

  • sorry the past few weeks have been hectic my weight yesterday was 177.4!!
  • Weight for October 12 2012: 181.2. I think I stayed the same!
  • October 5ths weigh in was 181.2!! Finally lost some weight!! Thank you Jillian Michaels. :)
  • My weight for this week stayed the same...185! :( I started the 30 Day Shred this week so I thought I would lose some weight, but I am not! I don't know why I can't seem to lose any weight. I have been kind of eating bad but I thought with as much exercise as I have been doing I would lose some weight. Since I've seen on…
  • Weigh in week 2: 185 I went to the fair twice this week!! I couldn't resist the food!!! At least I stayed the same.
  • My weight today was 185!!!
  • Hey so I got in more than 60 minutes of exercise at the gym yesterday!! I planned on only being there for 30 minutes but a show that I loved came on and I stayed an watched the whole hour! So that is what my new plan is because I seem to work out harder if my mind is on something else. I am going to try and find shows that…
  • I am dealing with the same thing as you and I am getting ready to go to the extreme to get rid of them. I too thought losing weight would help mine, but it didn't in fact losing weight made them appear loose and now the skin where they are is very thin. I have stretch marks on my arms, back, stomach, hips, thighs, but, and…
  • Hi I want to do this challenge! My starting weight: 187 My Goal Weight: 157 (well around there) My non-scale goal would have to be to try and fit exercise into my hectic schedule.
  • @Zenaglzmo: It is made from Sucralose, which is artificial. So you should be good. It is only the ones that are made from sugar like they say on the commercials. But as some people mentioned on here depending on how much you use you could be getting some calories, but your body would burn that off cause your body used…
  • Yeah its like the spray butter. I heard the more sprays you use you are actually getting some calories. I do not know how many but that is what I have heard.
  • I think the reason why you lose weight when you eat the bad stuff ( well first I don't know how many calories you eat a day) but when a person eats lets say 1500 calories for more then 17 days your body gets used to it. So when you eat the bad stuff and run like a mad person you will lose weight. Thats why people say the…
  • I am March 7 so, I fell from the weeping willow tree. It fit me very well actually! Funny side note I had no idea about this and the weeping willow is my favorite tree! BUT that could be because of Pocahontas and Grandmother Willow. When I was little I would beg my parents to plant a weeping willow, but I never got one! :(
  • Hey Girl! Feel free to add me as a friend. I too have had this happen to me in the past. I just recently started back to losing weight again. I started in the middle of this past July. For many years I have battled with losing weight and then gaining half if not all back. It is very discouraging. Hope all goes well!