daylitemag Member


  • Sweet! Also, good advice and motivation. There defo is an adaptation period which is real.
  • Just by way of an update. H.Pylori was ruled out by tests. I do eat a lot of meat, eggs, cheese, nuts, seeds. Those would form the main part of my diet. When I say I eat some grains, it is very limited. I might eat one small tortilla shell every couple of weeks. Once in awhile i will have a small piece of very good…
  • Thank you for this advice. ^^^^ this is helpful.
  • Thank you for the info! I was tested for H.Pylori and it was negative. When I said that I eat some grains it's very limited. To my knowledge I've never had any difficulty tolerating gluten/grains. Certainly I used to eat a LOT of bread but not for nearly three yes now. That's interesting what you said about meat being…
  • I needed to lose about 100lbs. I've lost close to that and am now just maintaining. I've never had any sort blood/sugar issues or anything like that, so it was just the weight that was my problem. Rightly or wrongly all I ever really focused on was keeping my carbs at or below 20g. I also looked for opportunities to…
  • That looks good to me. When I was really going hard at my weight loss I would have had somewhat fewer Cals. Also, some intermittent fasting is helpful. For example I no longer eat lunch.
  • Ontario Canada. Been low carb (mostly keto level) since last October. Down approx 93 lbs.
  • I actually love telling people I've lost over 90lbs by significantly increasing the fat content of my diet and that ALL of my blood work and vital stats are impeccable. They usually look at me the same way ppl look at Trump when he says he's the picture of good health...but in my case it's true. So, the proof is in the…
  • Something is going to kill me. That's the only thing I "know" to be true. I no longer have any faith in what "they" say. Perhaps you've read the recent articles in the New Yorker regarding the con job that the sugar industry has perpetrated on our society. Would I be surprised if they are also behind the studies that seem…
  • I think your orig question was are the "keto safe" in tha regard any food is as long as you stay beneath 20 or 25g carb per day. I eat peAnuts regularly. Filling. Tasty. On a net basis not bad. I also eat about 1tbsp of pb most days.
  • I can tell you my own experience. I take a simple daily mulit-vitamin and have been for years. But it's not because I'm terribly deficient it's just a habit. I'm 47 yrs old and have NEVER enjoyed eating vegetables. In my entire adult life I would say that my veg intake could best be described as minimal. By food guideline…
  • Nuts are an obvious choice.
  • Just so there is no confusion. 1 gram = 1000 Milligrams I've seen a couple of posts referencing 10,000 grams which is equivalent to 10 KG or approx 22 lbs. I'm pretty sure eating 22lbs of salt would be lethal. LOL
  • Congratulations! I hope to join you some day.
  • Sorry I forgot to answer your fundamental question. For the first six months I tried to keep my net carbs at or below 20 g.
  • Welcome. I also have a lot to lose. I'm down over 90lbs now and would ideally like to lose another 10. I'm sure my doc would say another 35. I had no idea what I was doing when I started back in October. It has been both the easiest time I've had losing and also sometimes a bit frustrating and difficult. I contribute any…
  • Depends one what you are hoping to accomplish with LCHF. If you are diabetic then that's different than simply losing weight. I'm just about at my goal weight and have been adding in more fruit to my diet. I have no concerns that fruit will cause me to start gaining weight. It wasn't apples that got me to 300lbs. LOL
  • Ive had dry eye off and on since adopting this WOE. I did some googling and it seems related. I got some otc eye drops that helped but mostly I just try to ignore it.
  • I use my ci pan pretty much everyday for my bacon and eggs. Ive been using it for years and it is a work horse but there's always some sticking with eggs. My best results are making fried eggs in a good amount of butter. I cover the pan with a sheet of tin foil so that the eggs sort of Cook from the top and bottom. That…
  • I absolutely think walking is one of the best things you can do for yourself. In general, I think it is wise to try to find activities and exercise that you really enjoy. That way you have a higher likelihood that you will stick with it.
  • @jassnip thats an awesome NSV! Weight loss or not your health is THE most important thing of all. And congrats to everyone else as well. These are some great motivators. For me, I am playing golf more often and bought myself a carrying bag. So now I don't use any type of cart and carry my clubs on my back. Great excerise
  • I havent logged in a few months. At this point I have a very good handle on my WOE and no longer really need to log. When I was logging I "did the math" mainly for psychological benefit. I was focused on staying under 20g per day so on days when I was at 25 or so it made me feel better about my progress if I subtracted the…
  • I've lost so much weight (90lbs) that I was able to have my life insurance re-rated and am saving over $4000 per year on the premiums. If you've also lost a lot of weight now may be the time to apply for life insurance coverage. As the old saying goes, "make hay while the sun is shining"
    in NSV's Comment by daylitemag August 2016
  • I've lost 90lbs eating: butter, bacon, pork rinds, well "marbled" steaks, regular ground beef, chicken legs/thighs with skin. And my blood test results have never been better. I will never believe what "they" tell me ever again. I trust the advice of the regular folks on this forum more than any government agency or food…
  • I don't think that enough research has been done into food addiction. There seems to be a reluctance to accept that food addiction is real. I would say that this thread alone is enough proof that it is indeed a genuine condition and people struggle. For myself I know that I am one tub of hagen Dasz away from a back slide.…
  • If it weren't for people like you no one would ever join a gym
  • Hilare! I experienced something similar as my body adapted to this WOE. I've been at it since mid-October and things are better now. My bathroom routines have changed and I doubt will ever be the same as they were but I can live like this now. It only makes sense that such a dramatic change in eating habits would produce…
  • I eat 1/2 cup of blackberries everyday as a snack. Raspberries and strawberries are good too. And blueberries. I occasionally have half of a granny smith apple as a side dish with chicken. For a very special treat I will have mixed berries with fresh whipped cream. That way u control the amount of sugar. It's minimal.
  • Im adapted now but it took a good six months. I eat bacon or ham almost everyday and salt my food pretty liberally. I think those things take care of my sodium. I supplement with 1000mg of mag when I get constipated but that is less frequent now. I've never worried about potassium and my doc says all is good. I've been at…
  • I no longer really enjoy eating out. There are some places that are better than others but mostly I just go to be social. I've adopted the over all philosophy that I eat to live and not live to eat.