

  • First off.... congratulations on your new job! In your line of work it is so hard to make time for yourself because you are so focused on helping other people. I m not in the medical field, but I do get up at 5am and am out the door by 6..... I work through my lunch and by the time I get home in the evening, I am wiped out…
  • Thanks for the suggestions everyone!!!! I am really excited to look for these games now! Have a great day and keep up the good work!
  • I have always wanted to try Zumba! I didn't know they had it for PS3.... I will have to see if I can find it! Thank you!
  • Try taking Flaxseed Oil...... My Dr recommended it for my dry eyes and it really helped. I am not sure if it will have the same effect on dry skin, but it is worth a shot.
  • Thank you for sharing! These are not "tiny", they are fantastic! Keep up the good work!!!!
    in Tiny NSV's Comment by CooCoo June 2011
  • My sister likes to mix up a packet of Jello and while it is still liquified, mix in some cottage cheese.
  • I am so sorry to hear of your loss! You are not nuts at all..... Pets become members of our family and their passing can effect us in the same manner as a human loss. We lost our dog last year and it was very hard to take. Just take it one day at at time and keep her/him close to your heart.
  • I agree with spacecase76.... There are a few different brands of tortilla wraps that are relatively low in carbs but a very high fiber content. Just find one that you like and load it up with veggies!
  • For a treat, sometimes I will mix in a Crystal Light type of flavoring. I buy the singles and only use about half of what it calls for. There are all kinds of water mixes available these days, you just have to find one that you like.
  • I am new to MFP and want to lose about the same amount of weight..... Feel free to add me as a friend. Support is an amazing resource! :happy:
  • I agree with Phera. When I first started I put in a goal of 2lbs /week. Not only was I hungry, but I got depressed because I was not hitting my targeted weight loss goal..... Bring your calorie intake up a bit and see if that will help with your hunger. If you don't feel comfortable bringing yorur calorie intake up, try to…
    in NEW here!! Comment by CooCoo June 2011