jkqe20 Member


  • This is whats happening to me. I was not eating up to my 1200 calories each day even stupidly priding my self on the fact that I was "under" the 1200 but in the end I was doing myself a big injustice. That and the fact that I drank like 2 coke zero's each day. Im thinking the low calories and the sodiom in diet soda has…
  • I totally understand, I was at 180 at 1 week post partum. My son was 2 in May and I remember being scared to death I'd stay up there in weight! The good news is, its very reversable. It just will take a commitment from you and the support of this website.
    in Hey I am new Comment by jkqe20 July 2011
  • I log whatever it is, good bad or ugly. I find looking back at my flow sheet you can see trends and when my TOM was.
  • I actually Do drink a ton of water (like 2 gallons a day) I always have and therefore I really dont seem to retain too much of it. Anyhow I can tell you for sure when I have consumed too much sodium in my diet, I always gain some.
  • Thank you guys! that really helps. One thing I didnt know was that you "gain on super hot days"??? lol its been in the triple digits here!
  • Thank you so very much for the compliments! You are the very first reply to my very first post! (lol) I really love this website and look often at peoples success stories to help me thru a tricky day! Thank you again for the encouragement and motivation to continue. Good luck to you also with your victories and goals!