it was just water. Crazy.
  • So following that post - two days later the scale had returned to it's previous weight and the following week dropped two again. I'm using the same scale, wearing the same amount of clothing, and continuing on a healthy exercise and meal plan. I'm starting to think it's just water weight fluctuating - still 4lbs seems…
  • Find a running store near you and get fitted for the right kind of shoes. They will review your gait and pick a custom sneaker. I promise it will make all the the meantime stretch a lot.