200+ Fryin' the Fat

Hello all! It's time for a new 6-week challenge to begin with our group!

Some general info:
-This challenge lasts 6 weeks
-We weigh in Fridays-Monday mornings, please post to the thread
-I'll post everyone's weights by Tuesday and announce the week's biggest loser!
-Some of us have been together for over a year and a half!
-We always welcome new members. We just ask that you introduce yourself, tell us a little about you, goals, etc. And just right into the conversation
-Let us know what your goals are for this challenge. They don't have to be weight-related.
-If you miss two weeks (either don't weigh in, or let us know you won't be), I'll take you off the list-- it's too hard to keep up with everyone!

My next post will be the final chart for "Summer Meltdown" challenge. If you're a returning member, I'll use your final weight for that challenge as starting weight for this one.

ETA: the challenge will end the weekend of July 29th


  • hkallembach
    hkallembach Posts: 485
    BUMP!!!! :)
  • missxlaur
    missxlaur Posts: 286
    I want to join! My name is Lauren. I lost 20 lbs last summer and have been sort of stagnant since. My goal is to lose at least 15 lbs before my birthday (9/17, 13 weeks away). I just started C25K today and I'm really committed to it. I cook healthy at home for my boyfriend and me. We are on this weight loss journey together (but he doesn't count calories), so I really look to my MFPers for support! Can't wait to take part in this :)
  • missxlaur
    missxlaur Posts: 286
    Do we weigh in on Fridays or Monday mornings? Sorry I didn't understand the initial post
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Hello all! While it looks like last week was not a fabulous week for us ladies, we did great overall this challenge! And those of you who gained in the last week, it could be a fluke and your week #1 weight loss of the new challenge could be amazing!

    The chart is as follows:

    Name / Starting Challenge Weight / Ending Challenge Weight (# lost) (% body weight lost)

    Kristina / 177.6 / 183.4 (yeah, let's not talk about it)
    Victoria / 188 / 190 (+2)
    Kendal / 218.8 / 214.8 (-4.0) (1.83%)
    Lacey / 218.8 / ??? (will wait on your weigh-in)
    Amy / 199.2 / 199 (-0.2) (0.1%)
    Sarah / 218.2 / 208.4 (-9.8) (4.49%)
    Kerry / 197.2 / 187.7 (-9.5) (4.82%)
    Hailie / 259 / 258.4 (-0.6) (0.23%)
    Annette / 185 / 183 (-2.0) (1.08%)
    Karen / 229 / 217.8 (-11.2) (4.89%)
    Nava / 226.6 / 222.6 (-4.0)(1.77%)
    Psychohope / 259 / 261 (+2.0)
    Laura / 213.5 / 210 (-3.5) (1.64%)
    Jenn / 321.8 / 317.5 (-4.3) (1.34%)

    So, we had three people all very close to the top... they are (by body percentage lost):

    FIRST PLACE: KAREN! :drinker: with 11.2 pounds lost and a fabulous 4.89% of her body weight gone!
    SECOND PLACE: KERRY! :heart: with 9.5 pounds (third place) lost and just behind Karen in body weight % lost with 4.82%
    THIRD PLACE: SARAH! :flowerforyou: with 9.8 pounds (second place) lost and 4.49% weight lost!

    Your weigh-in for this past challenge will be your starting weight for the new one. If I didn't put you on the chart, it's because I didn't get a weight for you for this week, so if you can post your starting weight for the challenge, I'll re-add you to the list.

    And for everyone, start posting your challenge goals!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Do we weigh in on Fridays or Monday mornings? Sorry I didn't understand the initial post

    Hi Lauren! Welcome! What would your starting weight be for this challenge? Do you have any other goals for over the next 6 weeks?

    As for weigh-ins, some people like to weigh in different days, so we have some people weighing in Fridays, and then some throughout the weekend. Usually Monday mornings I call out the people I haven't heard from and try to have the week's numbers up for viewing by Monday evening. Let me know if you have any questions!
  • missxlaur
    missxlaur Posts: 286
    Hi there! Thanks for getting back to me. My starting weight for this challenge is 184.2. My goals for the next 6 weeks is to lose at least 6 lbs. But hopefully more. Do I just follow this thread every week to see how the challenge is progressing or will you post under the "Summer Meltdown Challenge" topic. Sorry, I've never done anything like this before!
  • yummywater
    yummywater Posts: 14 Member
    I'd like to join. :)
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Lauren: Hi and welcome to the group! Sounds like you've got some great goals. This is the thread you should be following. Quite a few of us check in daily--the support with this group is amazing :). Feel free to just dive right in to the conversation :).

    Karen & Kerry: Congrats on the great losses this challenge, ladies! Way to go!

    Kristina: I may not have a chance to weigh in the weekend of July 16th or July 23rd. We're going camping and my internet access will be spotty. I don't know if you need to know that now or closer to the date so I thought I'd put that out there. What date does the challenge end this time?

    So, my goals for this challenge:

    1. Onederland! I'm 8.4 lbs away (SO CLOSE), so provided I eat well and keep active on my vacation I should reach there towards the end of the challenge.
    2. Speaking of my vacation, stay active the whole time! Work out at least 4 days each week while I'm away, whether a formal workout or something fun like hiking or swimming.
    3. Finally get fully into a size 14. I am from some stores but not others (in fact, I suspect that from one store I'd probably fit their size 12).
    4. Finish the one hundred pushup challenge I started this morning.
    5. Start P90X after my vacation.

    I think that's enough goals for this challenge!

    yummywater: Welcome! Tell us about yourself!
  • missxlaur
    missxlaur Posts: 286
    ^ those sound like great goals to me! can't wait to be a part of this :)
  • Ashrenalls
    Ashrenalls Posts: 88 Member
    I'd like to join! I'm Ashley and I'm one of those who has been overweight my whole life. I look back now and am thankful for it while I was in high school, however I'm 24 now, and if I don't take control, I'll lose all my joints by the time I'm 35. I'm currently at 247. And I'd like to be at 210 by my birthday, (9/5).

    Goals for the next 6 weeks:

    1. Fit into the all the jeans I own (size 18s)
    2. Swim confidently at the gym
    3. Have my house reflect who I am
    4. Make A's in my summer classes while keeping up with this challenge
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Kristina - I'll weigh in the morning first thing, promise. My last weight was 207.8 I think? Definitely not 218. I will have to look back at the last posted weight chart.

    1. Keep up with P90X and get caught back up.
    2. Keep up with eating good whole foods and stay on track.
    3. Weekends - keep on track without going over cals.
    4. Post weight Monday mornings.
    5. And if I'm going to weigh in I might as well set a weight loss goal as well...6 lbs, one for each week.

    I did Core Synergetics tonight, well as much of it as I could. For one its been a week since I worked out. Two I was slightly congested from flucking allergies. And three it is HARD. Holy. ****. Dudes! I HATED it and couldn't wait till it was over. I sweated like a mutha which is good. One more this week and its over for a few weeks I think. I couldn't add Kenpo to that tonight, that was enough. I will do it tomorrow and hopefully part of another work out.

    I watched the trailer for P90X2...WOW it will be a long *kitten* while before I could do it. Hybrid of P90X and kettleworx is my next goal for the fall. Not sure how I'm going to work out, but thats the dealio.
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    I really lost that much? Holy cow!! Thanks for keeping me going ladies!!

    Welcome to all new comers!! The more the merrier!! :-)

    Goals this time around: tone up what I've lost! I'm doing something right on the losing, so gonna find some kind of exercising that'll help me be less flabby!

    And we now have two vehicles! yay!! Esp since new house will be several miles out of town. Now our realtor has to get guy from bank that owns it to get his head out of his a**! apparently he thinks we should pay an extra grand because the closing date changed. Grrr! So it's not mine yet, but the money is there, so that worry is gone for now!

    My niece is adorable!! We're taking all 4 kids tomorrow to get a group picture done by someone from church that does photos (FB
    friends can see Mellie's 2YR pics). Ok, bed time for now. Boss won't be in tomorrow, so will risk a peek or two at thread!

    Sorry I didn't get to reply from end of last thread! But I do remember Good Luck Kendal!!!
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Yay! Found the new topic. Starting weight will be ending weight from the last challenge!

    Welcome to Lauren and Ashley!

    This will be a very challenging six weeks for me, so I'm not certain what goals I should put in place! In the next six weeks, one week I'll be in the UK, one week I'll be recouping from surgery, and two weeks later I'll be in DC for a week!

    Hmm... Goals
    So in terms of real weight, I'd like to see 215.
    Need to get back on working out. 3-4 days a week.
    A bit of a silly goal: try to eat healthy while on business trips, work out at least 2 days a week while out of town.
    Use the exercise ball I bought for ab exercises that is just sitting in the corner at least 5 days a week.
    Only eat out once during the weekends. (This will prove DIFFICULT!!!)
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Oh, and good job on the last challenge, ladies!
  • lovebiteaesthetic
    I'd like to join? :)

    I'm Cynthia, and like a lot of us out there I've been overweight my whole life but it's finally just gotten out of control. I've gotten to the point where I barely want to get out of bed in the morning because just everything is a hassle. Well, obviously this is counterproductive so I'm hoping to get a little 'boot in the bottom' motivation from you guys. :)

    Starting weight: 349

    1. Start biking. [Oh Amazon shipping, how I hate your lengthiness. >.> ]
    2. Lose at least 10 lbs.
    3. Find a job and juggle with diet and workout.

    Does anyone have tips on how you juggle everything in your life? I'd like to keep a job while I'm going to school this fall, but it's going to be such a hassle.

    My day would look something like this:

    7:00am Wake up
    8:00am Leave for school
    9:00am Start school
    4:00pm Leave school
    5:00pm Start work
    1:00am Leave work
    2:00am Get home

    Obviously, a large chunk of my day is being taken out with the hour long commute but until I save up some money I'll just have to live with it. I certainly don't have much room for exercise here. There should be an hour between leaving school and starting work that I'll have to make the most of, I suppose. Another major concern I'll have is not getting enough sleep on this schedule which I know hinders weight loss. =/

    Any tips/advice would be greatly appreciated. ^__^
  • GonnaDoItJenn
    GonnaDoItJenn Posts: 131 Member
    WOO HOO! Look at all that weight that was lost from us! A total of right at 40 lbs! WOO HOO!

    My goal is to get to 310 during this challenge. That is 7.5 lbs and it is TOTALLY doable. I've set my goal of getting a Heart Rate monitor when I hit a total of 25 lbs lost and then when I get under 300 I'm getting a tattoo! WOO HOO!

    Other goals:
    1. Move completely without killing my husband
    2. Start working around the property at least 2x a week (it will probably be like EVERY day)
    3. Fit in my size 22 jeans comfortably
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Good morning ladies! Check in for Monday: 2660 calories burned/ 1820 calories eaten/ 840 calorie deficit.

    My goals for this challenge:
    1) Lose 6 pounds (that would be quite a jump from the 0.2 pounds I lost in the last challenge- WTF?)
    2) Eat 5-9 servings of fruit & vegetables a day (I think my lack of success in the last challenge is at least partly due to my eating empty calories despite being under my calorie goal most days)
    3) Exercise 6 days a week
    4) Keep my eating healthy over the weekends (I should probably move this to the #1 spot as I struggle with this the most)

    Jenn: What are you getting a tattoo of and where are you gonna put it? I LOVE tattoos. I already have plans for my next one when I find an artist around here that I like and speaks English. I'm gonna get a hibiscus flower on my foot.

    Cynthia: Hi there. I don't have any suggestions for finding ways to exercise with the schedule you posted but I do know that you are gonna be miserably tired and your immune system is going to start breaking down if you consistently get too little sleep. Have you done this schedule before? Do you have to do it for very long?

    Nava: I don't think eating healthy when you're on business trips is a "silly goal". I think it's a great goal!

    Karen: Yay for 2 cars and Boo for jerky realtors!

    Lacey: I remember busting out the Core Synergistics my first "recovery week" and nearly dying. Superman...banana...argh. It's an awesome workout though!

    Welcome Ashley, Lauren & Yummywater!

    Sarah: You will SO get to One-derland soon, you're doing so great!!!!

    I've got a doctor's appointment to have my left foot checked out. Even with the rest I took over the weekend and the decrease in impact exercises, my foot/heel is pretty much killing me all day. I was ok with it when it was just in the morning when I woke up but now that it's a constant all-day kind of thing, it's driving me nuts. Have a great day, ladies!
  • megruder
    megruder Posts: 216
    Way to go on all the weight loss ladies!!!!!!

    My goals for this challenge:

    1) Cook at least 3 real meals at home each week (didn't really achieve this last time).
    2) Lose 8 pounds.
    3) Plan a week's worth of food.

    Welcome Lauren, yummywater, Ashley and Cynthia!

    Amy - I'm always surprised at how much better you can feel after getting good sleep. I'm glad to hear things are better mood-wise and that you're getting back on track. I hope the foot isn't too serious.

    Kendal - I hope your interview went well.

    Kristina - You left me off the chart this week. :sad: Weigh-in on Friday was 240.6 lbs. Sorry to hear work is crazy but North Carolina sounds fun!

    Annette - Thank you. Sorry to hear you're under the weather, get better soon!

    Nava - I love the term "food babies." The wife likes the term "giving birth" so that totally fits. Braces suck, but you're going to the UK next week!!! I'm jealous, but only about the second half of that sentence. :tongue:

    Laura - Way to go throwing the pie out! I was eating a piece of german chocolate cake yesterday and wished I hadn't finished it. I had planned for it, but not the size I was served. Have fun in Canada!

    Kerry - I'm sorry to hear you had a bad week at work. Hopefully this week will be better.

    Lacey & Nava - I've never understood the general consensus of the hatred of raisins. I've always liked them except in oatmeal raisin cookies or in chocolate, but especially cookies. They read as chocolate chips when my glasses are off or I'm not paying attention. THAT is just wrong.

    Karen - Yay for the second vehicle, boo on the delay in the house.

    Cynthia - I feel for you after reading that daily schedule. While I was in grad school, I was working full time night shift and had required theatre rehearsals in the evening. I was a zombie and really don't remember much of how I survived, was averaging about 3 hrs of sleep a day. I KNOW I was not a very pleasant person to be around. After about 6 months, my mental and physical health became seriously effected and I had to quit my job and drop most of my classes. My advice, take care of yourself, first and foremost. Do not let yourself get into a cycle of chronic sleep deprivation, I don't care how much sleep you get on the weekends, your ability to function will be effected. Having to step back and say you can't handle that type of schedule does NOT make you weak and it's SO much easier to do it before your health and grades go to pot.

    Check-in for Monday... 2569 cal burned / 2335 cal consumed / 234 deficit - Exercise: 1hr 45min water aerobics

    I'm not sure about any of those numbers, I feel like the water aerobics calorie burn estimate is a bit low and I tried to overestimate the german chocolate cake I ate. Does anyone on here do water aerobics? I have questions!!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Welcome to all the new ladies!!!

    Cynthia - could you work part-time? Or cut school back if you financially must work full time? Walking is great exercise - does any part of the commute involve a 10 or 15 min wait that could be turned into a short walk while waiting for thd next bus or train?

    As for me - life.cont to be super busy. Cal burn 2696 Sun and 2489 Mon... No real exercise either day - just yard work. Rain called off my bike ride Mon :(

    My goals for the next 6 weeks - to survive this busy schedule, check-in several times a week, and cont with my biking and running. I looked at my cal burn the last 30 days and my ave has jumped to 2900+... I should set the goal of eating better by cooking more and eating out less but it's not realistic... Sighs...

    Karen - congrats on the house and car. Good-luck with the closing!!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Kristina - I'll weigh in the morning first thing, promise. My last weight was 207.8 I think? Definitely not 218. I will have to look back at the last posted weight chart.
    Lacey you're absolutely right... I had just looked at the line above you again... and I can't edit the post any more. I had your starting weight challenge for the last one as 208.6, and two weeks ago at 207.6