I would like to join!!! :)
I'm in! Name/Username Anna/ acarmickle1 Current Weight 182.4 Total pounds you want to lose 15 Goal weight for March 31 177.2 Goal Weight for April 30 172.4 Goal Weight for May 31 167.4 Something positive about yourself..... I am a very caring person and sometimes I care too much! :)
Great Job!!!!
I dont eat anything before I workout like an hour before and then i try not to drink alot before or durning. then after I have a light snack, like yogurt and drink lots of water! :)
15 down walking and 10 to go!!!
Most of thoes people had to start where you are and you will get there just stay postive and remember that you are doing it for you! you are doing it to be health, to feel great, to prove to yourself that this is what you want in your life! Keep going to the gym and ever week make goals to hit while your there, ie. if you…
You look great!!!!! You sould be very proud of yourself!!!!
I agree, but I have found a lot of recipesfor making them at home!!!! :)
I need to do more miles, which I plan on doing this weekend! 2 Miles walking and 14 to go!
I'm in!!!!
Now I have 8 miles down and now I have 17 miles to go!!! I will get there!
Yes, it is a DVD and you can get it on amazon for like $9-12 dollars!
So far I have 6 out of my 25 :)
So far I have done 2 miles out of 25 miles!!!
I" In for July! This is my first time so I'm going to set my goal at 25 miles! I'm ready to get back on track with working out! :)
What are they called?
What are they called?
How did you get over you sugar addiction?
Im still doing my 30 just haven't been to a computer til now! I'm still going only 13 days left! WE got this!
I'm still with it 8 days down!!!! 22 days left. I am going to finsh! The end result is the reward and a new me!
Got my Day 4 in early and now ready for the ork day to be over so I can enjoy my weekend!!!! :)
I'm hoping to get my DVD this week! :( I'm going to do a bootcamp dvd tonight to make up for it! :)
I would like to do this!!!! What all do I need?
I feel the same way a lot!