200+ Fryin' the Fat



  • megruder
    megruder Posts: 216
    Ok, I'm currently at work and trying to find something decent to watch on TV, not easy to do at 5am. (It's always a reminder why we don't have cable.) Anyhow, I came across an infomercial for a workout system called Metamorphosis by Tracy. Has anyone seen this yet? It is marketed as "transforming muscular structure work, designed for your specific body types" and "uses a fusion of aerobic and dance movements, to re-engineer the muscular structure." Those quotes are pulled from the website. Basically, the infomercial itself suggests that this 90-day program can focus on just one area for fat loss... before you can even purchase the program you have to pick one of four body types: abcentric, hipcentric, glutecentric, or omnicentric. I know it's a marketing gimmick, but I just get so frustrated when these fitness companies/individuals prey on consumers. Targeting the muscles in a certain area...very do-able, targeting fat loss in that area so you can see the muscles...impossible. I'm not knocking the workout program, just the marketing.

    I'll shut up now and go back to my Law & Order.
  • megruder
    megruder Posts: 216
    Kristina don't forget me!! :smile: You left me off the chart this week. :sad: Weigh-in on Friday was 240.6 lbs.
  • bubblesburst80
    bubblesburst80 Posts: 1,152 Member
    i'd like to join this too

    my current weight is 222

    my goals are to carry on cooking healthier for the family, it's started just need to keep up
    i want to fit more working out into my day, get the family kinect challenges started again!
    to go down a size in clothes

    good luck to everyone
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Kristina - You left me off the chart this week. Weigh-in on Friday was 240.6 lbs. Sorry to hear work is crazy but North Carolina sounds fun!
    Dang it!! I totes had your weight and just missed you.... just several peeps above and below you on my chart didn't weigh in and I missed you in the process! I'm sorry! Your numbers were Katie / 249 / 240.6 (-8.4) (3.37%), which is a fab weight loss/percentage, especially as you joined the last challenge a week late, so this is only in 5 weeks!
  • mommyjj92
    mommyjj92 Posts: 8
    I'd like to join! My name is Jenn and I'm a stay at home mom of 2 boys. They are 21 months and 4 months old, so there are days that I'm pretty sure I could be committed :) My 4 month old doesn't sleep through the night all the time yet, so some days if I could find a way to mainline caffeine I would. I've also been overweight my whole life, but I really want to get healthy for my kids. I want to be around for a lot of years, and I also don't want to pass on my issues with food to them. I weigh in on Monday mornings and yesterday was at 215.8, which I'm pretty happy with, since my highest weight when I was pregnant was 250.
    Goals for the next 6 weeks:
    1. Do pilates 3 times a week (after 2 c-sections my stomach literally hangs)
    2. Go for a 30 minute (minimum) walk every day with the boys.
    3. Eat sensibly when on vacation for a week in July
    4. Get out of the 210's!
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    I'd like to join too, please! My name is Pam and I've been overweight most of my life (besides my junior high and high school years when I exercised the most). I'm finally fed up to the point where I want to make a change for good....I want to feel strong! I like to have adventures and do things like hiking, but right now I just physically can't do as much of it as I want to. That has to change. :)

    My current weight is 229, and these are my goals for the challenge:

    1.) Keep moving! This is my 3rd week of finally getting back to exercising, and I want to keep it up. I've started Jillian's 30 Day Shred and a program called Run Your Butt Off, and both of those things are already making me feel better about myself.

    2.) Finish the 30 Day Shred program feeling much stronger!

    3.) Be able to wear ALL of the clothes in my closet comfortably....like that pair of jeans I have that I can put on but are so tight they make me feel like a stuffed sausage. :)

    Thanks for letting me join you all!
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Welcome - Yummywater; Lauren; Ashley; Bubbleburst; Cynthia; Jenn and Pam and be warned - the ladies on this thread are wondreful - extremely supportive, often funny, and very down to earth - stick here if yiou seriously wish to shift that weight.

    Goals for this thread:

    1) To get to 180 - and stay there - unlike last thread where I made it then shot straight back up.
    2) To weigh every monday morning (thank you Kendal - I think!!!)
    3) To shift this horrid bug that has gotten worse again - was finding it extremely difficult to breath last night - what on earth is going on?????
    4) to come up with a physical challenge - but brain is just not functioning well enough right now to do this.

    Well done on losses everyone - especially Karen, Kerry and Sarah and keep at it for next thread.

    Finally - what happened to Crystal and Suzie and is there any way of finding them. I know others have dropped fromthread but I remember that Suzie had been poorly for a while and Crystal was going through something and we promised to 'kick her butt' to keep her on line but we seem to have lost both of them. Ideas?

    Annette xx
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Holy Lots of Posts, Batman! Sorry, I don't have time at the moment to read through all of it, but welcome to all the newbies and welcome back to all those who were on the previous challenge!!

    The end of this challenge falls on the last weekend I can buy the Warrior Dash tickets before they go up in price. The race itself is 9 weeks away.

    My foot was feeling better last week, but apparently it was just kidding. It fooled me into thinking it was better, so I started walking barefoot around the house more and now I can tell that it's still not 100% right. Very frustrating but at least I know I have an appointment next week that should fix it completely.

    -TRAIN TRAIN TRAIN! jump back in with C25K and P90X. I think I will start with week 2 of each (once my foot heals) Also, as a part of this goal, I need to really push myself with c25k. Running is mostly a mental thing so I need to (in the words of Nike) JUST DO IT. lol
    -Lose 5 pounds (so that'd put me at 209, not sure why I have such a mental block about going lower at this point.)

    The interview was tough yesterday. Cassie (the manager) asked some difficult questions but I was able to give some kind of answer for each. She has had other interviews and will narrow it down to the top 2 candidates. Then her manager (Tim) will call and talk to both candidates and I guess between Tim and Cassie, a decision will be made. Cassie hopes an offer can be made by the end of next week.

    Mr. Reunion came over last night again. I don't know what got into us but we were especially silly and playful last night. And Lexi joined in on the wrestling too lol. I could hardly breath from laughing so hard and my cheeks hurt from smiling for so long. It was a great night.
  • missxlaur
    missxlaur Posts: 286
    Morning everyone! I just thought of more goals.

    In total, that makes my goals:

    1) Losing 6 lbs or more by the end of this challenge
    2) Keeping up with my C25k
    3) Staying at or under my calories every weekend. (The weekends are the hardest for me for sure. Anyone else have that problem??)

    I'll weigh in on Friday and I can't wait to see everyone's progress next week. :)
  • tammykoon
    tammykoon Posts: 298 Member
    Howdy! I would like to join up with you. I am 38 as of tomorrow and working on being healthy for the first time. My start weight with MFP was 372. I am now 322, but I am not posting it til tomorrow beacuse my birthday present to myself was to be down 50lbs and my other friends are waiting til then to see if I made it. Goals... well this is a new thing for me. I hate not reaching them but I think now is the time to start trying.

    1. To be able to run 5 laps in my garage without stopping. (I can do 3 right now.)
    2. maintaining 3 workouts a week minimum.
    3. To be under 310.

    OK, 6 weeks right? So end date would be August 1?

    EDIT- Duh! Just re-read the first post never mind my questions. lol
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Finally - what happened to Crystal and Suzie and is there any way of finding them. I know others have dropped fromthread but I remember that Suzie had been poorly for a while and Crystal was going through something and we promised to 'kick her butt' to keep her on line but we seem to have lost both of them. Ideas?

    Annette xx

    If she's on your friend list, send her a message. If not, go to a prior thread where she posted and click on her name. When her page comes up, click on send her a message. Include a few *whip cracks* from us all... Thanks for remembering.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    I went to see the doctor today for my foot. He said I don't have plantar fasciitis. It's more likely a heel spur or a chipped bone in my heel. He took an X-ray and told me that he'd call me if it showed anything. He also gave me Motrin and told me I'd probably feel better in 3 or 4 days and if I don't, I should come back. I'm pretty sure that if it has hurt for the past year and he didn't actually do anything to fix it, then there's probably only a miniscule chance it will feel better in the next 4 days. <sigh>

    Kendal: I'm sorry the interview was a bit rough. I was so frustrated with the last job interview I had, that I was crying by the time I got home and they called me to tell me they wanted to hire me. I was so shocked, I thought it was a joke at first. So, just cuz it felt rough to you, doesn't necessarily mean they didn't like you. I'm glad you are enjoying Mr. Reunion so much!

    Annette: I'm so sorry you're feeling ill. Feel better soon!

    Katie: I hate when people insist that spot reduction is a possibility. It's really not possible. Your body decides where it wants to lose weight. You can strengthen muscles but if they're covered with fat, you'll never see them. Food planning is such a great tool! I plan my dinner menu for the week before I make my grocery list and it really helps. It keeps us from eating out or just eating mac 'n cheese cuz no one knows what's for dinner.

    Victoria: Your calorie burn is just awesome!

    Welcome to the newbies! Jump on into the conversation, we love getting to know new peeps!
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Amy, do you wear a brace at all? Sorry if you mentioned that before. As for me calling the eating well on business trips a silly goal, I guess I just feel like it's a difficult one to stick to. But I'm going to try!

    Kendal, I bet that interview wasn't nearly as bad as you feel it was.

    Katie, I've just never liked raisins. It's the texture and the overly sweetness that does it to me. And yes, I never make oatmeal raisin cookies. Always, ALWAYS oatmeal chocolate chip! I also hate cinnamon and peas. I know, I'm weird. I call those three foods "Nava poison." You should see me trying to pick peas out of fried rice. Although... I haven't had fried rice in ages!

    Got the braces on. I think I look 12. Also my face is crazy irritated this morning, and I can't tell if that's from the latex gloves, or what, but the lower half of my face looks like a tomato-lobster thing. The fun thing is trying to figure out what mushy foods to eat. I don't think I'm going to be able to track for the next couple days till my teeth get unsore. For example, at lunch my best friend and I are going to Black Eyed Pea (I think this is a Texas only thing) but it's like homecooking. So I'm going to attempt meatloaf, mashed potatoes and squash casserole probably. But I haven't the foggiest how I'd track those calories, so I'm just going to try not to eat everything on my plate. Otherwise, smoothies are my friend!

    Welcome to all the newbies! Be sure to let us know your first names if you haven't already!
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Ah ha, interesting. Someone's added Black Eyed Pea's nutritional info here. Dunno how accurate it is, but that's helpful!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Nava: How long do you have to have braces? I'm sorry your face is irritated from the braces. Good luck with the mushy foods (I personally hate musy stuff) No, I don't wear a brace. I'm just at the beginning of trying to figure out what's wrong with my foot. There's a sharp pain right at the bottom of my heel (not in the ankle). I guess we'll see what the X-Rays say.
  • MrsMarvelous
    MrsMarvelous Posts: 124 Member
    so yesterday i did INSANITY cardio power and resistance it was pretty fun id like to keep doing it.. i have the videos but dont like working out at home..

    im still lurking about here.. havent been doing the weighins much because i havent been losing yet.. uhh hopefully i can get back to it.. and im going to try really hard to stick with my work outs during school i really need to stay active.. ttyl
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Amy, a year to a year and a half. I think it might be prolonged use of latex gloves in my mouth that is the culprit? Or the adhesive they use. This usually happens every time I get major dental work done. Not sure what the cause is, but it's certainly irritating... both literally and figuratively.

    I too am not the biggest fan of mushy stuff. Also, the mushier the food the higher in calories it seems to be!

    I wonder if your foot issue may be something to do with how your heel is situated in your shoes while working out? Just hitting too hard on a persistent basis... I hope you get it figured out!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Check in for yesterday: 2826b/1885e/941 deficit. That deficit is probably a bit too much, but considering I'm coming off TOM and a vacation, it should be okay. I'm a bit sore from Core Synergetics. Tonight is Kenpo. I'm still congested which is going to make it sucky. I need to get some better allergy medicine. Also I've decided that it is high time to go back to the allergist, have a new panel done and start the damn shots. I'm tired of suffering like this.

    Weigh in: 209.8. Sigh. I would assume that by next Monday I will be back down to 207ish region.

    Welcome Lauren. YummyWater, Ashley, bubbles, Jenn(mommyjj) and Pam!

    Sarah - hopefully we will get to onderland on this challenge TOGETHER! I like the rest of your goals too!

    Karen - yeay for that much weight lost! Yeay for another car!! Those short sales/foreclosure sure do take a long time don't they? Its nuts!

    Nava - It is SO hard to eat well when you travel isn't it? I like your goals though, it will make you more cognisant of what you are doing while out on the road.

    Cynthia - wow that is a major schedule you've got going there! Walk as much as you can around campus and between class and work and really focus down in on the food - calorie intake and the kinds of foods you put in your body. Weight loss is 8)% food intake.

    Jenn - love the idea of the tattoo for your next goal met!

    Amy - I am thinking if I do get to come to Italy in September that I might have to pop into a tattoo shop and get a tiny one to commemerate my trip. Not sure what. Will have to think about it. I want something special, but that won't take up a whole day in the shop you know? That totally sucks about your left foot.

    Katie - I've done water aerobics in the past but its been many years. I have a HRM I should take a class this summer and see how many cals I burn in the pool.

    Victoria - Maybe you could set a goal of two meals per week or something like food prep for two? Anything is better than nothing right? Food should really be easier for us hsouldn't it? LOL...

    Annette - I emailed Crystal a week or so ago and she said she's struggling with schedule and keeping everything up. I am sure an email from some of you would certainly help to lighten her mood. Plus it was her birthday a few days ago! Suzie, I've not seen her post even on her home page in a few..I sure hope her fever is getting better!

    Kendal - ouch, interviews can be tough, but I am thinking you did great and will get a call! I can't walk barefoot anymore around the house at all. I have to wear either my birkenstocks or chacos so my feet don't hurt. Since I've been doing that and bought good running shoes my feet really stopped hurting. Its still there but nothing like it was. Yeay for wrastling with Mr Reunion and pup last night!

    Lauren - there are quite a few of us who have weekend eating issues in this thread. We've even discussed doing some sort of challenge for the weekends.

    Tammy - congrats on 50 lbs!! Welcome to the group. I bet by the end of the challegne you will totally be able to do 5 laps around your garage.

    Nava - make a recipe in your food - look on the right side when you are in your diary or searching for food and its there. That thing is totally awesome tool!

    Bethany - Keep up with the program, the more you do it, the more you will WANT to do it. I never could work out at home until I started P90X a month ago. Glad to see you back :)

    Yeay I thinK I got everyone...and its taken too long lol. I need to get going at owrk here. Cheers ladies!
  • manda2j
    manda2j Posts: 63
    Hi there! i'd love to join this challenge.. my C.W. is 214 my goal after the 6 weeks would be 200!!! How awesome it will be to finally reach that point... I am a momma of 6, have been overweight since after the 2nd... slightly mushy before the first two. lol i always thought i was chunky back then, but looking at pictures now, i see that i was very skinny. so part of my goal is a whole self change.. improving my outlook on life.. not being so negative and down on myself! i am up to this challenge and i look forward to getting to know you all :)
  • manda2j
    manda2j Posts: 63
    So my goals for these 6 weeks would be

    to run a 5k in 30 minutes... right now i'm running it in about 40...
    to join some type of self improvement class, either online or irl, or just to start a book on self improvement (self worth)
    to get down to 200... that would be slightly over 2 lbs a week...
    to take each one of my kids on a date each week... (i have 6, so that's one date a week)
    to get my living room arranged! (would definitely help the stress level around here, cuz right now it's a mess lol)