staying motivated

Hi everyone! :smile:

So like everyone else, I am trying to lose some weight. I was doing really well at first! However now I can't seem to get myself to do a real workout anymore :sad:

I used to use my wii and do a workout using EA Sports active and it was really helping. I lost about 10 pounds with that alone. I started to count my calories and track the food that I was eating just to be healthier and what not. For the past 2 weeks I can't be bothered to workout. I'll go for a walk but usually nothing more. I also feel like using the time I cook and clean is a cop out for exercise.

What can I do to get myself motivated again?????


  • Schula03
    Schula03 Posts: 171 Member
    Competition, start training for a race, join a group, join the gym, challenge with friends, get a trainer....Just a few Ideas!!!!!!
  • Melis25Fit
    Melis25Fit Posts: 811 Member
    Well, it's asking yourself whether or not you want to be really healthy and have a different life style or not?
    If you don't want to be bothered working out, maybe you haven't had your aha moment yet. It takes many things to make it work. I don't stay motivated. It's easy to loose motivation. This time I am DETERMINED! Determined to get healthy and stay on track. You just have to figure out what's most important to you.
  • JoyfullySimpleFit
    Honey, I am the same way. After 3-4 weeks in I start losing my motivation and determination. I do this because I do not lose as much as I think I should even though I know that other areas of my body are still changing and developing muscle or definition. I need to see that weight # decrease every time. So in stead of weighting in every week I move to every two weeks or three weeks.
    I also this time around picked out one person in my exercise routine to "beat." I am using Turbo Jam so I picked Jenelle...dunno why but she is my "Target." Every work out I want to just stomp all over her and do better then she does in the routine. I strive to have a body like hers one day too so that also helps keep me going.
    When I do not want to work out I remind myself that I do not have to if I dont want to but also that I do not have to have a nice slimer looking waistline and so on. Usually that motivates me to do my routine or at least to jog or walk and later I end up doing the routine.
    Remember you do not have to do it a certain time every day. You could go morning one day and night the next and back to morning or what ever the case may be.
    The KEY is to just keep going. If you do take the day off try to do a few sit ups or crunches or a jog. That way it will not feel like you totally blew it when it comes to do your exercise the next day.
    I use online pals to keep me going. I try to schedule exercise when someone can do it with me at the same time, then we log into a chat or FB or whatever and talk about our workout together for a few mins then return to our daily life.
    Just a few small but effective ways to help stay in tune with your goals. Good luck and I hope this has helped you in some way.
  • luv_spaz
    luv_spaz Posts: 5
    Thank you everyone for your replies :smile:

    Schula03- those are some awesome ideas! Thanks for suggesting them. I may start training to do a half marathon with my cousin. She really wants me to do one with her but I never thought I could lol. I think I can change that now :bigsmile:

    Turbomoma- You really helped a lot! Thank you so much for taking the time to type all of that out. I went on a long walk with my dog today instead of doing my normal routine. I think what bothers me is that its always kind of the same thing. I like to change things up and do things differently. I have to work on getting myself into the mind frame that there are so many different workout possibilities. If I don't want to do the standard lunges, running, squates and that kind of thing, I can go for a long walk or go swimming or stuff like that instead. Theres so much more I can do.

    Thank you all again :)