Ktewson Member


  • I had this problem when I first tried running. I think part of my problem was that my muscles just weren't strong enough to handle the strain on my joints. I walked instead, but I walked a TON. . . I walked 100 miles in the month of October. At first, a 5 mile walk would leave me basically broken, but over the month it got…
  • my 24 pound 2-year-old eats 1000 calories a day. You need more than that to get enough nutrition, even if it means you don't lose weight quickly or at all.
  • Gosh, yes! Of course you may! :-) My December goals are 1) to not do anything stupid that's food-related (so, no giant tubs of fudge) and 2) to successfully complete my exercise goal, which is to virtually swim from Europe to Africa. That's 8.9 miles, 313 laps in the pool. These kinds of goals are incredibly motivating for…
  • I can finally shop in the non-plus-sized section of Target. Not for everything, and I'm in the largest non-plus size, but this is huge for me. I did 45 minutes on the rowing machine this morning.
  • I just walked five miles, up and down some pretty steep hills, pushing my jogging stroller with my 2 year old in it, and got home peppy and full of energy. In August, I did a TWO mile walk and was almost wrecked!
  • That is wonderful! It feels amazing when you start to be able to rely on your body to do things like, well, run.
  • Dude, my gym did a Virtual Ironman (where you have a whole month to cumulatively do all the Ironman distances, will-you nill-you, you don't have to do the same course) and that nearly killed me! You rock and should feel proud!