

  • Thank you everyone for your replies :smile: Schula03- those are some awesome ideas! Thanks for suggesting them. I may start training to do a half marathon with my cousin. She really wants me to do one with her but I never thought I could lol. I think I can change that now :bigsmile: Turbomoma- You really helped a lot!…
  • I don't know if anyone answered your question yet but I'm pretty sure you don't need the wii fit board for EA Sports. I think it gives you the option not to use it when you set everything up
  • I really do enjoy EA active more than Wii Fit. I think it's a much better workout and I have seen results doing the 30 day challenge where as when I was using Wii Fit, I never really saw results. It's up to your preference though to. If you want a real workout, go with EA active. If you want to exercise and just have a bit…
  • Sounds fantastic! I'll have to try this one out for sure!