Work out NAUSEA. Food choice/timing?

Hey everyone!
So I work out regularly and I cannot find the right combination of food/ timing of my prework out meal.

The nausea is intense and sends me running to the bathroom and is really interupting my work outs to the point where I spend 20 of my 90 minutes sitting down, clenching my tummy.

Drinking too much water during the workout really worsens the nausea as well..


What do YOU eat before the gym? What works for you?


  • gabriellethin
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Have you tried training fasted?
  • eatcleanNtraindirty
    eatcleanNtraindirty Posts: 444 Member
    Elaborate on when and what you're eating before your workouts. I would say that since this happens so often, to not eat at least 90 minutes prior to working out.
  • photorific
    photorific Posts: 577 Member
    I generally can't have much before I work out for the same reason. I usually have 1/2 cup of coffee with milk, then eat breakfast after. Sometimes I'll have 1/2 protein bar and that seems to be fine as long as it's at least 20 minutes before.
  • RedHotRunner
    RedHotRunner Posts: 850 Member
    I don't. I work out on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. Anything else upsets my stomach.

    If you're working out in the afternoon, you shouldn't eat 2 hours or so prior to your workout. And if you're well hydrated in advance, you should only need small sips of water during your workout.
  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    i workout an hour after eating some sort of protein and carbs. usually between breakfast and lunch or lunch and dinner. i will have eggs in the morning (scrambled, boiled, fried... however you choose) and a slice of whole wheat toast and usually fruit. when i eat a balanced meal, i don't get sick during workouts. Drink plenty of water before hand. After I workout, I have a serving of protein also (nuts, bars, etc).
  • brendansmom1
    brendansmom1 Posts: 530 Member
    I have a problem with the nausea as well....especially if I am doing intense cardio. What I have found works the best for me is to have a protein shake about an hour and a half before my workout (maybe add a banana if it fits into my macros) But that is it. If I eat any closer to the time or eat any more, then I will either feel incredibly sick to my stomach or even throw up.

    I have also heard that eating eggs before your workout helps too....but, again, depending on when you eat it may be the culprit.

    Good Luck!
  • acarmickle1
    Hey everyone!
    So I work out regularly and I cannot find the right combination of food/ timing of my prework out meal.

    The nausea is intense and sends me running to the bathroom and is really interupting my work outs to the point where I spend 20 of my 90 minutes sitting down, clenching my tummy.

    Drinking too much water during the workout really worsens the nausea as well..


    What do YOU eat before the gym? What works for you?

    I dont eat anything before I workout like an hour before and then i try not to drink alot before or durning. then after I have a light snack, like yogurt and drink lots of water! :)
  • emartin17
    emartin17 Posts: 123 Member
    I usually eat at least two hours before (a minimum of 1 hr). If you are working out between meals, have a snack of almonds an hour before. This will ensure you to be nausea free. I have reactive hypoglycemia, too. I tend to have the feeling of being sick and light headed. This usually means you don't have enough fluid and sugar in your body to support what you are putting your body through. I hope this helps in some fashion.
  • zipperhead76
    zipperhead76 Posts: 60 Member
    Have you tried training fasted?

    This is pretty much what I do. I can't eat within 2 hours or so of going to Crossfit, or else I'll see all that food again...
  • trblmakr23
    trblmakr23 Posts: 44
    I have to work out on an empty stomache also or I get heartburn bad which then gets me to being very nauseous.
  • hellosara08
    hellosara08 Posts: 140 Member
    i personally can't eat before working out for at least a couple of hours or I'm a puker. but it's weird because I can't really eat after because i just lose my appetite completely for another couple of hours... hmmm, maybe try something really light an hour before?
  • alemiszki
    alemiszki Posts: 49
    This morning I had 2 scrambled egg whites with cucumbers and onions mixed in, half an apple, some grapes, and two slices of wheat toast with a small amount of PB. That was about an hour and a half before my workout. My trainer told me no milk products before hand.
  • socalsweetheart87
    socalsweetheart87 Posts: 38 Member
    have had a similar issue in the past... now i go to the gym in the morning before i eat anything and drink water only when i need it and only sips not gulps... than in my car is waiting a body choice quick start wild berry smoothie... its 180 calories with 20 grams of protein... this stopped me from being sick because i ate or being sick from not eating...hope you can find something that makes working out better for you...
    ATOLLIT Posts: 149
    I tend to workout in the afternoon, and don't generally eat anything between lunch (at around 1pm) and going to the gym at about 4 or 5. If I eat anything before working out it makes me feel like I am going to projectile vomit! So I agree with what someone already said, try working out having not eaten anything for at least a couple of hours
  • ssuksdorf
    ssuksdorf Posts: 8 Member
    I run in the morning--first thing, so it's before I eat or drink *anything*. For a while, I was getting really nauseated while running--even on an empty stomach--but I think it was just my body getting adjusted to working out. It's much better now, but I still can't drink anything right after my workouts. I have to wait about 30 minutes or else I get horrible cramps and end up on the toilet. Not fun.
  • juliebeannn
    juliebeannn Posts: 428 Member
    generally, no more than a banana, apple or a slice of bread w/ peanut butter. if i have a decent meal, i'll wait at least 1.5-2 hours before heading to the gym.
  • Going4Lean
    Going4Lean Posts: 1,077 Member
    i eat about 1.5-2 hrs before working out
  • dvisser1
    dvisser1 Posts: 788 Member
    I make sure I don't eat anything for about an hour before my workout, no matter if it's the gym or going for a run or bike ride. 1-2 hours before, I will have anything from a cup of yogurt to a granola / fiber bar or a candy bar (when I've got the calories to spare and need a sugar energy boost). I also aim to be well hydrated before my workout so I don't drink much water during. You should be able to easily sustain a 1 hour workout without any water intake if you start off properly hydrated. During 1.5-2 hour workouts I will drink 1-2 cups of water (8-16oz), and space that out. Don't chug water during your workout.

    My recommendations:
    - eat something small before your workout, but give it more time to digest and move out of your stomach before working out.
    - be well hydrated before your workout, so you're drinking less during your workout.
    - water you drink during your workout, make sure it's small sips and spaced out so you're not flooding your stomach with water.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    I used to have this problem and found that drinking Gatorade before a workout helps. I think it was a bit of dehydration.