Wii Fit Plus or EA Active!? What do you think?

Well I tried the Wii Fit Plus today. I like it! I feel a little silly doing the cartoony ones but love the yoga! I think this is something I can do at least 3 or more times a week! How is the EA Active? Is it a little more grown up? I would love to hear about your favorites on the Wii Fit and any feedback about EA Active!


  • shellee9tj
    shellee9tj Posts: 221 Member
    Yes the EA active is a great one, def more grown up as well!!!
  • bjstrong
    bjstrong Posts: 11
    I have been trying to do the 30 day challenge on the Wii EA Active and after the first day I could hardly walk and certainly not squat. I will do it again today but had to take a break. The Wii Fit is FUN and the Active is hard work. Worth the cost. It doesn't compare with a 30 minute intense aeorobic workout but still I burned 142 cal in 30 minutes. Enjoyed it more!
  • mama22girlz
    mama22girlz Posts: 291
    I like the boxing on the wii Fit plus, Once you do it a couple times it allows you to do it longer. I haven't tried EA Active yet. I have heard Sports resort is lots of fun. I think you should rent some of the games and try them out, that is what I'm going to do :)
  • KaySaver
    KaySaver Posts: 92 Member
    I have been trying to do the 30 day challenge on the Wii EA Active and after the first day I could hardly walk and certainly not squat. I will do it again today but had to take a break. The Wii Fit is FUN and the Active is hard work. Worth the cost. It doesn't compare with a 30 minute intense aeorobic workout but still I burned 142 cal in 30 minutes. Enjoyed it more!

    Is the 30 day Wii challenge on the Wii EA game, or is it a challenge on this site? Sounds pretty cool. Although I only have Wii fit and I love it. I need to get back to doing it.
  • audiophile
    audiophile Posts: 70
    Wii Fit Plus takes the edge off of workouts. It makes them more fun! Personally I've never played EA Active, but from what I've heard it sounds like a lot of work. It really depends on what you're looking for. :D
  • luv_spaz
    luv_spaz Posts: 5
    I really do enjoy EA active more than Wii Fit. I think it's a much better workout and I have seen results doing the 30 day challenge where as when I was using Wii Fit, I never really saw results.

    It's up to your preference though to. If you want a real workout, go with EA active. If you want to exercise and just have a bit of fun, then I would go with Wii Fit Plus.
  • aawh
    aawh Posts: 96 Member
    I haven't tried EA Active, but on the Wii Fit Plus I like the free step. I do it for 30 minutes while I watch TV, and get in about 3000 steps. I also like where you make up your own routine using the strength training and yoga - more like exercise and less like kids games, which seem tedious to me and don't burn much calories.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I definitely recommend EA Sports Active. I have the original and More Workouts, and they've been a crucial part of the 18 pounds I've lost so far. The 30 Day Challenge on the original game was like having a personal trainer, since I wasn't really familiar with strength training and such. I think I lost 8 pounds during the 30 Day Challenge, then I started a second one but go bored and went for EA Sports Active More Workouts. They have a great 6 Week Challange that I'm about 2/3 of the way through right now. I do the 20 minute workout for that, and then one of the preset workouts that they have. The new version has a few ab exercises too. And you can use all the old equipment from the original with the new game.

    Anyway, I personally don't have the Wii Fit, but it's not really what I'm looking for in a workout game. I want to feel like I have a trainer with me, not just playing games. And with 18 pounds lost, I'm definitely sticking to what works. I also just started the Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred, and I use the elliptical twice a week. So, it's not just the game, but I'm happy with it overall.
  • Families_R_Forever
    I have neither but can someone tell me if the EA sports active requires the wii fit board? I want one or the other but really haven't been able to afford the wii fit. THANKS
  • Alleghany
    Alleghany Posts: 200
    I have the Wii Fit Plus and also the Wii Biggest Loser, but I've never tried the EA. I do yoga on both and let me tell you, the Biggest Loser yoga (or anything else) REALLY kicks my tail! If I want a really good workout, I do the Wii BL but if I'm having a more lazy day, I choose the Wii F+. Hope this helps! GL!
  • jdejre_k
    jdejre_k Posts: 54
    I have both. I personally like the EA Sports Active (and their upgraded EA Sports Active More) better, just because it has a more structured workout routine (although it does incorporate both "sports and games" and exercise routines together in a workout). You do, however, have the option of creating your own routines instead of following their recommended ones, so it is customizable as to your personal interests.

    Just to answer some other questions about the game from this thread, you do not need a Wii board to play EA Sports Active, the board just allows you to play more of the exercises and gives you more input if the exercise is being performed properly. The 30 day routine is a pre- designed workout plan that focuses on specific regions and workouts each session (don't worry... you don't work out every day, it does incorporate "rest days" into the 30 day schedule!). This is a great way to work different muscles and vary routines (you do not want to exclusively work the same muscles in the same way all the time, otherwise you will not effectively burn the calories that would ordinarily be expended to repair the muscles).

    I have always found the Wii Fit and Wii Fit Plus to be rather rude ("Oh! Danielle, I see that you haven't been on for 5 days. You must play everyday to see results..."). I have Wii Fit Plus, EA Sports Active, My Fitness Coach, the Biggest Loser and Jillian Michaels Ultimatum that I rotate through in the mornings to "wake me up." It is silly to think that I should be exclusive to that one game every day, or risk being chastised! Plus, it is really hard to take a talking Wii board seriously for an exercise routine!

    There are many great exercise games for the Wii. Look online and read reviews to see which is in line with your goals and abilities.

  • luv_spaz
    luv_spaz Posts: 5
    I have neither but can someone tell me if the EA sports active requires the wii fit board? I want one or the other but really haven't been able to afford the wii fit. THANKS

    I don't know if anyone answered your question yet but I'm pretty sure you don't need the wii fit board for EA Sports. I think it gives you the option not to use it when you set everything up
  • nicolina823
    nicolina823 Posts: 450 Member
    I have wii fit and I use EA Active. I love EA Active! The 30 Day Challenge is really good. I had to buy a dif. band though that one just wasnt cutting it. I seen a change in just a week. I'd like to get the upgrade to it as well.
  • 30togomoveit
    30togomoveit Posts: 116 Member
    To compare the two...EA Active is more of a workout. I use the Wii Fit (Plus) as a fun addition but I don't count it as a workout.
  • 30togomoveit
    30togomoveit Posts: 116 Member
    I also replaced the band that came w/ the EA Active. The one it came with was nothing as far as resistance to me.

    I use a exercise tubing thing w/ handles instead. I had an older tubing that snapped on me. I was hoping that it was b/c I had it for awhile. I got a new one so we will see how long the new tubing lasts.