es0torok Member


  • I’m 59 and also need friends for accountability and support. I only have 10 more pounds to lose, but they are a stubborn 10.
  • I’m doing Ashley Conrad’s 21 Day Clutch Cut.
  • I'm confused. I got my results back this week. My Cholesterol is 274, Trig is 103, Direct HDL = 72; Direct LDL=154; LDL/HDL Ratio=2.1; non HDL Lipid = 202.0; and total Cholesterol / HDL ratio = 3.8. The number I am focusing on is the 274, right?
  • I just searched the Nestle web sight for a location near me that sells these... "Sorry, there are no stores near you..." :(
  • OH! One my thing that trumps and kills my sweet craving... The smell of cooking onion. Omgosh.. That is the best way to redirect a craving. As for the rich sauces, butter and cheese topping... A tablespoon of sour cream into the food while it is cooking can create a rich illusion without tons of calories.
  • Also, keep a gallon of Crystal Light lemonade or sugar free cool aid in the fridge.
  • If you decide to delete it, do it soon. After a short period of time, you can no longer even edit your forum posts. (been there!) You might just edit your original post to clearly point out that your bf has asked for help. Some people never read the rest of the thread before they respond.
  • You can not make someone stop sugar any more than you can stop an alcoholic. I am a sugar addict. If your bf _wants_ to stop, there are things you can do to make it easier. You didn't say if you live with him or not, so some suggestions may not apply. - keep your home inventory of sweets to a minimum. I keep a bag of…
  • I just want to point out that two women can be the same height and weight the same, but one may wear pants two sizes smaller than the other. What I am saying is if your body has great muscle tone, you WILL weigh more and still fit into a size 4. But someone similar in weight and height, without the muscle tone, may…
  • If she were my granny, I'd make her tacos or burittos. :)
  • Hopefully, by the time you reach your goal you will have developed some healthy eating habits and learned how to make smart choices. The goal is to completely change the way you used to think about food and eating and fitness to where you will not require the daily monitoring you do during the loss process. ... in my…
  • VitaTops! Warm the deep chocolate in your microwave for 40 seconds and it tastes like a warm brownie with chocolate chips! Onle 100 calories and quite nutritional.
  • I had my baby long long ago. I also now have a tight stomach, no hanging skin, and noticeable obliques. Stop telling yourselves you have to accept it. What you need to do is workout your lower abs in addition to the upper abs. Crunches and sit ups target upper abs. The muscles you stretched when carrying your baby were…
    in Baby Gut Comment by es0torok June 2011
  • I think you are looking for promises that no one can give you. Just bite the bullet, stay focused and go for it. The only thing you have to lose is weight. :-)
  • * [LIKE] *
  • I've had a difficult time understanding the meaning of that old saying too. Here is an easy way for people to understand. Analogy: 1 pound of coffee vs. 1 pound of Cheerios. The coffee will fit in a much smaller container/area than the Cheerios will. --- Real life weight example: You have 2 women. Both are identical height…
  • Sometimes mine is pretty loose. :tongue:
  • I don't think of them as vanity pounds. I think of them as my buffer zone. If I can get the last 5 or 10 pounds off, then I have that much jiggle room each month and it reduces my panic attacks.
  • My husband has gout. While I haven't experienced the pain myself, I have seen it in him. He is only a few (less than 20) pounds over weight. He has always been athletic and fit. Often riding his bicycle 20 miles then coming home and going for a 4 mile jog. He has none of the high risk factors for gout. He has been able to…
  • First, he's not being judgmental, he just being opinionated. Exercise that counts for each person may vary. If I ran 5 miles everyday, I probably would not log an evening stroll. But if I mow my large Texas yard in 100 degree heat and maintain a heart rate of 140-160 for one to two hours, I will record it.
  • I just bought a box at target today. $4 for the box of 4 deep chocolate muffin tops. i noticed online they also sell the mixes to let you make your own.
  • I saw an ad on TV the other day that mentioned one of the grocery stores. But I didn't catch which one. If you can find them in the grocer, you will save significantly on shipping.
  • I thought you were going to tell us about Vita-Tops! Microwave the deep chocolate for 40 seconds and it tastes like a warm brownie. 100 calories and nutritional. :love:
  • I have a desk job. I work out in the evenings after dinner. I would prefer to workout in the morning, but I'd have to wake up at 3:30a to achieve that. (and it ain't gonna happen). :-)
  • Mine is normally as basic as it can be. 1 Cup Cheerios (I *like* mine dry) and a banana.
  • One more thing. *some* of the ability to do push-ups, especially for women, is psychological. This goes for pull-ups as well. It takes time to understand how to use your muscles to perform the movement. Even after you begin a set, you can easily convince yourself, mid-stride, that you absolutely can't move. You become…
  • Stay on your knees until you can do the standard (toes) in good form. This means you should be able to go just as low on your toes as your knees and keep your back straight.
  • Changing it up is a great idea. Sit ups may get some of the ab muscles, but not the lower abs and you also have the obliques to tune (if you want that six pack packed).
  • You need to first enter the Strength Training under the Cardio section with the time. Then you can itemize/detail your workout in the Strength training section. I'm pretty sure that section is just fluff for your records. But it will help you remember what weight and reps you were using in your last workout. After you…
  • Maybe she was just trying to be helpful?