

  • Well, too much of anything is bad for you.. Egg are high in cholesterol but good cholesterol.. I read somewhere the healthy range is 2 eggs per day ;d
    in Eggs? Comment by miio19 July 2011
  • Probably. your brain only functions properly when theres carbs/sugar. Our brains are picky they only take carbs/sugars as fuel. If your brain is not functioning properly, then your body wont be too since the brain requires to send out signals/hormones to the other parts of the body so that the whole body functions properly.
  • Have you tried porridge/congee?
  • Why don't you try building some muscles first before pursuing fat loss? Besides the more muscle you have the faster u lose fat as your metabolism increase. You can build some muscle by doing some strength exercise. I think if your incapable of doing some strength exercise, your eating too little. also to build those muscle…
  • hmm, as suggested green tea, as there are many flavours and some are aromatic. You can try eating vegetables since its low in calories even if you eat a lot. This may sound weird and all but how about ice? When I feel like munching on something late at night I eat some ice. hehe. No calories no matter how much you munch on!