GARider Member


  • Good Morning, Happy Friday Everyone. Really hoping I can drop the 5 pounds this month because then I can get back into ONEderland. Oh the joys :laugh: Good luck to everyone! 7/1 SW= 204.4
  • This will be my first challenge since joining MFP, so I already need a kick in the pants it seems. I will post my starting weight on Friday.
  • I don't think I've tried lentils before, but I do like most other kinds of beans. Kidney, black, garbonzo, great northern; all taste good to me. I can eat garbonzo's right out of the can. :tongue:
  • I was eating regular eggs too, but then when I saw the fat content, OMG, I thought that was too much and then usually on those days, I would go over on fat, so I thought that was bad. All this is so confusing. Ok, so lower sodium and try to up the protein and lower the carbs and work in some good fats.
  • I will on some days have regular peanut butter with an apple. I just don't like to do it everyday, because of the high calorie of the peanut butter. I haven't had any "real" sugar in over 2 months. No baked goods of any kind; like cookies, cake that sort of thing, and I'm scared PB could be a trigger for me and I don't…
  • Holy Crap! I see what you mean by my sodium. By beloved peppercini's are going to have to go bye bye as well as my feta cheese. I was not tracking that before, because honestly, I didn't think I had a problem with salt. I don't have high blood pressue, so I didn't think it was an issue, plus I usually drink way more than…
  • Hi, my name is Stacy and I'm a scale addict too :happy: I used to do the same thing; weighing myself multiple times a day, getting pissed off because I was up and down all the time. I have started to go every other day; I am not as strong as you yet. There is no way in hell I could go a full week yet. You are not alone.
  • Classic! :laugh:
  • I am so sorry this has happened to you, but your coworkers are a bunch of a-holes. You handled yourself very well, because I would have told them to mind their own effing business. Obviously if you have lost 39 pounds, you are doing something right. The woman is probably just jealous at your success and is trying to play…
  • During the week I usually get about 7 hours of sleep; on the weekend it's more in the 8 to 9 hour range.
  • I don't think I have any health issues either; but I do think I should go more frequently than I do and I can tell when I'm "backed" up so to speak. I'm going to give the flax seed a try first since I have tried the variations of the powders and pills. If that doesn't work then it may be on to the Master Cleanse. Thanks…
  • Have not heard of Master Cleanse??? I will be Googling shortly - thanks.. I know I should get back to the doctor about the not going #2. But the gyno and the back region are two places I really don't like doctors poking around in. I mean really? I have mentioned it before to my regular doctor and they never seem too…
  • I don't consume a lot of dairy. Maybe 8oz of skim milk a day or a little cheese. I will give the flax seed a try. Where do I find that in the grocery store? Is it in the health food section or is it located near breakfast cereals? Can I put it on anything??
  • I also weigh everyday, knowing that I'm going to have weight fluctuations, but it helps keep me in line. Up to a week before the 'ol hag shows up my weight can go up 5 or more pounds and I just have to keep telling myself that I'm doing the right things and it will come back off a few days after Aunt Flo leaves the house.…
  • So, I'm a 41 year old Female. Should I search around on the internet to find out what my carb, fat and protein levels should be set at? Right now, I'm just doing moderate walking during the week up to 3 miles and longer walks up to 6 miles on the weekend, with some 4 to 5 mile hikes thrown in to mix it up. I am not doing…
  • Awesome! Thanks. :happy: I figured it would be best to be over in that area than fats and carbs. :tongue:
  • I live in GA too and like others have said, I like to get out in the late afternoon, early evening and get my sweat on! I at least feel like I'm sweating off something, even though I haven't seen the scale move much :( Ah, the fried foods; my beloved friend and foe. I don't know what to tell you about that. It is so hard…