

  • Thank you for your support. I am starting to feel better the more and more I get on MFP.
  • Thank you for your post. I know I am not the only one who has lost someone and I know people are saying it is an excuse but I barely wanted to get out of bed for months and when I did I would eat whatever was around. I know she would want me to be happy and I am going to try and look at the positive. Thank you!!!
  • Thank you for the help. Why do you take prenatal, krill oil and cinnamon? Is there a specific reason or did you doctor tell you about them?
    in Vitamins Comment by jkm1783 August 2012
  • Not sure where you can get that... But I just want to say look at you already changing for the better. It's onlu been a few weeks and look how far you have come already. I will google an get back with you. YEE HAW!!! AWESOME JOB!!!
  • I would say so... Congrats on the weight loss!!! How did you do it?
  • Go to Walmart and buy the elastic exercise bands. They are $10 and they work. I love using them and they are cheap!
  • Well, I have been with MFP for 1 year but for the last 2 weeks I have been actively posting my food and talking to MFP friends. I have lost 10lbs in 2 weeks. I don't always eat the greatest but putting in what I eat everyday holds me accountable about what I eat and I have made a few friends on here and I talk to them…
  • You look great keep it up!:happy:
  • You got this. Take one day at a time. Watch your calorie intake and exercise even if it is just walking.
  • Great Job!!! You look awesome! :happy:
  • MFP is awesome you can chat with people from all walks of life and when the support you it is great. I think MFP friends keeps me accountable for what I eat and actually helps me stay on track. I always spend an hour on MFP before bed and in the morning and it keeps me motivated an on track.
    in from ky. Comment by jkm1783 July 2012
  • I love that show I wish I was on it. I have 100lbs to lose and I need a motivation, food and exercise coach. Basicly I need a lifestyle coach.
  • I too have the same problem. My sister and a friend on here have made the lifestyle change and they have lost so much weight and love to eat healthy. My sister says it takes 30 to 60 days for your body to get used to eathing healthy and once you do if you eat something processed your body actually gets sick and it makes…
  • 5 years over weight. I need friends to keep me motivated. Gained 10lbs since I started MFP because my heart wasn't in it but now I am. I know I need friends to keep me motivated and to hold my self accountable for my calories and exercise. Please friend request me. My heart is in it and I need the help. I am always on here…
  • I have an IUD so I haven't had one of those in 7 years but I still go through the bloating. Some experts believe that the reduction in progesterone, in the week before menstruation, leads to more progesterone being broken down which signals the kidneys to retain water and sodium. As well as this, a water-retaining compound…
  • If your calorie intake is less then 1200 for the day your body thinks it is starving and holds on to what you have. It is a balancing act but once you get the hang of it its life.
  • Since I started my journey with healthy eating and weight loss 6 months ago I have drifted on and off track. I actually gained 10lbs and felt so crappy. Around last month something just hit me and I realized that the only person I have to get me through this is me... That didn't go well but I started posting on the forums…
  • I too have been over weight since 2006. I think it is because I got comfortable being married but now I see I was just being lasy. I am really going to do it this time. Feel free to add me I think that them more people I talk to and that supports me the more I am held accountable for my food choices and it will make me…
  • I am also new here. Here is my confession: My biggest problem is logging everything I eat. I think I am doing good then all of a sudden I remember to log something and I realize that or crap I am close to my calorie limit for the day. For being a bigger girl I am pretty healthy but I need someone to say hey get off the…