200+ Fryin' the Fat



  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Speaking of books - I'm about two thirds of the way through the third book in the Game of Thrones cycle...maybe I didn't read this book, can't remember. But wow, talk about killing off the fav's! LOL

    I'm turning on HBO this weekend so i can start watching True Bloods new season and look forward to watching the GoT series too.
    ahh! you're blowing me away with the books! I finished the first book, because I've been watching the series and wanted to know what would happen.. haha! I've got all the other books, and I'm trying to get through some other ones before starting the rest of the series. I'm looking forward to True Blood as well.

    Anyone else have a GoodReads account i haven't already added? It's fun to see what people are reading.

    And on the healthy front, I ran 3 miles this morning with Emma. Work has been so crazy hectic... it at least keeps me from overeating at work! Plan to work another 3 miles with a friend tomorrow morning.

    I'm still updating my marathon blog.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Victoria - if you want, I will mail you the first three books when I am done with the the third one, which won't be too much longer. They are paperback. I'm determined to quit holding onto books anymore that I am not going to read again.
  • mrslrichard
    mrslrichard Posts: 38 Member
    Woohoo...found the thread. Sorry I didn't post yesterday, my 4 1/2 year old was sick all day so I tried to avoid the computer.

    I've read through all the posts....not going to be able to respond to all the posts over 3 pages, sorry.

    Welcome to all the newcomers!

    Kendal-I'm sure you did better than you think. Like others have said, it seems that so often the interviews that don't go as you invision are the ones that result in job offers. Glad you are still enjoying Mr Reunion!

    Lacey-You always seem to be so great about keeping up with your workouts. I'm impressed. How do you find the various workouts/systems you do on your knees? My husband is wanting to start p90x and I'm considering doing it with him, just don't know if my knees will be able to handle it.

    Karen-Amazing loss during the last challenge! Sorry to hear about the difficulty getting the house to go through.

    Amy- Great goals for this challenge!! I too need to work on getting more fruits/veggies. Sorry to hear your foot is still hurting. :( Hopefully the scan will give you some answers.

    Katie- I really like your goal: "Cook at least 3 real meals at home each week" We haven't been eating out much, but I've not been preparing great/balanced meals. I may need to steal that one from you. ;)

    Cynthia-That is a tough schedule. Like Victoria suggested finding a little bit a time in between things may be your best bet. Try doing short little things....for example. Do 20 jumping jacks when you get out of bed. Take the stairs whenever possible. If you can walk somewhere vs drive, go for it. Good luck with your schedule and be sure to take care of yourself so you don't get rundown.

    Annette-Sorry to hear you haven't been able to kick that bug. Hopefully it will be gone soon.

    I guess I'm going to have to pull out my hubby's copy of Game of Thrones. I've been seeing so much about it in this thread and through some friends on facebook.

    Goals for this 6 weeks:
    Make more complete/healthy meals for the family
    Continue on with another bootcamp session after this one ends this week.
    Add at least 2 more exercise sessions into my schedule beyond my twice weekly bootcamps
    Preferably not gain, but gain no more than 1 pound on my vacation next week.
    Drink more water
    Get more sleep each night (I've found I crave sweets SO much more if I'm not rested)
    Lose approx 10lbs and hit Onederland (was one of my goals from last session that didn't happen :( )

    And for the big goal.....My 2 1/2 year old daughter grabbed a pair of my jeans this afternoon and decided to put them on. Well, she easily disappeared into one pant leg. My 4 1/2 year old son thought this was hilarious and had a turn after her. He too could disappear into one pant leg (granted they were at least a bit tighter at the bottom of the leg on him..hehe). My new big goal is to get into pants that small children cannot become lost in .lol.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Laura - I'd say Amy and Kerry are the work out queens but thank you for the compliment! As far as knee issues - I just don't do the plyo in P90X. I do the Cardio X instead. It is much more knee friendly though the cal burn isn't the same. I have more feet issues, so I also don't do the yoga, again Cardio X instead.
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Hey howdy hey. Totally had a post going, totally copied it to save the text, and then multi-tasked at work and copied something else and lost it. I really really want to reply to everyone.

    First things first - hi all new people! My name is Kerry and I'm 28, married to the coolest guy ever, no kids, no pets, no responsibilities. Its awesome. This will be my 4th challenge with this group of girls, and I LOVE them. They are all so awesome and helpful and inspiring. You're in good company.

    My goals for this challenge:

    1. Commit to distance running. No more just talking about it. P90X will be done on Monday, the 27th, and I will be starting a running regiment. If I hate it, then I will revert back to P90X or get Insanity or TurboFire or something else to keep me motivated.
    2. Figure out how to mentally allow myself a day off from working out without dealing with an absurd amount of guilt (I'm talking to you, Kerry, who did 2 1/2 hours of P90X this morning just so you didn't skip the stretch dvd. Seriously? You might have an illness!)
    3. Weekend control. Every weekend, every time... paying close attention to those big "celebratory" weekends like July 4, etc. I also want to have at least one straight week of no booze. (some of you will understand how big of an accomplishment this would be. No wine with dinner? Not even a glass? What?!?!?!)
    4. Weight? 17-something
    5. Pants? I'd like a size 12 to fit me like a size 14 does right now... saggy and almost completely too big.

    OK - time to try to catch up!

    Kristina, I have a goodreads account but I haven't been on there in like 6 months. I never update it, so it wouldn't be very fun. Only so much time in the day.

    Nava, I have been about 3/4 of the way done with The Girl Who Played with Fire for like 3 months. Its actually quite sad. I go through massive reading spurts and then just completely stop. Its been so nice weather-wise that I can't help but want to be outside. I'm still trying to wrap my head around you having braces - that SUCKS. I've never had them, and I feel super super lucky about that.

    Victoria, are you still trail running? I keep forgetting to ask you.

    Lacey, that woman who works with your husband sounds TERRIBLE. I hate people like that. I also just do not understand how people cheat with married people. Or in general. Its gross. Oh and by the way, your new profile pic is adorable! Seriously, your family is beautiful!

    Amy/everyone, TRUE BLOOD! I'm so excited. I have a total little girl crush on Alexander Skarsgard, and this would be the season where he and Sookie get it on like crazy, so I'm looking forward to that. Thanks to all of you who didn't ruin season one of GOT for me by telling this thread earlier that Ned Stark was gonna lose his head. That was one of the craziest/best tv moments I have ever seen. I really need to get those books.

    Amy specifically, I like your veggie/fruit goal. I'm good with veggies, awful with fruit. It helps that I could eat a big salad for lunch every day and be totally happy. How is your foot? I don't like that its hurt. ~hugs~

    Ashley, way to go on getting up to work out! Being tired sucks, but getting the workout done in the morning is so nice.

    Manda, welcome! I think that if you ask any of us, we would say that our goals are not really set in stone. When you've been overweight for forever, you don't really know what a good weight will be. And 6 kids?! Wow! Date night with them sounds like an awesome way for them to have quality time with you!

    Kendal, everything about you and Mr. Reunion is adorable. And I totally agree with Amy, you gotta get us a pic where we can see his face!!! Hopefully you get news back on the interview asap so you don't have to worry about it one way or another. I'm sure you were amazing.

    Karen, so sorry about the house - boo! You guys are being tough. That process is so stressful and I don't envy you at all. Chris and I also had a house prior to the one we bought that we counteroffered and counteroffered and then finally walked away from. And then the house we ended up getting? We agreed on a price in April and didn't move in until June. The house was vacant, it just took the bank that long to get their *kitten* together. On another note, congrats on your incredible loss last challenge!!!

    Stephanie, welcome! Jump right in with us! Do you have any specific goals for the next 6 weeks?

    Jenn, the tatoo sounds fancy. I still debate getting one from time to time, but thus far haven't.

    Bethany, hi! Good to see you around here!

    Tammy, hi and welcome - good goals! Stick with it and pretty soon you'll be running laps around the neighborhood.

    Annette, you are still not feeling awesome? Uck. That really really stinks. I'm sorry!

    Pam, welcome! Before starting P90X I did 30 day shred and it was a really awesome way to kind of kickstart me on all of this. I'm gonna have to look into Run Your Butt Off. I just like the name. lol.

    Jenn, welcome! My brother and sister-in-law have 2 girls that are 18 months and 1 month, so I kind of understand how busy you are! Way to go on getting the workouts in even with the little ones.

    bubbles, hi there! What do you do for family kinect challenges? Sounds fun.

    Katie, I totally agree with Amy that there is no real way to "target" an area of your body if you are trying to lose fat. Fat loss will come from wherever your body wants it to. So until the fat is gone, the muscles underneath won't be visible.

    Cynthia, welcome! Have you heard of Amazon Prime? I buy pretty much everything from Amazon, so for I think $70 for the year, I get free 2 day shipping on pretty much everything from them, no matter the size/weight/etc. Its AMAZING. I seriously don't know what I would do without it.

    Sarah, way to go on the huge loss last challenge! You really have been kicking some major bootie. I can pretty much guarentee you'll see ONEderland this challenge. YAY!

    Lauren, welcome! There are a ton of runners in this group, so if you have any questions while doing C25K, let us know!

    yummywater, hi! Tell us more about yourself!

    Oh and Kristina, have I mentioned how awesome you are for doing all of this every challenge? Seriously impressive. I appreciate you.

    I am so excited that Chris and I have a bike rack for the Escape now. We are already planning on loading them up and heading to a randome state park or trail on Saturday to ride. Should be a good time. Otherwise, things here are good. Only issue is we had to take our mower in, and they've had it for 2 weeks and still haven't even given us an estimate to fix it (we think it needs a new carborator). So we've already rented a mower once (I still have the remnants of the blisters from that *kitten*), and now will probably have to rent one again. So the question is, when does it become more fiscally responsible to just go get a new mower? Ours is a really awesome Honda that we paid something like $400 for, but still. Frustrating.

    Okay, I'm keeping the "me" stuff short since this post is already hella long. SO happy to be back on here consistently!
  • mrslrichard
    mrslrichard Posts: 38 Member
    That is one impressive post, Kerry!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    The talk of the $400 lawnmower makes me happy that I only spent $100 for a ****ty one at WalShart that does the job, and that we have a fairly decent sized but smaller yard! Although my husband could be in the $200 range for how many blades he's replaced since we moved in. Just can't seem to miss the tree roots or remember to make sure there aren't big rocks in the grass before he mows and slings broken rock chunks and breaks windows (yes that really happened).

    Wow so HBO is really moving along with the storyline if they beheaded Ned already!! thats cool.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Victoria - if you want, I will mail you the first three books when I am done with the the third one, which won't be too much longer. They are paperback. I'm determined to quit holding onto books anymore that I am not going to read again.

    Thanks for the offer but I think I'll have to buy the audio version. I can listen while driving between clients, jogging, doing yardwork, etc. I so wish I had time to read an actual book.

    ETA - on second thought if you send them, I can wait until winter and read at my leisure... I'm liking this idea. I'd be happy to reimburse the postage. Thanks for the offer.
  • mrslrichard
    mrslrichard Posts: 38 Member
    Kerry-We had to get a new carborator after our mower was in storage for 3 years (the mower itself was only 4 years old) Don't know if you will get the same cost but it cost $110 to fix.
  • Sinz2011
    Sinz2011 Posts: 59 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    My name is Sina and I would like to join the 6 week challenge. I have never been part of a challenge on MFP, so this is my first. It has been just over a month since i joined MFP and have so far lost 10lbs.

    So something about myself. I am 22 and just graduated university. I have been overweight since I can remember, though i had lost weight and was atmy goal weight of 125lbs when I was 15yrs and then could not maintain it, which has led me to be obese now. I am sick and tired of being fat and I wanted to discover myself all over again, before I miss out on more time in life!! So my goals are as follows:

    SW: 211lbs
    CW: 201 lbs
    GW: 140 lbs

    Goal weight for this challenge is to loose 15 lbs in these 6 weeks. It may be a little too ambitious, but its been a while since i stretched my limits, I want to give it a shot!! I know I can do it! :)

    Looking forward to getting to know you all more.. ...:)... very excited to join my first challenge!! yeahee
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    Oh boy, this thread has a lot for a newbie to keep up with! :)

    First of all, Game of Thrones -- yes! I haven't been watching the show, but I just got finished with the first book. Loved it!

    Kristina, I'm on Goodreads too if you want to add me....I think you can add me if you search my e-mail address, treehugginpam at gmail.

    Kendal, I understand about the Mr. Reunion thing. My friends and I always used to give the guys we were dating nicknames. :)

    Kerry, I actually started Shred thinking that it could be a gateway to P90X....here's hoping!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    not really going to add to the conversation at this point in time....just wanted to add a post so that I know where I stopped reading when I come back in the morning lol

    this board is on FIRE!! :bigsmile:
  • GonnaDoItJenn
    GonnaDoItJenn Posts: 131 Member
    Kendal- Yes, I chose "Gonna Do It Jenn" because I am TOTALLY going to do it! LOL! Glad you like my future tattoo!

    Karen- I'm so sorry that it came down to such a small amount. We totally understand. We had a set limit on ours and had our first place who refuse to budge a penny on her price. She ended up relisting at a higher price.

    Amy- Thanks!

    Kerry- If you get a tattoo, I promise you will be "itching" for more. I have a total of 4 and this will be one that is covering one that I have had laser removed.

    Looks like we have A LOT of True Blood Fans. I haven't seen Season 3 but I thought I would share a pic of MY puppies, "Bill and Sookie. They are 13 week old Dachsund mixes. I love them so much!

  • missxlaur
    missxlaur Posts: 286
    KENDAL. i LOVE that story! it is soooo cute.

    p.s. i had a really bad chocolate craving tonight, but instead of eating an actual chocolate bar i just ate a fiber one chocolate and peanut butter bar. only 90 cals. went over by 66 cals today but i did a lot of walking to and from the subway. bah.

    I CAN'T WAIT TO RUN TOMORROW. i don't know why i'm so excited about c25k. i just love it. i hope i lose weight by friday! i have to be SUPER good the rest of the week.

    what does everyone do to stay on track at work??
  • manda2j
    manda2j Posts: 63
    aww Jenn your puppies are adorable!!!

    and thanks ladies for the encouragement on the dates... they were something we've done randomly from time to time, but i'd like to get on it better.. i feel they are needing some mommy time you know? it's time for a new me! and it's exciting!!! the kiddos are not quite sure of the change yet lol... but i know they'll get there, and they'll trust mommy not to be the same ole tired mom she used to be!

    Thanks Amy! Yes, I am old enough to have 6... if you got started as young as i did ;) i was just under 18 when i had my first!
  • Ashrenalls
    Ashrenalls Posts: 88 Member
    I don’t know if I got everyone, but here goes nothing….

    Kendal: That’s super cute about you and Mr. Reunion. That’s really great that he wants to support you in your endeavors to be healthy! He sounds great!

    Manda: Congrats on meeting your first goal weight last month! This is my first community as well. I’m just figuring out this who replying to everyone thing. There are so many of us!

    Lacey: I don’t really know all of the workouts you are talking about, but I hope to. You have any suggestions for a beginner? Thanks for the encouragement!

    Karen: I’m praying about your house stuff

    Mrslrichard: I hope little one gets better!! Thanks for the welcome!

    Kerry: That is so cool for you to be at such a fun time of your life! I’m excited to join you for this challenge! And you are completely right, being done with my workout before the day starts is so nice!

    Sina: Welcome! This is my first challenge MFP, too. I think the 15 lbs is completely doable, just don’t get discouraged if you don’t make it. That is my weight loss goal for this challenge. Let’s do it!

    Treehugginpam: I completely agree, this is super hard to keep up with. Haha!

    Jenn: Cute puppies!!!

    Missxlaur: Mmmm…chocolate…..Good luck on your run tomorrow!

    I don’t have any books I’m reading right now, besides my News Reporting text book. Anybody else got school right now??
    I’m praying for discipline to get up in the morning again and to get my school work done!

    Have a great night!!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    ok, by popular demand...here are the only pics I have of Mr. Reunion. wish I had a picture of his smile...or a pic of him shirtless :wink: rawr.....I'm gonna work on that.



  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    OMG there's no WAY I'm gonna keep track of all of our newcomers! Esp with boss being back at work tomorrow! *sigh* I'll do my best! This week is crazy at night anyway. My adorable niece is here too, so add in an additional 7 yr old to my own 3!! We got all the kids pictures taken tonight as a birthday present for grandmother/grandfather (July/Sept). I can't wait to get the CD!! Will post some! Though we kept them casual pics.

    The $1000 wasn't the deal breaker so much as on Friday, the property owner was OK with 35K. Then on Monday, day before closing, they decided to say another 1K b/c we missed the first closing date due to possibly writing the place off b/c of possible mold. I'd gotten the money already, it is IN my flipping account waiting to transfer, and the dude wants to randomly add on 1K? Out of nowhere? Because we wanted to THINK about it? Seriously. OK, sorry, rant over!

    To all of you newcomers, wow! You'll love this thread! These ladies are amazing & I love 'em all! They keep me going! I usually do so much better at answering everybody's posts & welcoming new peoples by name, but it's late, I have to work, and my 9 yr old doesn't wanna sleep in the same room as the 7 yr olds tonight, so I'm on his bed (the couch).

    Thanks so much for all the thoughts & well wishes on the house! If it was the one God wanted us to have, all would have gone smoothly. So we keep praying for Him to show us the right one. There are a few prospects we can look at in the area. All hope is not lost! I promise to try better at the thread....if I ever get a chance to catch up! I did read them all at least!!
  • hkallembach
    hkallembach Posts: 485
    Ok, so some how I'm alive...barely. Life guarding certification is going okish. Ha, I barely made it by the skins of my teeth! For getting the brick in 1:40--I made it back in 1:39. Getting out of the pool (without the ladder in 16 feet deep water) is what killed me.

    Anyways, Goals:

    1.)Add weights to my workout once/week (not including personal training)
    2.)Add more fruits/veggies to my diet
    3.)DO NOT SKIP weigh-ins (considering I have TOM this week I shouldn't have a reason the rest of the challenge, I think.)
    4.)Monday-Friday (i.e. days I'm at the athletic club) burn at LEAST 600 calories before I'm done working out
    5.)Drink water, water, water, water
    6.)Only have soda in moderation (i.e. once MAYBE twice per week)
    7.)Jog my entire drive way w/o stopping (ok, almost the entire way because of the evil dog at the neighbor's place at the end of the drive way) because it's a mile down and back
    8.)Be accountable
    9.)Expand my horizons
    10.)Buy one item of clothing from Kohl's or Target and NOT FEEL ashamed

    Ok, I think I'm done with goals. Bahahahhaha.

    I like everyone's goals so far! I've been in the pool for 12 hours, yes, 12 hours straight today! 8 AM to 8 PM. Gotta love the chlorinated skin shine! :)

    Oh man, I don't believe this is my (I think) third challenge so far! WHOOOO HOOOOO!!!!!

    Welcome to all the newcomers!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Victoria - if you want, I will mail you the first three books when I am done with the the third one, which won't be too much longer. They are paperback. I'm determined to quit holding onto books anymore that I am not going to read again.

    Thanks for the offer but I think I'll have to buy the audio version. I can listen while driving between clients, jogging, doing yardwork, etc. I so wish I had time to read an actual book.

    ETA - on second thought if you send them, I can wait until winter and read at my leisure... I'm liking this idea. I'd be happy to reimburse the postage. Thanks for the offer.

    I'm not worried about the postage. I get free shipping from work. Just PM me your addy and when I'm done with this book I will mail them over!