comma44 Member


  • Yay even more places to check. Hope you guys don't mind if I start adding you all to my friends.
    in Day 1 Comment by comma44 January 2012
  • Hey, I'm losing weight after being anorexic about 5 years ago. I went into recovery and started eating again and binged a lot. Anyway I gained weight up to 220+ lbs. Now I'm losing the weight again but in a healthy way. I always make sure to meet my goal caloric intake and if I exercise I eat back the calories. If I…
  • If pregnany tests are negative and you've done 5 of them, chances are you probably aren't pregnant - a blood test would be the best way to confirm. But let's talk about those 1000 calories, and the 700 net. I used to be anorexic, once I got to restricting below 1200 calories and getting into the 0-1000 range... I lost my…
  • Thanks for all the suggestions! I used to be anemic so I should probably get some blood tests and ask see if I need a vitamin supplement. I am getting pretty reguiar sleep so hopefully this will fade as I get more used to this change. I really hope its not iron because iron pills make me feel really gross. Thanks for all…