

  • hello newbie~ i wish you all the support i can give. Losing weight is a struggle, but the people on MFP are great support. I will help out any way i can.:smile:
  • You go girl~!!!! I will support you all i can. this website keeps me honest. I have lost a lot of weight in the past, and now i am struggling with the last 25-30lbs. i will be 40 at the end of the year, and would like to feel "sexy' before that. Let me know what you need and i will do what i can.
  • i think you are right on. i know that calories burned from being on my treadmill. so you are doing well!!
  • do not eat that brownie. I love this site. It really hold me accountable as i have gained friends from this site. this way i feel like i have to prove to everyone else that i can do it. I also want to inspire others as i have been inspired. this is the end of my 2nd week and i am down 5lbs. Do be defeated. Keep in…
    in New User Comment by jnolen April 2010
  • good for you. I have been in that situation as well, and good to know that somwhere/sometime down the road it will catch up with us.