Hello from a short fat person

Hi, I'm 33 and a mum of two. I've been overweight since 2006 when my dad died and I turned to lager and comfort food. I have tried over the last few years to lose weight, cambridge diet, slimming world and weight watchers. I had success with all of them but gave up after a stone or two. I really want to do it this time (I say that every time) but I think the difference is that this time I am not expecting instant results and I am also trying new foods and really thinking about the food that I eat now. I usually get stuck in a rut of eating the same foods and factoring in alcohol and then I get the munchies. Well i am limiting myself to a few drinks on a saturday night and that's it. I am enjoying eating healthy and like how I don't feel bloated after my meals. I started at 170lbs and lost 3.5lbs last week. Weigh in tomorrow and I am hoping for a pound. I am 5ft so would love to hear from any fellow shorties out there or anyone else who would like to add me.


  • Welcome! This site is full of wonderful people who are here for support and advice. It will NOT let you down whatsoever. Keep your chin up and put your mind to it. You will succeed!
  • Welcome! Feel free to add me. I'm 5'0" as well ;)
  • talasros13
    talasros13 Posts: 1 Member

    My name is Renee...and I have fallen off the turnip truck again...I am 190lbs and 5'1. I am an emotional eater and so luv the comfort foods. My boyfriend and I were doing this together...my eyes went round this week watching him eat...got a laugh out of my Great Aunt. I want my skinny clothes back before my said boyfriend gives them away LOL...lotta dust on em. I love being short...but as I age...sigh, things ain't what they used to be. I need to do this for me and it is very hard to reach out and find an exercise buddy when all one does is work and sleep and worry. If you every need support or a wake up call...never hesitate. Heck, I probably will need one...once the pets get though with me. Opps! forgot to mention my age...mmm...37! I never remember off hand, sorry!

  • geemis01
    geemis01 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, I too am short and have a big bum I hate!!!! lol, but it has taken me over a year to lose a stone! Its a long time but Its staying off.... so trust me like u said the slower the better, it will stay off!

    I love my les mills Body Pump class, it really gets results, and lean muscle burns extra calories even when ur doing nothing! So I think building some muscle has really helped keep weight at bay! make changes for you! And make wise choices, you put that un counted chocolate in ur mouth and only you will regret it.... that my logic now :)

    Plus I work in a cafe! Surrounded by food and always tasting! hehehe, good luck chicken! xxxx
  • bhisken
    bhisken Posts: 26 Member
    Hey!! On a good day, when I stretch real tall I am 5'. Send me a request. I love to encourage people.
  • Hello, I'm completely new to this site today, but I'm also short and fat. I'm 5'2" and 187. I'd love to say I have a nice, curvy figure from it, with a lot of boobs and booty, but I don't. I just look like an apple on toothpicks. I've recently been told my cholesterol and triglycerides are high so I'm just now trying to change my eating habits, and I'm having a hard time of it. I miss my carbs and processed sugar. I'd love to have some friends and support. I'll try to give some support too as I figure out the site. :)

  • Oh, and I'm 32.
  • jkm1783
    jkm1783 Posts: 21
    I too have been over weight since 2006. I think it is because I got comfortable being married but now I see I was just being lasy. I am really going to do it this time. Feel free to add me I think that them more people I talk to and that supports me the more I am held accountable for my food choices and it will make me want to exercise. Trust me I need all the help I can get! :smile: :smile:
  • chorsey
    chorsey Posts: 1 Member
    HI add me,
    I just started yesterday, ugh.
    I am 5'2" and weigh 182.2 and 48 years old. I am a single mother to 4 great kids.
    I got divorced 2 years ago, and with the stress, lost a few pounds and really looked so much better.
    I went to Dr yesterday ( ear thing) and we talked about my weight. He does this program and thought I should try it.

    I am on day two and hungry. I can't wait until I lose a few pounds and really start enjoying dieting more. I know it is a way of life not a diet, but it is hard.

    I go back to see him in 5 weeks and really want some of this weight gone. I have my 30 yr reunion in 6 weeks, and don't want to go unless I am thinner.

    I can't wait to get to know some of you and have some support buddies.
  • Olivia486
    Olivia486 Posts: 10
    Hi all! I've struggled with weight my whole life. I'm 5'1". Right now I'm at about 161 after losing 17 lbs. At my heaviest a few years ago, I was about 190. After I had my son last July, the weight came off easily, and I worked out 6 days a week. Then, I went on a month long vacation to my Dad's and fell off the wagon. I got back up to about 185, but was able to get it down to about 178 slowly on my own. I definitely understand the struggle of going up and down on the scale. I'm hoping to get the weight off and keep it off this time! I joined MFP about a month ago, and it makes things much easier! If anyone wants to add me, feel free. I welcome all the support I can get!
  • rolo1978
    rolo1978 Posts: 12
    Thanks everyone, I think i have sent friend requests to everyone but might not have done, I'm still getting used to this site. Thanks for replying and on weigh in this morning I was down 2 lbs :-) I know it will slow to a lb a week now and that is fine by me. I tell myself that I would be gutted to see a pound go on, so I should be delighted with a pound off.
  • mandycasey
    mandycasey Posts: 274 Member
    Hi i'm not short but have other things in common with you, In 2006 i lost my mum very suddenly and it hit me hard ( my youngest was only 6 months old too) - i drank and ate even more ( i was already very over weight) it took me along time to get over losing mum. I've 2 children i had to focus on them. I decided i didn't want them to lose me young - especially if it weigh related. I started my weight loss jan 2011 at 304 i am now 202, i still have a lot to lose but i am so much happier and healthier now. Good luck with your weight loss feel free to add me xx
  • JoeD1968
    JoeD1968 Posts: 167
    I feel tall in this thread at 5 '6 , I'm gonna hang around in here 8()