New Years Challenge



  • count me in :)
    i weigh in every friday this is my 2nd week in joinin this site and i am really enjoying it
    start weight at the minute is 196
    would like to get down 170 by end of dec x
  • ImprovingEla
    ImprovingEla Posts: 396 Member
    I plan to go to the gym to do cardio 3 times a week for 60 Min.
    I am into the mini challenge and try to make it 4 times this week!
  • chrissy198727
    chrissy198727 Posts: 75 Member
    So, my week is starting a little shaky, but I will bounce back...
  • Collidoscopekid
    Collidoscopekid Posts: 195 Member
    I's like to join this challenge!!!!
    SW: 267
    GW: 225
    NWG: Wear a size 18
    Thanks for doing this it gives me extra motivation and accountability! Do I log onto this thread each week to post my weight?

    Yes you do. Just come here each Friday and let me know your weight for the week!Also, feel free to stop by in between weigh ins and let everyone know how you are doing and feeling. This challenge is about accountability and support!
  • Collidoscopekid
    Collidoscopekid Posts: 195 Member
    So, my week is starting a little shaky, but I will bounce back...

    Of course you will!. Each day is a clean slate!
  • Collidoscopekid
    Collidoscopekid Posts: 195 Member
    I plan to go to the gym to do cardio 3 times a week for 60 Min.
    I am into the mini challenge and try to make it 4 times this week!

    That is an awesome goal! I am going to try and do the same!
  • Collidoscopekid
    Collidoscopekid Posts: 195 Member

    Here is the updated spreadsheet.Please check it out and let me know if it is correct and make sure I didn't miss anyone. Remember weigh in is on Friday!
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Man is my weight fluctuating this week. The 2 days of eating extra buttery popcorn in the evenings might have something to do with it.

    Very mad at myself, was down to 149 in Feb, then went back up to 152. Held on there till summer, then packed on 8 pounds over summer. Now time to lose them.

    Currently doing the 30 day shred mon - fri (except going to do it today, instead of tom). Once I am done this, in 4 weeks, I am going to alternate, 30 min on treadmill 3 days a week , then do 1 level of 30 day shred on the other days.

    Please make me stick with this plan. I tend to give up on the exercising easily
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    I would love to participate! My starting weight is 163 and goal weight is 155 (or lower!) for the challenge.

    NSV would be to actually run a 5k without stopping, walking, etc. I can run one on the treadmill but that is a world's difference from running one on the street.
  • Goldie2u2
    Goldie2u2 Posts: 40 Member
    I am very, very new--first time to boards and to post! This is so what I need though..I know its a few days late but can I still join? If so--my start weight is: 294 and my goal weight is: 260 for a loss of 34lb. Even if it is a lofty goal, I am at the point I need a CHALLENGE not a "pretend challenge" if you know what I mean...

    I have to do this now..I keep putting everyone and everything in front of it is ME time..and I WILL DO THIS!!
  • evoke45
    evoke45 Posts: 22 Member
    I know it's a little late, but I've never done a challenge and this sounds really fun! If it's not too late my starting weight is 153.5 and my GW is 140 :) Also, my outside goal is to become more flexible and run/walk more often :)

    Here is the updated spreadsheet.Please check it out and let me know if it is correct and make sure I didn't miss anyone. Remember weigh in is on Friday!

    Thank you for making my change! I appreciate it!
  • mammakisses
    mammakisses Posts: 604 Member
    I'm a lil late but like someone else said I like that It's a long term challenge, so I would love to join.

    My curent weight is 207.5
    Goal weight for christmas: 185

    Other goal: Being able to jog on the treadmill. Right now I do intervals of 1 1/2 min jog and 1 1/2 min speed walk.
  • Collidoscopekid
    Collidoscopekid Posts: 195 Member

    That is the spreadsheet up to this point. I hope I have everything entered correctly.

    Now let's get through this week! Weigh in is on Friday! Our mini challenge this week is to get an extra 60 minutes of exercise. Get it in anywhere you can!Ten minutes here and there! I have faith in every single one of you! We can do this. We can meet our goals, whatever they may be!

    Also, I have thirteen people who never weighed in or gave me a start weight. If you do not weigh in for three consecutive weeks I will be taking you off the spreadsheet.
  • Hi I want to do this challenge!

    My starting weight: 187
    My Goal Weight: 157 (well around there)

    My non-scale goal would have to be to try and fit exercise into my hectic schedule.
  • Count me in I am just starting over need all the help I can get to stay on track. My Starting weight is 271 and my goal by Christmas is 235 , I think its doable .
  • Collidoscopekid
    Collidoscopekid Posts: 195 Member
    Count me in I am just starting over need all the help I can get to stay on track.

    I would need a starting weight and goal weight to put you in the spreadsheet.
  • mommahix
    mommahix Posts: 189 Member
    Hey I would love to start this challenge!!! I had a ROUGH weekend and need to get some more motivation
    CW: 162
    GW: 145

    will get in extra exercise this week for sure!!!
  • HealthyGinny
    HealthyGinny Posts: 821 Member
    Hi people :)

    I'm new to challenges and stuff but I think it is an awesome idea and I really would like to join if it's still possible!

    SW as of today: 174
    GW for Xmas: 156

    Other goal: fit into this cute outfit I bought some years ago but just can't wear right now :/
  • araxiedyck
    araxiedyck Posts: 127 Member
    Would love to be part of this challenge!!!
    CW 138
    GW 128