
  • Swimming is just as good of an exercise as running, if not better. Also, there are other cardios that you can do until your body is able to support running - cycling, eliptical, martial arts, etc. People don't really get that running with big boobs is PAINFUL. If your doctor says not to do it, do NOT do it. It will end up…
  • This entire topic is ludicrous. It's like the women's movement never happened. *headdesk* Someone call me when this website moves out of the 1950's.
  • Women 'dominating' relationships? How about women becoming EQUALS to men instead of servants? How about women becoming just as strong as men and they're projecting that women and men will be competing against each other in the Olympics in about 50 years? If you don't like it, move to the Middle East. I'm sure the women…
  • I think you hit a good topic, but you're just a little off in your description of it and I don't think everyone is getting your meaning. The fact is that men are encouraged to go for the smaller sized woman these days. Look at all of the most powerful men in the world - their women are very, very small. The smaller your…
  •'re going to have to shell out some cash. I've got 40 D's and they HURT. They are too large for my frame, so yeah. I used a La Senza sports bra for a while, but they just wore out too quickly. Lululemon ta-ta tamers are the BEST!!!!! =D =D =D My boobs stay still and I have had the best workouts EVER without my…
  • Yeah...I'm calling 'troll' on this one. If you're serious, you don't really know anything about muscle, lol. There is no way you could have gained 10lbs in muscle in 2 months. No. Physical. Way. Also, I don't see the problem with muscly legs. Muscle is a good thing. If you don't like it, stop exercising. Simple.
  • The last time I went up to visit with my mother (and I mean, the LAST time...we don't speak anymore, but for other reasons), I got off the plane and the FIRST thing out of her mouth (she was drunk) was "Holy CRAP! You weren't kidding when you said you gained weight!" That was my breaking point, and my starting point. Yep.…
  • You need to pace it out and figure out your body's rhythm. For me, if I eat a large breakfast, my calories are reduced throughout the rest of the day. If I miss breakfast, then I have to make my lunch and dinner larger, plus add a larger snack in between. There's a much smaller window of time to get those calories in. I…
  • For me, it's two completely different workouts. On the treadmill, I do really high intensity intervals on a high incline. On the pavement, it's just an easy, long distance jog with my dog. Each one is for a different purpose - the treadmill is for weight loss and agility training, whereas the out of doors is for a…
  • Sure do! A women's multivitamine, and a B50 supplement by doctor's orders. (have to take it until I go through menopause)
  • By the time we get married on September 22nd (next month!), we'll have been dating for 7 years, 3 months, and two days, with a loooong engagement - he proposed on Boxing Day, 2010. We took things slow, and I'm happy for it. I'm now 24 and he's 28, and we just weren't ready. Now, we're both financially more stable, he has a…
  • Oh! And being able to pick and choose which friend's I want to see in my feed, and which ones I don't.
  • Nyaww! Sounds adorable. =)
  • I did. But it's almost full. So I figured I'd get a jump on a new thread, lol.
  • Talk to breeders, humane society behaviorists, and do your own research before going after a breed. Don't go by heresay - make sure that the breed will fit with your lifestyle. My mother in law went by heresay (OMG YOU NEED TO GET 'THIS' BREED IT IS LE AWESOME!) and ended up with a high energy breed. Wouldn't listen to me…
  • I HAVE FOUR!!!! =D =D =D My eldest is an 8 year old terripoo named Tugs. She is my old, grumpy b*tch. I was never a fan of terriers, but she came with my fiance, lol. I LOVE my big mutts, but she's (figuratively) grown on me in the past few years. She came to me with serious food aggression, people possessiveness (I…
  • I stopped running outside because people would yell cruel things like "sick" or "beast!" It's easy to say 'just ignore it' but you really can't. If running inside or being on an elliptical will keep you focused on your workout, do it until you're comfortable running outside. It's going to take some time, but it'll work. =)…
  • Hey! I'm CURRENTLY in the Canadian north! Totally understand the 'social problems' that you are referring to. Lol. :drinker: Cheers, mate! Glad you got yourself out of there!
  • I live in a dangerous area. Running outside isn't an option. My usual excuse to family and friends, though, is that the horseflies are large enough to eat a baby...hehe. Oh, and did I forget to mention that it gets between -25C and -50C where I am for eight months out of the year? That too. Then for four months, it's +30.…
  • Family Guy American Dad South Park Unfortunately, the Simpsons just don't do it for me. My hubs loves them, though. For actual TV series with a plot, I enjoy: The Tudors (I've seen it a BAJILLION times and I LOVE IT!!!!! Jonathan Rhys Meyers...OMGDROOL!) Supernatural Buffy the Vampire Slayer (better than Twilight)
  • Lol, good job boyfriend! That's what my fiance does for me if I'm cranky and on my period. An apple with cinnamon. He doesn't cut it up as nicely, but hey, he tries, lol.
  • Hokai, but onto the topic now... Here's what my friends and I do. On the FIRST day of your period when you really get hit hard with the cravings...give in! Don't go overboard, obviously, but use it as a cheat day. I eat crap on the first day of my period. Usually it's either McDonalds, dill pickle Doritos *drool*, or…
  • Yep. Also, your username is Derpina. Me Gusta.
  • Lol, I can't. But it's not for the lack of wanting to. Trust me. There's a baseball bat by my door for intruders, and I'm a great liar. =P However, my hubby is the cop in the town, have to 'play nice.' But that doesn't mean that I'm not waiting for an opportunity to snatch that dog right back up and take…