jenlichfield Member


  • Well done! Really nice to see you photo's :0)
  • More protein. Definitely. Every meal and double the amount you're currently eating. It'll help you feel full for longer too. And I'm with the posters who said less sodium. Increase your weights at the gym, make sure you do them before any cardio. Lift heavy, get lots of rest and eat more.
  • Oh by the way - ditch the boring cardio and do more weights. That'll really get you results!
  • Yes it's entirely possible to change shape and not lose weight. Most people want to look different in their clothes, so really what the scales say don't matter too much. If you look slimmer and can fit into smaller clothes, I'm guessing that's the result you were looking for. That's not a problem - that's a fabulous result!
  • Imagine a really disgusting food that you don't like and picture yourself eating the two foods mashed together. It's pretty good at stoping a craving. If on the other hand, you want to give in to your craving, I'd go with the other posters and say have a little amount rather than going crazy. Good luck!