New Years Challenge



  • cautwell
    cautwell Posts: 33 Member
    135!!! Down 2 pounds from SW of 137. NOW, I need to stop the cycle, this is where I get lax that I have lost and start eating more junk. I was more strict this past week and finally has paid off.
    Also Greek salad has become my friend!

    This exactly, once I lost a little I started to think... well, you can have more leniency... then BAM weight loss stalled and I freaked out! Got me back on track quick but recently i've been trying to take my losses with a grain of salt lol
  • Tank_Girl
    Tank_Girl Posts: 372 Member
    Todays weigh in is a bit of a shocker to me 169lbs
    I last weighed in 2wks ago at 182lbs

    So all in all ive lost 13lbs in 2wks
  • evoke45
    evoke45 Posts: 22 Member
    151... my number doesnt like to change :/ tomorrows another week!
  • soaps54
    soaps54 Posts: 564 Member
    CW: 160.4
  • Biodemon
    Biodemon Posts: 143 Member
    My weigh in for today: 173.2 WOO! A 2.4 lb loss. Twas a bit possibly because I was really sick from a cold. I actually ate a lot while I was sick and drank a lot of water than average. I figured if my body is fighting off this intrusive virus, whatever it was, I really needed to eat. I don't think I've ever binged so much in the past few months. Well, it worked I guess I could say. I was unable to work out on my abs since I was ill. I take getting better seriously and refrain from all exercise, no matter how much it may hurt my training. I'd rather take a few days off to get better than train and spend 2+ weeks sick or something (not to mention, I have a very strong immune system; was planning on achieving my goal of not getting sick this whole year and I almost achieved it!). Next week will be much better with better and more controt\lled eating.

    I'm still continuing my personal challenge (that I am doing with my hubby, whom was the person that encouraged it in the first place) of no sugar with the exception of one weekend day (sat or sun) to eat ONE sugary treat (he's doing it as well since he's losing weight also). It's helping a bunch I would say.

    Good day everyone! If you haven't lost or you gained, keep working on it. It WILL pay off. I plateaued 3 times in a row before I started this challenge and not giving up paid off. I'm close to reaching the 160's, which I have NEVER seen in my life before (and I'm only 20 xD ). KEEP AT IT! If I can do it, so CAN YOU!! We got this! <3
  • Biodemon
    Biodemon Posts: 143 Member

    The thread only rolls over after every 500 posts. And even then at the bottom of the page of the first thread it gives the link to the new thread. So I don't think its a big deal. We'll just stick with the threads.
    I think the problem is that many people probably got lost. I know I did and took me a while to realize this had moved on to a different thread.
  • Calderon46
    Calderon46 Posts: 116 Member
    Hi all,
    I didn't weigh in last week because I gained 3 lb and I felt totally depressed about it. So I weighed in at 208.3 :-(

    This week I am 205 lb. so back on track I think.

    My goal weight for 26th December 2012 is 201 lb
    I have a problem with bread normally so only limited myself to 5 slices for the whole week, as opposed to the 14-20 slices that i normally would have.
  • ImprovingEla
    ImprovingEla Posts: 396 Member
    201.9 lbs for this week! (-2.4)

    After I stopped eating canned food for most of the week, i had a lot less sodium intake.
    Guess I have to make that a habbit too!
  • sorry the past few weeks have been hectic my weight yesterday was 177.4!!
  • HealthyGinny
    HealthyGinny Posts: 821 Member
    Hey! :)

    Just wanted to say I'm going on vacation tomorrow morning (for 5 days or so) so I might be a bit late for my next weigh-in (I will try to give you my weight Friday evening or Sat morning). Also, it'll probably be a gain :/ But I'll get back on track super fast :))

    Also, congrats guys because I've seen a lot of losses this week, which is good since there were quite a few gains last week!

    Have a great week!

  • sboo
    sboo Posts: 170 Member
    I couldn't weigh in yesterday. But I am at 199lbs...
  • chaunasmith
    chaunasmith Posts: 26 Member
    193 lbs
  • Sorry I'm late! 212.8, so down 1.2 pounds. Slooooooow. :)
  • Collidoscopekid
    Collidoscopekid Posts: 195 Member

    Here is the spreadsheet for this week. Unfortunately my laptop broke this weekend and I am working on getting it fixed. Also, google documents is being a pain and won't let me access my account. So those of few of you who weighed in late I can't add you to the spreadsheet yet. I'm working on it! I promise to get it in there, I just can't at this exact moment.

    So many of you did amazingly this week. I am super proud of you. You guys are truly working hard and I hope your numbers are showing that!

    Our challenge this week is going to be to try a healthy food that you have never given a chance. For example, I always turned my nose up at spaghetti squash but I tried it last year and now I love it. I'm going to give spinach a shot this week!

    Super sorry for the delay.I hope to have my laptop fixed this week. Good luck to all!
  • araxiedyck
    araxiedyck Posts: 127 Member

    Here is the spreadsheet for this week. Unfortunately my laptop broke this weekend and I am working on getting it fixed. Also, google documents is being a pain and won't let me access my account. So those of few of you who weighed in late I can't add you to the spreadsheet yet. I'm working on it! I promise to get it in there, I just can't at this exact moment.

    So many of you did amazingly this week. I am super proud of you. You guys are truly working hard and I hope your numbers are showing that!

    Our challenge this week is going to be to try a healthy food that you have never given a chance. For example, I always turned my nose up at spaghetti squash but I tried it last year and now I love it. I'm going to give spinach a shot this week!

    Super sorry for the delay.I hope to have my laptop fixed this week. Good luck to all!

    I have trouble getting in veggies. I love ceasar salad but romaine is not so nutriciuos so I started using spinach instead and throw in some chicken and it's an easy supper
  • ImprovingEla
    ImprovingEla Posts: 396 Member
    i just bought some fresh figs, kinda excited how they taste as I only had them dried before and that seems not very healthy!
  • shadykatiekate
    shadykatiekate Posts: 41 Member
    185. Been slaking off big time, but heres to this week!
  • minisumo
    minisumo Posts: 301 Member
    148 again this week (sorry, late again)
  • Tank_Girl
    Tank_Girl Posts: 372 Member
    i just bought some fresh figs, kinda excited how they taste as I only had them dried before and that seems not very healthy!
    Fresh figs are divine
  • ImprovingEla
    ImprovingEla Posts: 396 Member
    i just bought some fresh figs, kinda excited how they taste as I only had them dried before and that seems not very healthy!
    Fresh figs are divine

    *lol Tell me about it, they are already gone! what a delicious breakfast!