

  • Umm, I am 5'1 and my hips are 39, waist 29..... you are not fat
  • This video could help you... the lady in the video had a slightly different problem then you but, i think you can apply what she says to your personal situation. Sorry if this is irrelevant to you or anything. Good job on losing weight! Good luck!!
  • This video may help with your chronic pain. The young lady in the video had chronic pain, depression, and an anxiety disorder. I hope this helps. I have links to other videos if you would like more. I hope you find time to watch this short video. I am sorry you have been…
  • You can buy fiber bars with chocolate in them :)
  • Try imagining yourself slimmer, maybe not your goal weight, just a little bit slimmer. You can probably picture that. Think of how you would act at the lower weight, or even your goal weight. What would you wear? What would you eat? Would you even talk to people differently? Would everything be the same? Once you lose that…
  • Sorry, it's your weight in ounces divided by 2. 120 lbs is 60 ounces......
  • I agree and disagree with this. When you drink plain water before eating anything else, it goes strait to your intestines. When you put anything other than water into your mouth, your mouth tells your brain, then your brain tells your stomach to get ready to digest something. So juice, for example would be considered food…
  • Water is the best! Try drinking it with lots of ice. Only, don't drink it right after you eat. Drink it about an hour after eating so it doesnt mix in with the food your body is trying to digest. If you do this then the your body can use the water faster and not have to filter it out. (don't put even lemon in the water or…
  • If you don't already, try drinking plain water before or after breakfast. Sometimes when you're thirsty, it feels like hunger.