

  • I'd like to join! My name is Jenn and I'm a stay at home mom of 2 boys. They are 21 months and 4 months old, so there are days that I'm pretty sure I could be committed :) My 4 month old doesn't sleep through the night all the time yet, so some days if I could find a way to mainline caffeine I would. I've also been…
  • That completely describes me the last few days! Father's Day I made strip steaks and twice baked potatoes for my husband for dinner, and then made this insane chocolate cake for dessert that has over 2 lbs. of chocolate in it! And yesterday was our anniversary, so we went out to dinner. And aside from those 2 meals I…
  • Picture your dream outfit that you want to be able to wear when you get to your goal weight. A donut won't help you get there. Good luck!
  • I do have a crock pot. It never occurred to me to actually cook something to have for lunch all week then. Recipes would be great! I eat leftovers when we have them, but that's not terribly often, because my husband doesn't like leftovers, so I tend to cook only what we'll eat, because I threw so much food out when we were…
  • Mammatus - That's so funny... my oldest will be 2 at the beginning of Sept. He goes down for a nap at 11 and then sleeps until 12:30 or 1, but the younger one has been driving me nuts for the past week. He won't sleep during the day unless I'm holding him. And if he doesn't sleep then he screams and I want to rip my hair…
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