geekman Member


  • False. I'm very nervous about accepting dares. TNP has been on a blind date
  • What everybody else said. The other day I had gained weight, gone over my calorie target and couldn't be bothered to exercise. Now I've lost those 3lb's again, had a 45 min session on the Wii fit. It happens, now and again. When it happens all of the time, is when to worry.
  • Hear Hear! At the end of the day, I'm losing weight for myself, not to tick anybody elses box. If people notice and say well done, then all to the good. But even if nobody else notices or cares. I will still feel good in myself for what I Have achieved
  • When I started dieting and logging my food I told my wife. She very quickly joined in and started logging, herself. So I'm afraid I haven't had the experience you describe. But I would imagine it is very frustrating, not having all of your hard work noticed. that's why we are all here. To notice, congratulate and motivate.
  • Not sure how inspirational I'll be but you're more than welcome to add me.
  • First day of really nice weather and out came the shorts, lovingly packed away last year. Except now they won't even meet, never mind fasten. I really looked at myself in the mirror and "saw" myself for the first time in too long. I've always prided myself on being relatively fit and really looking at the big mound of…
  • Only burns 138 calories? 1 calorie burned is a start. 138 is a "way to go" start. Keep doing that!
  • I don't delete people as a rule. We're all here for our own reasons. In the past I have lost quite a few RL friends, not specifically over my weight but, since I was the only FAT (yes, that is the word. Not cuddly, not huggable. I'm fat) one amongst us, I found myself invited less and less to social events. The straw broke…
  • WOW! That is AWESOME! You should be proud of yourself.
  • Hi Jadey, I know exactly what you mean. I've only started back on the chuckwagon this week but already I've started craving all of the "bad" foods that I really love. So far I haven't given in to temptation but it's only a matter of time. I suspect that I will eventually give in and eat some junk and this will, I hope,…
  • My goal is a look. If I can look in the mirror and see a slimmer, more toned version of myself, then the numbers don't really matter.
  • Hi Cassidi. I'm always on the look out for motivating friends. I know exactly what you mean about the rediscovering motivation. I've found that, with not seeing my friends recently, I too have become more motivated to lose weight. Please feel free to add me. or not. No pressure. Whichever you decide, good luck!
  • American Sitcoms? Friends and Scrubs British Sitcoms? Blackadder and Father Ted Many more but I could fill a page with the things so I'll stick with two from each
  • Yum - in a corned beef hash or potato pie Shark
    in Yum or Yuck? Comment by geekman May 2013
  • Only a couple of songs but I always found that they had a good beat for walking, jogging to. Body Rockers - I like the way you move Nine Inch nails - Deep Big Pig - Breakaway
  • Random facts? Hmmm, ok. I hate fruitcake but love malt loaf. Wait, both of those are food facts. I hate ignorance and love flirting
  • I'll happily add anybody who can get me off this darned sofa.
  • Thanks. :)
  • HI, I'm Calum from Darwen and I have no idea how heavy I am. I haven't dared to weigh myself recently. I used to get a fair bit of exercise but these days the only exercise I seem to get is walking up and down the stairs. I have a problem with maintaining motivation and I'm hoping that by joining groups I will find people…