
  • silverfiend
    silverfiend Posts: 329 Member
    Damn! Good job @ruffneck813 !!!
  • supergal3
    supergal3 Posts: 523 Member
    @ruffneck813 Great progess! Thanks for sharing.
  • jassnip
    jassnip Posts: 116 Member
    @ruffneck813 Damn dude! you are hot! Great work.

    @daylitemag Thank you. Can I just say, I'm impressed with hauling golfclubs around the course. I know I couldn't do it.
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    My scrub pants were getting really baggy and even with tying them tighter having a hard time staying up. I bough a size down when my pants went on sale and I feel so much less frumpy! They fit so nicely and form to my basic shape without being tight. It's a weird feeling, but I love seeing my legs looking like they're supposed to in scrub pants.

    That's awesome @karebear5891 I remember driving in the car one day glancing down at my legs and being thrilled they were mine. The best is yet to come for you! Keep noticing those things and shout 'em out!
  • jassnip
    jassnip Posts: 116 Member
    @ProCoffeenator It's not silly at all! It's one of the NSV's I'm looking forward to -- being able to see my collar bones again. I've always considered them the sexiest part of a woman's décolletage.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    These are all great. And awesome pictures! Congratulations!
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    tribal351 wrote: »
    NSV today. I had promised my team if they accomplished a certain task by Wednesday that I would buy pizza on Friday. They got it done, so today I drove a half hour from the office to pick up 10 of the best pizzas in Austin. Drove back to the office smelling them the whole way, took them in, and ate tuna, baby spinach, mayo and Parmesan cheese. Not even tempted to eat pizza. They loved the pizza, and were very supportive and encouraging. I love my team.
    My car still smells like pizza too.

    Way to go!

    Last February, before I started low carb, I picked up pizzas for one of the shifts doing inventory. That was 80 pizzas in my Yaris - not exactly an easy feat. Steamed up my windows and I had to roll them down (even though it was Feb., so a bit chilly) so I could see. I drive a Toyota Yaris hatchback - had 3 stacks behind the back seat, 3 stacks across the back seat and 2 stacks on the passenger seat (1 stack from floor to windshield and a 2nd stack from seat to the top of the headrest. Not sure what I would have said if I got pulled over, but it was not far and I took back roads so I could go slowly and take turns very cautiously so as not to lose any.

    LOL. I just googled a Yaris to get a real visual of 80 pizzas!
  • silverfiend
    silverfiend Posts: 329 Member
    RowdysLady wrote: »
    I moved the clasp on my FitBit to be one notch smaller (and I've been on the smaller band for a while now). I'm wearing a shirt that I've not worn since the day after I purchased it - over 1.5 years ago.

    Awesome! It's so nice to put on clothes you couldnt previously wear!
  • silverfiend
    silverfiend Posts: 329 Member
    edited September 2016
    whatevany wrote: »
    1) When people call me small (I was never this small even in high school!)
    2) Finding clothes that fit (except in length, can't change my height...lol)
    3) Being able to stand and walk for extended periods of time ( I work 2 retail jobs)


    It took me a little bit to get used to people saying positive things about my size. The first time, my crew was at the grocery store and a guy came up to chat and made a comment about "used to be thin like this guy" as he motioned towards me. My initial reaction was one of "you &^#$ing ^%$er &^#$^%!" Fortunately that was all in my head, he was being serious.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    kpk54 wrote: »
    tribal351 wrote: »
    NSV today. I had promised my team if they accomplished a certain task by Wednesday that I would buy pizza on Friday. They got it done, so today I drove a half hour from the office to pick up 10 of the best pizzas in Austin. Drove back to the office smelling them the whole way, took them in, and ate tuna, baby spinach, mayo and Parmesan cheese. Not even tempted to eat pizza. They loved the pizza, and were very supportive and encouraging. I love my team.
    My car still smells like pizza too.

    Way to go!

    Last February, before I started low carb, I picked up pizzas for one of the shifts doing inventory. That was 80 pizzas in my Yaris - not exactly an easy feat. Steamed up my windows and I had to roll them down (even though it was Feb., so a bit chilly) so I could see. I drive a Toyota Yaris hatchback - had 3 stacks behind the back seat, 3 stacks across the back seat and 2 stacks on the passenger seat (1 stack from floor to windshield and a 2nd stack from seat to the top of the headrest. Not sure what I would have said if I got pulled over, but it was not far and I took back roads so I could go slowly and take turns very cautiously so as not to lose any.

    LOL. I just googled a Yaris to get a real visual of 80 pizzas!

    I would have taken a photo, but there were a lot of people waiting for pizza and I didn't want to spend the time making them wait any longer. The part that is kitten about that, though, is that I backed my car right up to the door (basically backed up the walkway from the parking lot to the main entrance) and grabbed a stack. As everyone is waiting and I'm making several trips (maybe about 200-300 ft. inside the building past 2 sets of double doors) to carry stacks of pizzas, people are just standing there watching. Like really?! If everyone grabs a few pizzas, this can be done in about 1 minute! Finally after a dozen trips or so, I told some people they should help and that sped things up a lot.
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    Amazing....stand by and watch...
  • supergal3
    supergal3 Posts: 523 Member
    @Sunny: Awesome!! Bravo!
  • karebear5891
    karebear5891 Posts: 141 Member
    jassnip wrote: »
    I was at the grocery store yesterday and my hubby and I are walking down the baking isle looking for the no sugar jello packs when my nose (which I never knew there was anything wrong with) catches a big whiff of sugar. It was too sweet! Several other times I've caught smells that were pretty strong, but my hubby can't smell them when I point them out. So apparently my sniffer is healing/improving.

    Love this, because it truly is amazing how desensitized we become to things. The food industry wants it that way so we become addicted and need more and more and that's how they get more $
    To me the re sensitization of sweet is a huge NSV, and a sign that the addiction has waned.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    jassnip wrote: »
    I was at the grocery store yesterday and my hubby and I are walking down the baking isle looking for the no sugar jello packs when my nose (which I never knew there was anything wrong with) catches a big whiff of sugar. It was too sweet! Several other times I've caught smells that were pretty strong, but my hubby can't smell them when I point them out. So apparently my sniffer is healing/improving.

    Love this, because it truly is amazing how desensitized we become to things. The food industry wants it that way so we become addicted and need more and more and that's how they get more $
    To me the re sensitization of sweet is a huge NSV, and a sign that the addiction has waned.

    I agree!

    The sweeter everything tastes, the more desensitized we keep becoming.
    Now that I've cut sweeteners except for water flavor to cover my supplements yuckiness, everything tastes better. Adding a couple crushed blueberries or other fruit, to water has absolutely no flavor to other people, but to me it's a light blueberry taste and I love it.
    I never used to like those unsweetened drinks like LaCroix either, but now I can actually taste the flavors and natural sweetness.